Sunny Jim Edition
Use this to make new threads:
WARNING: If you haven't watched until S3E04, spoilers abound.
>I want to get into Twin Peaks, in which order should I watch it?
Season 1 > Season 2 > Fire Walk With Me > The Missing Pieces (optional) > read Secret History of Twin Peaks (optional) > Season 3
>I have never watched Twin Peaks, can I start with Season 3?
>I have not watched Season 2, can I skip to Season 3?
>I have not watched Fire Walk with Me, can I skip to Season 3?
>I watched the new episodes without ever watching any of the old stuff and still enjoyed it. You mad?
>Has everything leaked?
Ep 1-2 were released normally on 21st, Ep 3-4 on the internet that same night.
Ep 3-4 will be re-aired on 28th. You can find torrents for 1-4 already.
>When does Episode 5 air?
June 4, same time as premiere
*By "No" we mean "You shouldn't if you actually want to enjoy the series and understand the motifs/story"
>The Secret History of Twin Peaks (MOBI)
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Other urls found in this thread:
1st for what kind of retard jumps straight to S3 of a show
fuck off not even enough posts in the other thread
Since people asking can you put this in the OP next time...
Boner time
I want to see more Dougie
You guys have been talking about it and thus I checked it out. I don't like 80s television, I want to be able to watch something in HD. Plus the story isn't even that hard to follow, yeah I know about the "lodge" and the Indian spirits, its not all that secretive.
Fuck off we're not anywhere near bump limit
Kek you sound like a fucking idiot. 1st of TP was in the 90s. Secondly watching a show cause ppl are "talking about it" is the most pleb thing in the world. Third they are all in HD on Netflix and Showtime.
Now get out.
You are now aware that this much of plebs browse Sup Forums. Low qual bait, not even an 80s show
Be honest, how many of you popped one when Naomi started messing with his belt?
Its a bunch of cross boarders who don't even know Sup Forumss bump limit
Is sonny jim the spawn of bob?
I just added it to the pastebin, but it will be up to these chucklefucks to get their act together and make a proper new OP when we actually hit bump limit in the last thread.
But now i have pic related
This is the official thread. all other threads are fake
so I just started s3 without seeing any other twin peaks
1) why are there three kyle machlachlans
2) who is laura palmer and who killed her
3) what is the black lodge?
This is the doppelganger of the original thread.
You're not going to get answers here
Move to the actual thread that hasn't reached bump limit
Coop got taken over by his evil doppleganger 25 years ago because he had fear when he faced the waiting room of the afterlife. After 25 years they were supposed to switch back, but his doppelganger made another body for Cooper to inhabit so theycgiuld both exist
Laura was a beloved teen from twin peaks who was murdered by her father when under the possession of BOB, a spirit in the waiting room of the afterlife
I love this "I haven't watched the old show but what's going on" meme.
Really not stale at all.
The black lodge a native American belief, the waiting room in the afterlife (red curtains.) In it you meet your doppleganger it tests your fear. If you lose the fight you can't go on to the white lodhe, and if you live they control your body
Well if sunny jim is really dougie's kid, then yeah, he could technically be bob's seed. But thats only IF bob really did dougie jones
you're a faggot for starting a new thread and not using my OC image of the twin peaks sheriff bronco taken today
>James got brain damage from his motorcycle
No one cares that you read Mark Frosts fanfiction book.
Post for next time
Hey guys, I haven't seen any of the earlier twin peaks stuff but I thought I'd jump right in at the 42 minute mark of episode 4.
Who are these two old dudes in the car and where are they going?
They are going to the Black Lodge, the indian spirit dimension.
They're going to your place to kill you as we speak
Get ready
wtf lol this show makes no sense
So since Dougie is an artificial being manufactured by Doppelganger Coop, and he is Sonny Jim's dad, then what is Sonny Jim? At best he's only 50% human.
burst out laughing seeing him
It doesn't get any bluer than this
haha i know right just relax and have some damn fine coffee and enjoy the ride!! xD
yes yes bravo lynch
Is he? The kid seems black. More like "his wife's son".
The arm, the old lady, the Giant, and other members of the lodge: Why are they helping Coop? They feed on pain and suffering.
MIKE had a change of heart after raping and murdering BOB and wants Cooper to stop BOB. Laura Palmer had her life ruined by the lodge, so that makes sense why she's helping Cooper. But why do the Giant, the arm, and all other lodge residents decide to help Dale Cooper so much? Don't they want to feed on fear and pain? The arm and MIKE still seem to want it.
Lynch has ruined Twin Peaks.
