This finale pushed the show towards season 4 arrow levels. discuss
The Flash S3E23
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wait for it...
I'd speedster all over her thighs, if you catch my drift.
imagine she climbed on your face on those leather pants and madde you to smell her pusy
let me guess flash wins?
Was it as retarded as the Supergirl or Supernatural finales?
I stopped watching after the season 2 finale because it got so bad then.
What happened this season and is that Jessie Quick?
i love you pusypal
Yeah that really looks like the body of someone who can run at mach 5
That you have a problem with premature ejaculation? Yea, I caught that.
the plastic belt thing brings down the costume a lot
Everyone knew it would be HR that paid attention, they wrapped it up at the end nicely, the only stupid part was trusting evil BA again when he threw the stone in.
Not sure what to expect next season desu, stuck in another multiverse or something. Him being gone won't last long.
what would her farts smell like?
pretty shitty episode, why didnt barry fucking take HR to the hospital?
He got stabbed all the way thru the chest not a whole lot can be done at that point.
Thats your main issue?
no but i dont feel like pointing out everything i hated in the episode, i will say killer frost was looking hot
>Barry creates and then undoes Flashpoint.
>Wally becomes Kid Flash.
>Jesse becomes Jesse Quick.
>Cisco becomes Vibe.
>Caitlin becomes Killer Frost.
>Earth-19's Harrison Wells, wisecracking con man H.R. Wells, joins the team.
>Savitar, a powerful speedster who had been trapped in the Speed Force, escapes due to the Flashpoint and becomes determined to get revenge on Barry for trapping him.
>Barry finds out Savitar will kill Iris in the future and becomes determined to stop him.
>Savitar turns out to be a time clone of Barry from the future who has been driven insane.
>H.R. sacrifices himself and dies in Iris' place.
>Barry, Wally and Jay Garrick defeat Savitar.
>Caitlin leaves the team to find herself.
>The Speed Force becomes unstable due to Savitar's death and Barry takes his place in the Speed Force prison, leaving Wally to become the Flash and protect Central City.
>ywn have danielle put an icicle in your ass in her kf makeup
why even live
fucking fraud fuck off
We Evanjellyoon now.
that costume is padded to all fuck because she's atypical DC fridge
reeee the torrents suck balls
Flash was never good. The writing was always terrible and inconsistent. I honestly feel bad for the people that watch this earnestly and think it's quality tv.
what does season 4 arrow level mean? I'm on season 1 of Arrow right now, its enjoyable.
>>The Speed Force becomes unstable due to Savitar's death and Barry takes his place in the Speed Force prison, leaving Wally to become the Flash and protect Central City.
no it became unstable because Jay wasn't trapped in it
Not even sure why they needed Jay, he really didn't do anything. Cisco kinda did that on his own, and trapped barry in the process. Savitar was going to fade away either way if they could have just waited
Black Flash went down like a bitch. I expected more of him.
Here's hoping next season is better. It's very obvious Barry will come back so I don't know why they even bother with this kind of ending.
Season 1 and 2 are good, season 3 is meh, season 4 is absolute dogshit and season 5 has been good again.
>that hair
Jesus Christ. Fuck television.
The episode was decent, a better finale than S2, but the writing staff needs to reinvent themselves and stop using complete bullshit logic to piss away explanations of the season twist.
>to find herself
fucking women...
Wally's costume looks so frumpy compared to Barry's
I thought barry go speed force prison like the hell but he didn,t.
I don't hate barry but he need real punish.not rest in peace.
does anyone have a version without shitty freezing frams
i am watching this thread for that very reason. I'm only finding this obnoxious glitched version.
I should just get fucking cable. fuck me.
yeah I'm pretty pissed. Every episode this season I've been able to get a great version as soon as I came home from class. Of course this would happen on the final
not for shit like this show.
>Barry, Wally and Jay Garrick defeat Savitar.
Didn't they do some super gay thing where Barry's dad was Jay Garrick of Earth 2?
Why couldn't they just put Savitar back in the Speedforce prison?
I expected Savitar to become a future good Barry and put himself into Speedforce Prison before the paradox catches up
not really, barry is just skinnier so clothes fit better
So......... where's the torrent? The SVA torrent is shit.
How does it feel wearing a full leather outfit?
Only those two are available. The normal one has some issues during the first minutes but after that it's fine. The 720p repack should not having any errors since it's a repack.
eh, just going to wait for the PSArips torrent desu
I wonder if this ***GROUNDBREAKING*** change to the show will be resolved in one fucking episode like Flashpoint, fucking hack writers
Asuka is a 13 year old girl. She would look like this.
would be nice if half of the pants weren't stretch-knit
Nah, fuck this show I quit. It could've been so good if they actually killed Iris. Next season will just be a rehash of season 1 with the inexperienced speedster. They brought back Harry Wells because hes the one fans liked the most.
>Savitar the big bad speedster, stopped by a bullet
Why didn't they just have the paradox shit kill him in that moment
Earth 3
>The Flash
Why don't they take turns in Speedforce prison. Like you have 4 speedsters you can take turns 6 hours a day. Problem solved.
>Arrow will have the better season finale
where did everything go so wrong?
>I should just get fucking cable.
Nigga as long as you don't live in the middle of nowhere you can just get networks free with an antenna
they do that because he played the flash in the series from the 90's
Will we ever see Caitlin tits ?
Iris is black waifu-tier too
>jay stayed for the funeral of a guy he doesn't know
>jesse couldn't be arsed
Why is she on an earth that isn't hers anyway? Why does she hate her dad so much?
This show is on a free channel you could grab with an antenna
Tfw no more HR