Why do SJW ruin everything?

Why do SJW ruin everything?

Specifically to piss you off of course

>I don't read comics and am angry about something revealed from 2 years ago!

Cyborg in the Justice League must burn your biscuits huh.

also there are two wally wests from different Earths, the classic redhead and the black one.

Well I'm actually surprised that they'd want a black man's super power to be turbo running. Isn't that... racist?

>He doesn't know the Flash always dies

What a unique and never before used joke, what else you got, chicken and watermelon? He should be called Robbin? come on user, show me the depths of your unfunny regurgitated meme material

Because they are untalented hacks. They cannot create anything that is original and good. So they just steal and subvert other people's works.

Is the Speed Force his supplier?

Uh I wasn't joking. Really doesn't this superpower just open up the company to criticism on the basis of using stereotypes?

That person holding up the sheet isn't really doing much

What the hell am I looking at here? No, no. No.. NO...NO...no...no..NO...nO..NO...NO, NOOOOO!

What am I looking at here?

TV flash is now new 52 flash.
Stop watching yet?

Just got done watching the finale and have no idea what flash 52 is, it was a good finale btw

No Sup Forumsmrade , our kind are not welcome here.

Exactly what you think you're looking at

all of the writers and artists are sissy cucked white manchildren with a disturbed idea of being a "good guy" who internally think very lowly of everything about themselves and get some sort of pleasure and sanctification out of drawing muscular sexually attractive black heroes

>all of the writers and artists are sissy cucked white manchildren with a disturbed idea of being a "good guy" who internally think very lowly of everything about themselves and get some sort of pleasure and sanctification out of drawing muscular sexually attractive black heroes

In the comics, when Flashpoint happened all the DC comics rebooted and the arc was called The New 52. They were all shit and everybody hated them.

New 52 Flash is Wally West, but he was blackwashed as well as his family in season 1.

> He's a black guy
> who runs fast

Johns really wasn't thinking that through, was he?

And of course now we have two fucking Wally Wests too. Black Wally was an awful idea for a black character.

Oh ok, that makes sense, I just enjoy the TV show and try not to put too much into it.

Wonder if they will reboot the multiverse after tonight, since what happened at the end

I don't think it will happen, but I'd be fine with it if that means they didn't waste actually good villains as one-off monsters of the week.

If cyborg in the lo doesn't irk you, you just started reading comics with nu52

Because they're people nobody wants to have sex with

Nobody gives a cold shit about Cyborg. If it wasn't for Teen Justice nobody outside of obscurest comic nerds would remember him.

Exactly why he shouldn't be in the jl.

JL shouldn't even be a movie. Anybody who reads DC knows that all the popularity is completely around the Batman EU. If WB was smart they would've just made Batman and Batman spinoffs.

Popularity in comics doesn't necessarily equate to popularity onscreen.

Meaning it's not necessarily indicative.

Meaning what motivates people there isn't the same here.

What's the problem here? Also last time I checked, this isn't Sup Forums

I'm still convinced that a Batman cinematic universe would have been more profitable and popular than this JL universe. It wouldn't have to try too hard.

nigger no one cares about comics anymore so they let their authors do whatever they want to desperately get someone to fucking buy them

It's been done.

Twice. It can still exist within the DCMU

Nobody likes Batfleck

TV Flash Barry Allen just got absorbed into the speed force. Now there is only Black Wally West Flash for next season.
TV Flash just new 52ed itself. Because SJWs can't admit when they are wrong.

You're so full of shit. Pay attention. This is what truth actually looks like.

Nobody like you, faggot.

Are people pretending Barry isn't coming back?

Cyborg displaced two long established League members to get that spot on the roster. It should count as a crime against the history of this country. Erasing what came before and replacing it with a false version