I do not understand how he is able to get money to ruin things.
Come on is there anybody out there thinking this third season is any good?
** Unfortunately:** Fans destroy any way to talking sense into them about this. It's hard to argue with fans, they can't see straight. The new TP is awful, but you know, it's a David Lynch thing, so it's cool.
The rating is on my side as ** Quentin Tarantino! **
So who is this? A trouble making demon from the Black Lodge just shopping for some garmonbozia soup?
read adorno's aesthetic theory
>He thinks Twin Peaks is an 80's TV show
>He thinks it's not available in HD
You alright there James? Looking pretty blue
If BOB is possessing the principal, maybe this guy wants to be near so he can feast on some closeby pain and suffering.
they've only been seen in the what's referred to as the 'waiting room' of the lodge. they could be in there for reasons similar to coop and not actually be evil spirits
... guys make this show sound reallllly retarded
>looking pretty cool
Serious question. Was James always cool?
call for help
t. Shelly
>Shelly literally never interacts with him in the entire series and should barely be aware of him at all
stop. this is now a cool james thread
Kinda sad that Evil Coop murdered Major Briggs so he could find out his information about aliens and shit
The fact that they are even helping him at all is a grand assumption when you account for the fact that basically everything they've said to Coop ultimately led to him feeling tormented and getting trapped in the lodge in the first place. Coop was also basically in a stasis before being let out and now is going to suffer more, ultimately, as he will have to come to terms with the fact that someone that is essentially him has been being a huge nerd all over the place. MIKE wants BOB, that's all that seems certain.
>hacking google maps with GPS on
Did Shelly leave Bobby for James?
she might've crushed on him from a distance in high school and gotten to know him post-accident
he's a bookhouse boy and bobby's a deputy (so probably also a bookhouse boy now) so if shelly's still with him stands to reason bobby would be friends with james, and therefore possibly with shelly
>Why are they helping Coop?
BOB is running wild and they want him back.
never interacting with James is why she always thought he was cool
obviously anyone who knew James would realise he was lame as SHIT but Shelley just knew of him as the biker kid who was in love with Laura Palmer, the sweetheart of the entire town
maybe the fire had nothing to do with bob
she could have had more interactions with him after his uncle brought him back to Twin Peaks after his accident, as was stated in the TP expanded universe
>Lynch making fun of unrealistic "hacking" in shows
They're all sick of Bob's shit.
Tremond seems to have reformed too, she specifically asks for no creamed corn in her meals on wheels.
>It looks dumb on purpose
Typical Lynch fan boy
>(so probably also a bookhouse boy now)
Andy never was.
>stands to reason bobby would be friends with james
I don't want this
>makes an "okay" gesture with one hand while thrusting her pointer finger through it with her tongue sticking out
What does it mean?
>windows 10 laptop screen starts flashing and seemingly has a mind of it's own without waiting for human commands
Holy trinity of talentless hacks
1. Herzog
2. Lynch
3. Bertolucci
3. Malick
andy's a fucking moron and should not be allowed near that kind of information. i'm sure he's partially not a bookhouse boy by his own choice, truman trusted him enough.
they might just have mutual respect for each other. i would like them being casual friendly acquaintances after all the shit bobby did to james in s1.
Why does bobby have white hair? shouldn't he be around 34ish?
lynch is tarkovsky level metaphysics
Someone posted a screen shot of the dudes form Vegas and a black creature looking fella, said something about that creature being the one shown in the cell earlier. I missed it, what episode was this in?
In the original show, Andy was a joke character but he got at least one moment of being a badass. Will he get another moment, or is it all cell phones and autism son from here on out?
>"This is Dougie's Coffee"
>Cooper spits it out
That would make him 9 years old during the original series.
>25 years later
his girlfriends were pedos
Lynch is projecting
is there a deeper meaning behind the kafka poster?
He was 17/18 in the original series. 25 years later he would be 42/43
>tfw asked to play a 34 year old 25 years after you were 34 years old playing as a teenager
fucking a
>tfw brainlet
Let's rock
Bump answer my question you worthless faggots
Why does typing in your legitimate FBI credentials and looking up information on federal penitentiaries on their website constitute hacking?
Also, that shit is clearly meant to look CSI bad. The computer has static. Whether or not it works as a sort of ironic pastiche is another story.
Laura really was a huge cunt to Bobby. He didn't deserve any of it.
sorry i dont take orders from a brainlet
Season 2 episode 12
Any other games inspired by Twin Peaks? All I can think is this and Alan Wake
lynch doesn't give a diddly doo about csi, he probably doesn't even know what that is