Last Warning Poland

>Poland’s right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) government, which began making changes to the judiciary after coming to power in late 2015, insists the new reforms are needed to combat corruption and overhaul the judicial system still haunted by the communist era.

>However, the Commission has warned Warsaw that the reforms pose a threat to the democratic principles and rule of law all countries signed up to when they joined the EU. Warsaw has already come under heavy fire from Brussels for a string of earlier judicial reforms.

>Article 7 of the Lisbon Treaty, which has never been used until now, is sometimes referred to as “the nuclear option”. It was designed to defend the EU’s core values such as democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law. If the EU notices a “serious and persistent breach” of these values it can activate Article 7 and suspend membership rights, such as voting in the EU Council or access to the single market.

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>has never been used until now
You gonna have to pop that cherry sometime or people won't believe it doesn't work as deterrence.



Federalists on suicide watch. EU should be just a trade union.

lol what a pathetic picture that doesn't make sence

>Take in more brown people or we impose sanctions
The EU was a mistake

If we don't unite our countries will be taken over by the Chinese

Should be done to greeks aswell

Remove them from eu for vetoing us

That veto is causing distabilitizarion to my country


don't worry, we already have a ((Pole)) as a prime minister, no one will harm us now

>kicking out old lapdogs of the previous commie rule is a serious threat to democracy
These people caused deaths of other people.


fuck off, Vardarian Serbs are cute.

Nothing wrong with this

I'm not that concerned since they are not Russian cucks.

It will suck for Poles though. So they themselves should be buttblasted for their shitty government.

this. the east and south must secede

PiS are basically Stalinist larping as Catholics though.

They should have titled this May BTFO

>they are not Russian cucks
those sanctions will force them to reconsider their relationship with Russia

This is about them threatening the independence of the judiciary branch, dumbo.

I though Americans cared abour constitutionalism?

Can't you guys change your name slightly (like, Macedonic Republic, or North Macedonia) or have the Greeks change their region's name a bit (to something like Greek Macedonia)? It seems like a silly thing to bicker about.

Well I agree. We don't need more proto-Russias around.

you're throwing around words you dont know the meaning of. Why?

Why can't Poland accept some refugees for one? Most Poles have probably left their country by now

Because Poles are niggers themselves why would they accept any more?

This so much

PiS is just our own version of neoconservatives. There is nothing based about them. They are cancerous as fuck in their own way. PiS opposes third world invasion simply to get votes. They have no qualms about letting in millions of Ukrainian immigrants anyway.

It's just Polish honor. You won't understand.

Why poles believe every PiSs lie

Only 55% of Poles believe. It's the same question why 20% of Germans support AfD. There are idiots in every country, just Poland has a bit more of them, since communism, bad education and shit.

We are already fyrom

From the real PiS drones maybe 30% belives this.

Belive me, both PiS and PO are fucking awful and PiS is winning only because there is no alternative. Like 0 real parties that would actually do something different.

You are southern Serbs.

>It was designed to defend the EU’s core values such as democracy, freedom
>EU’s core values
>democracy, freedom

Oh right.

Why is Greece so mean about this? There's gotta be something more than the name?

spotted the wh*Te subhuman

come at us, we will bash your fucking skulls in

stop shitting this thread

incoming butthurt

>((Mateusz Morawiecki))


I wonder who disn't a jew in the PiS higher up, so far it seems that it's all of them beasides the puppet Beata.

We actually kinda need a ((Pole)) right now as a prime minister. We need to focus on economy and appease the EU.

Meanwhile, on next week's episode of "France and Germany Destroy Europe, Again: Electric Boogaloo"

good, all eastern European and balkan countries should be kicked out of the EU

only BeNeLux, France, Italy, Germany, Austria, the Iberians and the Scandinavian countries should be allowed in

>and the Scandinavian countries should be allowed in
Please kick us out aswell

>appease the EU
By the Prophet (PBUHN) I'm proud of you, polebros. Soon you'll welcome my brothers and you will convert, insh Allah.

