Americans are financially irresponsi-

>Americans are financially irresponsi-

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>capitalism is ba-

I mean, you don't really need an ambulance unless you literally will not survive to the hospital

Uber here gets to you in 5 mins while an ambulance takes 15 lmao

I think he is implying that people are using Uber because it's cheaper than the ambulance fare you get

>people have to rely on random uber drivers with absolutely no medical training in an emergency because an ambulance trip could ruin them financially
what a nightmare world the americans live in.

Uber gets paid, ambulance can't figure it out.

Yeah but ambulances can bypass red lights

>Previous research, Moskatel said, “suggests that a fair number of people are using ambulances to get to the hospital because they simply don’t have another way to get there’’ — particularly those who live in areas with limited taxi service.

I'm sure Uber also prevent you from bleeding to death on the way to the hospital haha

>Yeah but ambulances can bypass red lights

So does Uber if you get a black driver.

Most people that take the ambulance are usually old people that need to go take some kind of medication in the hospital and don't have a relative that can take them there, I doubt anyone would call Uber to take them to ER

>black driver crash his car
>police arrive on the scene and shoot everyone

Ambulances in the US are basically taxis for obese niggers

No, but it does incentivize you to fix the problem yourself. If you don't plug the gunshot wound(s) as soon as possible, you will bleed out onto the passenger seat, thereby encouraging the driver to give you a 1-star review.

>eyy brah where u headed
>i'm having a heart attack pls take me to the hos-
>hos? you want hos brah? I know a great place to get you hooked up man they'll suck your dick for 2 dollars

Literally same here except it's obese natives







This one is better.

>you are facing a

Americans don't have a mobile urgency group for life threatening cases that is faster than an ambulance?

So... who was in the wrong in here?

From her voice I very much doubt she's a young white female

Daily reminder this is why the free market always win.

Libertarianism never fucking fails when you let the free market do it's thing


There's one Uber every few klicks while hospitals are far away dummy

Both were idiots

I will take an ambulance. You can keep your turbo jew shit.

Ambulance rides are atleast $300 bucks. If you don't need the services inside the ambulance but can't drive yourself to the emergency room it actually makes sense. I cut my hand open pretty badly when I was younger getting a glass off a shelf, as an adult I can totally see that happening while I'm alone. The bleeding was under control but there was noway I would have been able to drive myself in that condition.

doesn't this just prove that a huge % of the hospital cases are basically frauds


>People are going to the emergency room for nor reason and racking up bills to some how prove healthcare isn't needed?

The only people that would do that would be paid conservative shills for lobbying firms


Land of the Free©®™

Hospitals btfo'd



Nothing strange about that. Ambulances can take 30-40 minutes to arrive, universal healthcare or not, whether you're in USA or Europe. If you can arrange yourself transportation and you're not injured bad enough that you shouldn't be moving, it's best to take the car. Not to mention that most people calling an emergency ambulance turn out to not be in a state of emergency but are just panicking and/or overreacting.

t. healthcare worker

what did he mean by this?

Yeah but I can tell she's a fat black women from the voice and attitude

I dislocated my shoulder. Should I have called an ambulance? Or just get a ride to the hospital?

Same with appendicitis. Why the fuck would you need EMTs to pick you up?

>pay the driver to take you to place X
>he takes you to place Y
>ask him where you are and if he will take you to where paid him to take you
>the guy screams as loudly as he can into your face
That's what you get when you let any knuckle dragging troglodyte be an uber driver.

Only in major cities

If you're injured so badly you can't get yourself to a hospital by yourself then it's by definition an emergency and you're well within your right to call an ambulance. You don't have the knowledge or experience to determine if having your arm be dislocated is causing you permanent nerve damage for example.

Not that it matters since you're paying out of your ass for said ambulance because you live in a third world shithole.

he took her to place X dumbass

>BE EMT(Ambulance driver for you euros)
>People call for the stupidest shit
>Black lady literally called 911 so she can have us move her from her couch to the kitchen I shit you not
>Come here
>People complaining about having to call 911 for broken arms
Trust me, taking someone in with a broken arm is miles better than some old lady with back pain or some fat fuck who can't reach his remote.

nah. She's got a Spanish accent and foreigner mannerism / aloofness. Black girls are often more assertive than that and stress particular words more, and probably would scream back at him.

Free market wins again, socialists BTFO

What about toxic chemical dumping in local water supplies?

they'll just call UberEats to bring them fresh bottled water obviously
you dumb communist

Makes sense honestly. If you aren't actively bleeding out or need life support and just need a ride to the hospital since you don't trust yourself to drive (aka feeling extremely faint etc) Uber is WAY cheaper like $20-40 VS. $2000.

He took her to where she paid him to and she was wasting his time by refusing to leave the car, fuck that bitch. Are Finns just a race of white knights or something?

The worst thing is the state mandating that you have to be transferred by ambulance to go to a psychiatric hospital.

Nigga, I'm suicidal. The EMT can't help me with that.

>$2000 for an ambulance in 56%istan

If you have insurance your out of pocket cost is like $200-400 instead. Either way Uber is WAY cheaper.

And honestly Uber is likely cheaper in Australia too...but you don't know how much the ambulance really costs you since it comes out of your taxes or whatever.

Covered under Medicare so like $70 p.a. for me

For you =/= the real cost. Someone is still paying for that ambulance.

Ambulances aren't covered by Medicare. You need to either but ambulance cover, or have it included in your private health cover. Otherwise, you will be on the receiving end of a >$1000 bill

My bad, didn't quite read your post properly. I assume the $70/y you mentioned is the ambulance cover cost.

Carry on

Yes, the hospital that owns it pays the far less than $70 it costs to operate.

Holy shit """health"""care btfo
Why don't we just build McDonalds instead of hospitals

Hospitals don't own ambulances here. Ambulances are run by a separate organization, which drives patients to the nearest public hospital with an emergency department. If someone has no ambulance cover, the ride is about $1000 out of pocket. If your private health insurance covers ambulance, or if you have the $70/year ambulance cover, you pay nothing. So you still only get it if you actually pay.

For hospital to hospital transfers, the hospital sending the patient pays. Usually if a patient is well enough I just send them by private car to save everyone the cost and effort.

If you have either of those, drive yourself or ask family/friends you khv, ambulances aren't intended for people with not immediately threatening ailments, so your point is already moot

This is about picking uber to save cash when you're bleeding out your eyeballs

You don't need an ambulance for either of those. A shoulder is always fine by private car, and appendicitis would be fine in 95% of cases (the only exceptions being old people for whom a gentle breeze could tip them over the edge, or very far gone appendicitis to the point where it's ruptured and you're becoming septic).

Basically ambulances are useful if you physically cannot get yourself to hospital otherwise, or if you're extremely unwell/deteriorating, and might need treatment on the way. A heart attack for instance, I would recommend an ambulance, since they usually start treatment on the way and they'll be able to intervene if you start crashing

>use uber
>use american ambulance
>US$300 (tip's not included)

>get sick and need to be taken to the hospital
>forget to pay your McAmbulance™ subscription
>call UberAmbulance™ to take you there
Good bless capitalism.