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Colbert is more than enough, we don't need grandpa Stewart anymore.

Literally fucking who?

Don't care. The only two animated shows I'm looking forward to are Mike Judge's thing for Cinemax, and Louis CK and Albert Brooks' new FX show.

Get your Youtuber bullshit out of here.


Must feel shitty that all the people you mentored are significantly more successful than your self. KEK.

>hire friends as writers
>millions spent
All according to plan.

Netflix when?

Goddamn, Jewish people really do become caricatures as they age.

Indeed, one could say not to call this a comeback.

>Mike Judge's thing for Cinemax
Wait, hold the fuck up, what?


just more (((holywood))) accounting at work desu


ohhh noooo

that sucks

It's a show about weird country music star stories

Sounds good, is he even involved with Silicon Valley anymore? i swear i haven't heared from him since before the show started.

I was looking for that image. Jon Leibowitz probably planned this.

I saw it coming. There's no need for Jon Stewart in a world of mainstream Trump bashing 24/7.

>oy vey such a bummer guess we will have to write this off on our tax return goy


How high was John when they convinced him animation was the way to go??

>be one of the most celebrated hosts of the last half century
>literally create a new genre of television
>have one project not come to fruition
I'm sure Stewart feels shitty as fuck dude

Jon Leibowitz.

ever see windy city heat?
Judge is involved in a new Perry project.
He plays a judge.

Those digits just made me cum friend, thank you.


fake news isnt a new genre in television. he's just really shitty at hiding it.


Unexpected and undeserved kek.

Comedy news was only available in Weekend Update and Craig Kilborne's shitty proto-Daily, Stewart solidified it into a viable genre.

And fuck Maher.

daily show is just the libtard stoner rush limbaugh show.

how so? that seems like an entirely unfounded comparison to me and i'd like you to justify it

So he's gonna focus on tanking country music stars just like he did with Winger?

they are both shit political garbage with a jackass host being a smartass?

>shit political garbage
Can you define this? Daily Show was clearly trying to mock shit political garbage, whereas Limbaugh generates it.

I think Colbert getting the late show had to sting at least a little


Why? Stewart hired Colbert,recognized his talent, gave him lots of airtime on his show because of said recognition, and then got to see him succeed wildly. That would make 99.9999% of humans extremely proud and happy.

This is the most forced thread I've ever read on Sup Forums

>oy vey my flash animation show about DRUMZF got cancelled

Colbert was there before Stewart you mongoloid

I didn't bother looking up the sequence of events from over a decade ago. It doesn't really change my point does it? Stewart championed the kid and is largely responsible for his success.