
>most embarrassing thing your country has ever done

We once lost a war to a bunch of rice-farmers, then whined about it non-stop for the next 42 years.

Other urls found in this thread:

1881: Gave 1 million Km2 to Argentina

Shutting down Dekabrist rebellion in 1825, it all went downstairs from there.

The United States almost nuked itself once.


So... i can only pick one thing?

If only you knew how bad things really are

>Until my death I will never forget hearing my sergeant say, "Lieutenant, we found the arm/safe switch." And I said, "Great." He said, "Not great. It's on arm."
Imagine being called to disarm a fucking thermonuclear bomb

Fucked up the political system and let russian scum annex us for two centuries
let clinically a insane redneck run for presidency and build a dictatorship for 20 years.


also lost to rice-farmers and then let lots of them into out country as a token of appreciation


>fucking x, if not for them!
Literally bydlo tier.

>joined NATO and the EU

Letting india's indians in.

yuck massive regret

>Gave 1 million Km2 to the jews

Letting swedes and russians fuck us in the ass for centuries



Literally this

>fought a war against north Vietnamese
>north Vietnamese won
>wut loss?

god it must be so easy to be an americlap sometimes.

>historical finnish boipussy

Go on...

Didn't fight Germans when we had the chance


Getting rid of the white Australia policy was a fucking mistake. We lost to some cunts and all of a sudden everyone invaded our fucking country.

Literally these.

we didn't have a strong united country & strong king when the ottomans came. it literally changed our destiny from being a strong european kingdom to being irrelevant cuckbois of different empires/superpowers

not becoming a state of australia

>tfw literally could have been a part of the great southern empire

genociding the natives was pretty messed

You're the one to talk. Our dynasty got done in 1306 and since then we only had foreign kings (with a brief exception in the 15th century).

Reformation and letting lib milennials on larping

Hello Bruce. Are you enjoying Queenstown?

letting south not getting their freedom is your country's biggest mistake ever

Would do it Agian for in a heartbeat

Their biggest mistake was the revolution.

Aussies are literally identical to us culturally, linguistically and ethnically, there is no reason we shouldn't be united Chang

>We once lost a war to a bunch of rice-farmers, then whined about it non-stop for the next 42 years.
Good post.

Okay by that time's standard, though you should have more special treatment for the native that is still alive right now.

Residential schools, which functioned as concentration camps for native children.

Gave Timor Timur to poortugal, because muh feelings

There was literally nothing wrong with residential schools. The bad shit the people who ran them did was regrettable but the purpose of the schools was just

I guess it would be kind of convenient to not have to fuck around with any safety gear. If it goes off, you're fucked either way

really want to start this?

>lose a war
>brag about it as a victory forever

either two things in different scenarios:

>letting the eternal yank settle into our legitimate texan clay


not selling/gifting texas immediately while signing a border agreement with america to conserve most of our northern clay

What's the fuss about? Blame the bombing on communists, tighten security and win the next presidential elections as well.


Preserving independence would be considered a victory in that historical context by most, but as you wish:D

Boy. I can literally make a fucking wheel of fortune filled with stuff and it would still have to be updated every single month.

Gave French Canada to the brits in exchange for keeping some shitty ass islands full of sugar cane and negroes and then sold Louisiana, about 1/3 of the current U.S.A. territory, for peanuts to finance an invasion of England that never came.
Late XVIIIth early XIXth century was miserable for France.

getting into unions with denmark and sweden

We once voted a reality television star president. Under-educated blue collar hicks were somehow duped into think that he cared about poor people, although he was a billionaire who inherited daddy's money.


you guys used to be great.

we let panama get independence
(thanks usa)

bourgeoisie chimpouts tend to ruin countries.

We won a war only to find ourselves exactly where we are 300 years ago, only our next generation has no decency and morals.



residential schools, majority of our Catholic priest were fucking pedophiles.

No actually the worst thing ever to happen to Vietnam in the first place is that the fucking Trinh and Nguyen lords started killing each other, leading to the country to ruin, eventually having to be cucked to the french (of all people, the french, an embarrassment of a superpower in the 19th century).

you're pretty rude

bruh, franco-prussian war 1870.

Yes, they tend to be.

>we wuz veteranz and shiit xD we fucked Rossya up so bad! XD fear the finns!!! lol xD

We also lost a war to rice farmers

absolutely nothing wrong with indians, I'd take them over wogs any day of the week
t. mong
the white australia policy would have harmed Australia overall
the country's still white as fuck

it's not all it's cracked up to be
t. Western Australian