Fox News Falls Into 3rd Place in Primetime Ratings for the First Time in 17 Years

What went wrong? Fox used to be the king of cable news. Did all of their viewers die? Was O'Rapey really the only thing keeping them afloat?

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the minority party always gets more popular with a new regime


Yeah they needed Bill

>Sean Hannity Antifa now

Everybody is getting sick of Trump.

Murdoch's kid is revamping the network, turning it into another CNN. It's finished.
>Still have the Tuck, though.

Especially when that regime is led by a vindictive 70 year old child who carries a box that could blow up the whole world at all times.

Did Hannity BTFO himself more or less than Maddow with "Trump's Taxes" ?

What's in the box?

The Simpsons started to suck.

>What went wrong?
They said for years that MSM is fake news while being the biggest network for MSM news. Then Trump came along and agreed and had breitbart saying the same thing. And then fox news thought it could say anything bad about Trump. Now the people they've spent the last decade that fake news was a major problem are skeptical of them because above everything else they believe Trump.

Since when does Fox News say bad things about Trump?

the codes!!!

They've said very minor negative things about Trump. Remember Megyn Kelly?

I can handle Rush, and Tucker, I actually like Beck and I even listen to Savage and Levin every now and then.

But I sincerely hope Sean Hannity gets cancer. Like, real, genuine spend five years in agony shitting in a bedpan cancer.

Fuck that dude.

Tucker is a fucking faggot lmao

>Liberal Fascism

Hahaha WHAT?!

Fox News last week fell into third place during primetime in the coveted advertising demographic of 25-54 year-old viewers, the first time it had done so in 17 years, as rival network MSNBC surged into first place.

Isn't fox news notorious for having a majority of their viewership being senior citizens? I bet that if you take into account all figures they're still number 1.

They haven't said shit since he won the nomination.

Since then, they've been sucking Trump's balls so hard they make CNN look centrist.

Tucker is an insufferable cunt

The average age of a Fox News viewer is 68.

Nobody is interested in your opinion, you little numale shit.

This. Only Republicans -- or Rethuglicans, as I like to call them -- can be fascist or show any form of such intolerance and bigotry.

Fascim can be right or left wing. The only definition of fascism that states otherwise is google's definition

Fox is just too fair and balanced.

People want their hugboxes like CNN while Fox just tells it like it is, straight down the middle.

He's right though

He wears a bow tie for christ's sake

Go to bed Kurt

>What went wrong?


How many years ago?

>Giving lip service to bogus Seth Rich conspiracy theories
>Straight down the middle

I mean I'm not even trying to meme or nothing but Liberalism generally means liberty and Fascism generally means authoritarianism.
Obviously these definitions aren't concrete but those two words are pretty much as opposite of each other as you can get.


fired all of their talent, now they only have Hannity and Tucker to carry the network and they are trying to push them out as well so they can join the democrat/globalist propaganda cabal.


>fbi confiscates his laptop even though its not related to the case

yeah nah youre a cunt

good luck, kid

What an ugly, little shit. I'm glad his dad is dead.

>Be democrat
>Hate corporations
>Get all of their """news and information""" from the biggest mega corporations in the world

makes you think

Sounds like a typical internet tough guy faggot.

Being classically liberal is seen as being right wing by "liberals" these days, nothing makes sense

fucking doucher

The political mainstream in the US heavily shifted towards Democrats and left leaning news outlets as a result.

You can see this in it's purest manifestation with Colbert. As long as he lays into Trump and other low-hanging fruit, he has enough credibility and popularity with the masses to push whatever agenda the higher ups at CBS see fit. Case in point, having former Director of the CIA or FBI (can't recall which exactly) to tell the public they aren't being spied on and everything is ok, during the Vault7 releases by Wikileaks.

>the paid shills are on Sup Forums too

I don't use Sup Forums, I barely watch any news, but it's fucking obvious the DNC murdered that guy

>classically liberal

go to bed Sargon

I hope the left get their communism so that they will be worked to death in the gulags or starved to death.

They all think that they will be commisars.

Broadcast television is dying anyway. You can pretty much give Fox News the title for King of Cable News even if their ratings falter. They were #1 the majority of the time.

Yeah he looks like he'd go down in one punch. Pampered bowtie cunt.

>I don't use Sup Forums

>are on Sup Forums too

this, everyone's been cutting their cord the past few years. The only ones left still paying for cable are older tech illiterate folks who don't know there's alternatives nowadays

are you trying to make a point?

>What went wrong?

People got tired of them peddling fake news. I don't mean "fake news" in the ironic sense that Donald Trump means when he tries to discredit news organizations that publish anything remotely negative about him. I mean literally fake, made up stories.

I mean both ends of the spectrum basically has people fucked in the ass. That argument makes no sense.
What, I imagine you think yourself as some kind of boss or CEO? Don't be such a fucking retard, please.

But they've been doing thatbfrom the very beginning. Why are people sick of it now?

>getting tucked this hard

A lot of things happened all at once.

1. O'Reilly having to quit/fired whatever. You can't lose the #1 guy for 20 years and not run into problems.

2. Cancelling Red Eye. My mom watched this all the time, and it got solid ratings. Why dump a hit show.

3. Trumps insane Russia week.

In a few months Fox will be #1 again.


>a conservative press watchdog

Surely an unbiased study.

>Is it positive? No.
>then it's negative

Because they can't pretend to be the 'little guy' anymore. CNN is counterculture now

I'm not even really that conservative but I like Rush. Hannity is the biggest faggot ever. Even if he is saying something reasonable he is such an annoying faggot that I have to turn the station.

