
Late morning Early afternoon Edition.

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Just finished my Christmas shopping lads
Slyvia Park was fucking packed

Lazy Sunday.
What did you get?
>Slyvia Park was fucking packed
I wouldn't be able to handle that.

My brother is getting stuff for his new BBQ (lighter etc) and some wacky Japanese food/drink from Japanmart.
I bought my mom a necklace because I don't fucking know and my dad a nice fishing lure to catch kingies this summer.

I also bought the mcnugget hunger buster but felt really sick aftewards because I was really full even though I hadn't eaten breakfast.
It's funny because 5 months ago I would still be hungry after eating one of those.

hello lados

Hello lads.

I really really like this image

how are you guys today?

God I don't what to get my old man.
Ah well I'll find something.
>I bought my mom a necklace because I don't fucking know
I never know what to get woman, I just go for smellys or incense or shit like that.
>It's funny because 5 months ago I would still be hungry after eating one of those.
Well thats good, you're no longer a gobble guts, well done.
Hey buddy.
I'm doing fine, I just woke up.

Hey m80.

gday cobber

40+ in the eastern suburbs next week kms
pommies btfo in perth

anyone recommend a good Christmas beverage?

>anyone recommend a good Christmas beverage?

eggnog or cider


Some good drinking music

Hi, any other Aucklanders in here? Some nice dude the other night said there were around 3

why do you ask?

Well... Considering that there >1million people in Auckland, it's highly likely.

Only an hour and a half to go

That sounds like hell, I get super uncomfortable in crowded places

I'm bad at thinking of conversation starters, noice Astolfo btw

I am very proud of my extensive Astolfo collection.

eh it wasn't that bad
Maybe it's because I'm used to large crowds

I'm not from Auckland Proper, just its surrounding client state towns

povo cunt

I don't have that many, just a 15-20 I saved before I deleted my anime folder

Where are you from mate?

Is your area quite well off?
I looked it up, the house prices there are fucking ridiculous.

Remuera but currently in Orakei

My parents house is actually on one of the most expensive roads in the country, except it's a fairly modest house on the poor end, if I walk like 300m you get a really good view of Rangitoto island and the harbor and all the houses are mansions with tennis courts.

Haha richboy

fuck off

tfw no bf

Wow richboy, I live like 45 mins north of that in a socce rmum neighborhood

ohhh la de da

remind me to never talk about myself ever again

is this a boy or a girl?

Gonna hit me with a wad of money rich boy

Just a bit of teasing buddy.
A boy..?

I'd go with boy

its a girl desu

holy hell your perception is fugged

hey, we like you

>holy hell your perception is fugged
You can never tell these days.
The boys look like girls, the girls look like girls.
It's hard to keep up.

Yah I guess the last two are girly, but you gotta admit it's pretty androgynous

I just got 500 dollars as a gift from my papa. What should I do with it?


Drugs and hookers.

Invest in cryptocurrency?


give it to me




invest in (you)'s

Mum is starting to piss me off lads.

B-but Switzerland...

not switzerland
but sorry okay


I miss when Dunedin was nice to me

please forgive me

I don't


Hmmmm, you did threaten to burn my favourite girl(male)...

>tfw doing last minute Christmas shopping at the QVB and Town Hall Westfield today
I'm gonna hate it, the QVB is always teeming with tourists, it's gonna be even worse, wish me luck


Good luck.
Stay safe.

it was just a j..joke, i swear

just dont kill anyone


That's a possibility
What do I get in return?
Safest investment choice t b h


my love

me on the left

no, me on the left, you're on the right


anyone play chess against me? I am retard

my phone overheated and now i put it outside to cool donw and now my window is open and its cold inside

fuck physics

Ok I will

Okay user, I accept your apology, have this SK gif as a token of appreciation


Ah, Sakura Trick, prepare your dick

think I'm going to get a doggo


t..thanks user
me left you right

I joined

Dick primed and ready

W-wow, that's cute user. You right, me left

i might get diabetes


S-sorry user, no one deserves diabetes

i..its okay.
i..i have a thick skin d..desu


Last gif user, so you don't catch diabeetus. Y-you on the left.

is japan unironically the closest country to a utopia in the world right now

t..thanks user,
i..i didnt know how much longer i could have endured this

Is Japan comfy? Yes
Is it Utopia? Not a chance
I'd like to see you work 80 hour weeks for shit all pay only to kill yourself out of sleep deprivation or be abandoned by society if you move even slightly out of the social norm.
Norway is objectively the closest to Utopia.

It's okay desu, cute pic by the way

>I'd like to see you work 80 hour weeks for shit all pay only to kill yourself out of sleep deprivation or be abandoned by society if you move even slightly out of the social norm.
so just like the west then

no. just.. no.
did you read what problems they have with the refugees there? and the current state of the EU in general.
you can smoke any country as utopia in europe.
the only utopian country i could think of are something along the lines of ...
a fuck it. true utopia would be a lonely island with people i like on it.

l..love you too user

If you think the west is bad in this regard you truly know nothing about Japan.

weeb shit

Norway isn't part of the EU and they take in barely any refugees anyway.
Even if you did have a retarded Sup Forums tier view of Europe, they are still based.

Yay! I'm done with work for today, and on top of that I was given a $20 note as a "Christmas bonus" because the café's closing for the next week and a half (although I still get paid for my regular Saturday and Sunday shifts)

How's everyone else's Sunday going?

m8 do you work


read the headline at the top my fren