Who are you more envious of, him or her?
Who are you more envious of, him or her?
God damn how am I supposed to compete with that?
definitely her
We can't. There's a reason more and more of our women are choosing black men, and it's not because of their wealth, it's because of that long thick penis that reaches deeper in them than any of us could. There's a reason the white race is going extinct and you're looking at it. All we can do now is sit back and let it happen.
Literally no one has sex like that
wish I was the girl
Of the cameraman, as any real cuckolding.
Are you upset that Sup Forums is our sister board, anti Sup Forums hilldog?
Wtf I like being a cuck now
>wearing shoes indoors
burgers, everyone
t. whiteboi
There is LITERALLY a psyop targeted directly at Sup Forums for whites to think lowly of themselves and think that all women are on nigger dick.
It really is a Mossad or CIA operation.
ya fruitcake
No it's just the cunny spammer mad that his cunny threads don't get replies anymore
She probably has gnarly ass feet.
What's his endgame?
Who /TeamBlackGuys/ here?
>spot of poo
That's embarrassing. I'd rather be him.
There is none
It's (You)vote addiction
>let's spend any amount of money and resources to make asocial shutins with no prospects to speak of feel bad about themselves!
Not even the most wasteful use of government money, 2bh.
I'm fairly sure Mossad is the one in charge of the interracial porn. CIA is too busy keeping the epic bane meme alive.
it's actually an indian "cunny poster" living in vancouver canada
whites think lowly of themselves regardless, see /r9k/
don't mind me anons, just bumping this thread
The jew rubbing it's hands together off screen.
Sup Forums should be retitled to /bbc/
board tourist here does this board even have mods?
Sange you just broke one of the rules set by rapeape and hiro