>law and justice
>right wing
gets me every time

>all eastern European and balkan countries should be kicked out of the EU
some common sense

>reconsider their relationship with Russia
we would need a government that is able to negotiate without emotions getting in the way

sadly, PiS isn't one, they are driven purely by their leader's personal vendetta against the old establishment and their supporters' hate towards ones considered Poland's all time enemies - Russia, Germany and liberals

and when I speak about 'old establishment' I don't mean commies, because PiS has as many if not more ex-commies than other of Poland's major parties and Kaczyński himself got his doctorate for his marxist works, he's literally s nationalistic catholic commie
Kaczyński and Macierewicz were sidelined by their old anti-communist opposition buddies and now they're getting their revenge and the bydlo is happy because they got social benefits and they can watch former elites (lawyers, doctors, scientists, economists) humiliated

He is a servant of the Lejb Fogelman. That jewish lawyer took part in emitting 70%(!) of all the obligations that public companies released during PiS rule.

All on Morawicki's order.

Funny stuff.

That's because they are retarded macedonians are just bulgarians speaking a slightly different version of bulgarian and their whole nationalism revolves around annexing the northern part of greece

In Jews we trust. If Poles can't manage their country, because we should give it to someone who can manage better.

they are southern Serbs

Yeah, like the Beck's honor that costed us lives three millions of ethnic Poles and another three millions of Polish Jewish citizens? Go ahead, die for your honor, suffer poverty for your honor but do it yourself. I don't give a fuck about your or Kaczyński's honor, I want peace, stability and euromonies. A couple of Arabs who will flee to Germany is a cheap price for the things we can achieve with EU. Fuck, it's not even like we didn't take muslim refugees before - remember Chechens? Somehow, they didn't start to shoot people on the streets demanding sharia law left and right. And where are they now? In Germany, Sweden, Norway.

>because they got social benefits
that maternity extra cash did have some impact, didn't it?
>lawyers, doctors, scientists, economists
that are probably more pro EU right?

100% Bugari

Nikad nisu bili Bugari, uvek su bili Srbi i moraju da to priznaju.

>I want peace, stability and euromonies.

so leave Poland, that's clearly not a country for you.

>and their whole nationalism revolves around annexing the northern part of greece
No, we're not Albanians. We even amended the constitution that we don't have any territorial pretensions towards any of our neighbors to ameliorate their fears that we were somehow going to take Greek Macedonia. Although I can see where they got the idea with all those maps waved by uneducated patriotic bydlo. We have enough trouble keeping what we have as it is let alone starting conflicts with someone who is many times stronger in military, economic and every other sphere. No one was ever serious about that it was always just part of the wewuzery.

They have never been serbs take a look at their surnames their names their language aside alphabet. 100% bg And i am not serb so i am talking from a neutral point of view. I understand you guys wanted macedonia with your side but u gotta admit it was a mistake

>France must realize that Poland has become an ambitious state that wants, once again, to play an important role in Europe and within NATO.
>One issue could bring the two countries closer together: the submarines that are planning to acquire Poland and whose French offer is in competition with those in Germany and Sweden.
>The Polish government hardly dares to say so, but the French-proposed integrated weapon system (submarines and guided missiles) would be the best way to help get Poland to the rank it aspires to.
based Polan

I'm not a Serb either, but Macedonia must be Serbian again, because they actually lived better under Serbian rule than now.


*breathes in*

Macedonia was the most underdeveloped region of jugoslavia so i dont know where you base your claims at

Dear Analbanian friend, please, don't try to talk about things you have no idea about.

This Polish poster is a qt girl. The Peoples Commissariat for Internal Affairs demands nudes.

>that maternity extra cash did have some impact, didn't it?
yes, even bigger than I thought, it became the major source of income for most of the degenerates living in my neighbourhood, all of the bimbos just stopped working and started to shit out armies of mini-bydlo while their former employers just took in some Ukrainians on their place
>lawyers, doctors, scientists, economists
yes, but that's not the whole story, even the conservative and eurosceptic parts of Polish elite got antagonized because outside of some really cynical individuals, most of the lawyers couldn't stand and just look at how PiS blatantly uses loopholes to break the constitution, most of the economists couldn't overlook their financial manipulations used to cover the fact that PiS's recless spending is fucking our budget up and most of the scientists couldn't ignore the fact they're destroying our environment beyond repair in some cases for short-term financial gain

>Macedonia was the most underdeveloped region of jugoslavia

And now it's even more underdeveloped than it used to be. Go to Skopje and ask any Macedonian older than 60, if he misses Yugoslavia. I'm pretty sure you'll get like 80% "yes".

doesn't mean I can't laugh at deluded servescum

Serbs actually gave Macedonians identity, culture, language, alphabet, religion and human rights. Not to mention, that Serbs rebuilt Skopje after the earthquake for their money. These Macedonians were so "poor", that in the early 90s, their Bulgarian "brothers" let them fuck their wives for a pair of Turkish jeans Macedonians could buy for cheap in their country.