Why did Alan have to be the one who died?

>fox news is dead
>trump is getting impeached
>all the republicans are getting voted out come election time

Was this Sup Forums's plan all along? Were they actually the good guys?

Uh, yeah. Let's go with that.

Actually it's because they fired Bill O'Reilly, who was a big part of the ratings.

Fox built the brand being anti Democrat. Now the Republicans control all the branches they don't know what to do.

Yeah, it's this. Fox is run by Democrats. They killed Roger Ailes to keep him from competing.

>2. Cancelling Red Eye. My mom watched this all the time, and it got solid ratings. Why dump a hit show.

Greg Gutfield Show is basically Red Eye 2.0

Ok how about harvard then

Or is that too conservative for you too?

>Greg Gutfield Show is basically Red Eye 2.0

But they both got ratings. There's 9 million cop shows on TV that are all the same, but if they bring in the $ they bring in the $.

>Sup Forums are now offended by everything
>liberals are now accusing everyone of being shills and screaming "IT'S HAPPENING" every week with nothing actually happening.

>you either die a hero
>or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain

this is the most interesting timeline
prove me wrong

Hannity backed down like a little bitch


>trump is getting impeached
I'll ignore the rest just to laugh at this

yeah and Poochie went back to his home planet

They lost their sense of purpose in the Trump era. During the Obama years, it was clear what you came to Fox for. They were the news for the entire right wing any anyone else who might be discontent with the current administration. Now, I'm not really sure who they're trying to serve. Since Republicans control the government right now, there's no real pressing need for unifying, right wing, outrage which drove people to Fox every evening. Additionally, the various factions of the right have migrated to a number of other news outlets which cater more specifically their worldview. The nationalist right is on Breitbart, the young right is on Sup Forums, Reddit, Youtube, the paranoid right is on Infowars etc. That really just leaves old school, mom and dad Boomer type Republicans for Fox, which isn't enough for them compete in the ratings with all of the hot, new liberal shows which have been reinvigorated by what they perceive as a clearly defined enemy for the next 4-8 years.

It isn't possible to measure the viewers Fox has lost in online competitors like Infowars. Left-leaning TV networks enjoy favorably disproportionate viewership because of demographic reasons. The disabled, the indigent, minorities and the elderly all watch TV and share the losing side of the digital divide. Millions of people are simply unable to use the internet to gather news and information.

They are no longer the voice of "le old resistance". The right is content. And conversely left wing shitboxes are surging.

I actually get it now, people just want to sit there, watch negative things about politicians they don't like, whine, and pray for an impeachment for 4-8 years.

What are they going to do when she leaves the network to be press secretary?

>who is James Murdoch

There's no way she's dumb enough to tie herself to the sinking ship that is the Trump Administration

>The disabled, the indigent, minorities and the elderly all watch TV
You forgot women. Women in general love tv.



>Republican voices accounted for 80 percent of what newsmakers said about the Trump presidency, compared to only 6 percent for Democrats and 3 percent for those involved in anti-Trump protests.

So Republicans were trashing Trump? Or it's once again anything that isn't 100% positive is negative?

The answer is the latter.

ironically literally every women geared show gets shit ratings because they are fickle as fuck lmao

It's only for the kd. They still get #1-#2 every night. Tucker and Maddow are typically very close.

Women do love TV but I think they're watching less and less. The appeal of smart phones has, at least partially, forced women to get some of their news from the internet.

>Tone is judged from the perspective of the actor. Negative stories include stories where the actor is criticized directly. An example is a headline story where Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer criticized Trump when the Labor Department’s April economic report showed that fewer jobs were created than had been predicted. Schumer was quoted as saying, in part: “Eleven weeks into his administration, we have seen nothing from President Trump on infrastructure, on trade, or on any other serious job-creating initiative.”[8] Negative stories also consist of stories where an event, trend, or development reflects unfavorably on the actor. Examples are the stories that appeared under the headlines “President Trump’s approval rating hits a new low”[9] and “GOP withdraws embattled health care bill, handing major setback to Trump, Ryan.”[10]

Politics aside, am I the only one who thinks Sean Hannity has the most punchable face on the planet?

Like, he could have never said anything about politics in his life and spent his days feeding orphans and helping old people and his face would still be a fist magnet.

I think it's the smirk.

How about this face?

I personally feel Don Lemon is much more puncable, but I can understand Hannity too.


Gwyneth's head.

The majority of it's viewers are senior citizens and it was also the top among 25-54 year olds. A lot of the time Fox gets more viewers than every other news network combined.

The political party of liberalism does not = liberty nowadays. You should have realized this a while ago

>Wanting to punch Tucker
You can fuck right off, bud.

Did you ever think you would wake up to headlines of "President Trump"? President Trump gives press conference. President Trump goes to Saudi Arabia. Five years ago I was watching him on The Apprentice and fifteen years ago I knew him as the guy from New York who was in real estate. It's so fucking absurd yet at the same time it feels like this always the only possible outcome.

Fox refused to cover the Trump Russia story so people turned to other networks to get their news. SNL is back on top making fun of Trump. MSNBC is #1 for covering Russiagate. Fox will either have to start covering real news on Trump or become irrelevant.

? Literally only hannity and tucker are pro-trump on there, everyone else is anti-trump

>Source: Media Tenor, January 20-April 29, 2017. Excludes statements of news anchors and reporters. “Other” category includes, for example, experts, pundits, group spokespersons, and citizens

That's referring to the actual sound bites, Chief. Learn how to fucking process information.

Turn on shepard smith sometime