I'm Bulgarian and I approve Macedonia becoming part of Serbia. You have my blessing.

by your logic they should have never been part of jugoslavia and just stick with bulgaria since bulgaria is doing better than serbia atm

I'm Polish, so I can be fairly objective. Yugoslavia was like a paradise for Macedonians.

>since bulgaria is doing better than serbia atm

lol good joke

Bulgaria is a shithole:,24.784068,3a,75y,93.2h,90.78t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s0oo9fY4nTbvW21WwRYz3qA!2e0!6s//!7i13312!8i6656

>speaks servian
>interested in the balkans
>posts servian propaganda 24.7
>85% of posts are butthurt regarding Bulgarians albanians macedonians etc
>>>im polish
yeah, and I'm a blonde hair blue eyed viking Aryan

Are you that Hungarian who want Vojvodina to be a part of Hungary?

It's the same shit nikka trust me but bg got better passport and less bureaucracy so there you have it

Yes that would be želimir.

>enver laughing at anyone


no i'm greek senpai and i dont want serbia to get any smaller ffs

Hungrary will veto.

for anyone lazy to open the link

Nah, I'm not rezak. Just don't really care about Macedonia at all, my life would literally be the same if Bulgaria has 1 western neighbor instead of 2.

>speaks servian

All Slavic languages are almost the same, if you're a speak of a Slavic language it takes like a week to get used to slightly distorted words and grammar and voila, you speak another Slavic language.

>interested in the balkans

Many people are.

>posts servian propaganda 24.7

It's just historical truth, I've read a lot about it.

>85% of posts are butthurt regarding Bulgarians albanians macedonians etc

They deserve it. And I don't post that much about Albanians, because they're fairly irrelevant and their existence in the Balkans is a mere mistake. Also their shqip shqip language is a complete mess so I can't even talk with them, while I can understand Bulgarian well enough to find out if they want to offend me or agree with me.

>im polish

I am. I've posted my passport with a timestamp like 10 times.

but you must care

Serbia is first world comparing to Bulgaria, Romania or Albania.

Why tho?

The problem is, there are plenty ex-commie judges that have many things to blame for and new judges are accepted by current one, mostly friends and family members, so commie mindset is still there.
I think the way pis want to solve it is stupid, not only for system but for party itself, because we don't know what next gov gonna make with such ability.

i am your kosovo

im unironically catholic by heritage, wanna be my e-girlfriend?

I don't think people actually care about Kosovo beyond the memes.

I kinda hoped PiS would actually improve political culture in poland when it took over after the previous corrupt establishment.

Unfortunately they proved their opponents right more often than not.
>public broadcaster gets even worse in terms of bias and dishonest political commentary
>prosecution and judiciary stripped of independence and rolled under direct political influence
>smolensk disaster milked for rhetorics
>foreign policy turned into russia-tier victim complex for domestic audience

I'm almost afraid to ask what result of such policy will be. Will the new banker-PM play "good cop" now? Will he be able to inspire confidence and fill the trenches with something else than more vitriol? And if/when he fails, who will Poles turn to next? Opposition does almost better job at denigrating itself than the primitive propaganda coming from state media...

No pyro no party

PiS is the uprising of the untermensch

Bigoted, rural, nationalist, reactionary scum with no class consciousness.

That's a lot of last warnings

Your honor compels you to steal my car stereo too?

A country where PiS(s) is your best party is not worth living in.

>If the EU notices a “serious and persistent breach” of these values
I like how they actively avoid specifying their accusations. They just throw random buzzwords around. Almost nobody in our country can clearly interpret our horribly written constitution (written by an actual commie few years back, by the way), and yet they act as if they knew anything about it.
>PiS are basically Stalinist larping as Catholics though.
You're absolutely right
t. posting from a gulag, AMA

Macedónia is being bombarded by equal shit slavs, it amazed how can a polish or serb think they are better then anyone else when all they did was opress smaller countrys.
In my eyes all slavs are equal in theyre misery, but i do have a soft spot for Croácia
You plebs repulse me

>Last Warning Poland