Otherwordly Whooshing Edition
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WARNING: If you haven't watched until S3E04, spoilers abound.
>I want to get into Twin Peaks, in which order should I watch it?
Season 1 > Season 2 > Fire Walk With Me > The Missing Pieces > read Secret History of Twin Peaks (optional) > Season 3
>I have never watched Twin Peaks, can I start with Season 3?
>I have not watched Season 2, can I skip to Season 3?
>I have not watched Fire Walk with Me, can I skip to Season 3?
>I watched the new episodes without ever watching any of the old stuff and still enjoyed it. You mad?
>Has everything leaked?
Ep 1-2 were released normally on 21st, Ep 3-4 on the internet that same night.
Ep 3-4 will be re-aired on 28th. You can find torrents for 1-4 already.
>When does Episode 5 air?
June 4, same time as premiere
*By "No" we mean "You shouldn't if you actually want to enjoy the series and understand the motifs/story"
>The Secret History of Twin Peaks (MOBI)
>"Diane..." The Twin Peaks Tapes Of Agent Cooper
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
Other urls found in this thread:
>watching this show on amazon prime™ with subtitles™
>every fucking musical cue or noise is accompanied by "ominous sounding noise" or "desolate scraping sounds"
fucking ridiculous
so he knew he was fucking his kid, right?
First for autism awareness
someone post a good quality image of the blind woman please
what's up with that slouching shadow on the right? That couldn't be from the equipment
>tfw you'll never be as cool as James
Why even live? Seriously considering suicide atm
I'm not gonna talk about Judy. In fact, we're not gonna talk about Judy at all.
Doppleganger Coop please stop posting
what's their endgame?
I don't get it?
>yfw I talk about Judy
calling it now episode 10 will be nothing but old Johnny pissing & shitting himself while fat old naked woman dance in the background
how come he didn't come back a tard?
Doppleganger Coop
Dougie Coop
They're for deaf people. What the fuck are you expecting?
don't think it's a shadow, i think it's a mark on the wall itself.
marry cooper
fuck dooper with the sleepy arm
kill booper
>james was always cool
what is shelly trying to lie to those good people?
Fuck DoppleCoop
Marry Coop
Kill DougieCoop
Makes me wonder if that strange girl in that weird fucking room is Judy.
why do deaf people need to know that the scraping sounds are desolate
Oh shit I hope it is
he was only gone for like 2 years and he was pretty fried
he wasnt there for nearly as long
I think it's either Judy or Josie.
I think it was mentioned in some draft that they were sisters, right?
he's slow from his accident. she just doesn't want to be mean to a guy with brain damage
That scene is one of the most intense things I've ever watched ngl
that's just depressing
Jeffries was missing from the FBI for two years, but was he really in the Lodge for two years? The Missing Pieces seems to imply otherwise.
>ywn lay lucy on her stomach, lift her feet to her asshole and sniff her braps through the spaces in between her toes while Andy jerks off and cries in the corner
Why even live?
I think it's just a shadow from the thing sticking into the right side of the box. Looks like a circular thing with a tube sticking into it or something? Could easily make that shadow with the light source from the opposite side.
creamed corn
I need someone to please photoshop Dopple Coop when he's using the computer to appear as if he's typing up a shitpost like the typical copypastas you see around here about the show being bad
One frame of him using the computer, showing his face
Second frame showing the screen and the shitpost
Pretty please, I will love you forever
When the duck did James get in an accident? He seemed completely normal (for james) at the bar.
>cooper, dooper & booper
can these be the official thread lexicon for discussing the different coops?
true dat
judy was probably keeping him busy..
theres a good theory about her being in the ranks of MIKE and BOB as a dugpa type being
pure telekinography
is it done
fucking this
no, that's retarded. It's Cooper, Dougie and Dopplecooper
I'll agree to that
>when bobby saw the picture of laura and the original score started playing
Why is Charlie Sheen in the Bang Bang Bar?
Is that Balthazar Getty?
so the very last shot is gonna be Laura Palmer gradually disappearing from her picture right?
oh shit, shelly's gonna catch the HIV
how many people has booper killed so far?
>not Mr. C
Answer my question you stupid fagpieces of SHIT
You really aren't funny dude. Stop posting this in every thread. Forcing a meme really makes you look pathetic and honestly I think you probably have a pretty bad personality which is why you have problems making any real sort of friend. Whatever your hygiene is probably shit too which would be another big reason why people dont like you and you post on this image board forcing memes about an actor who is not even in the series. Its pathetic, its sad, its gross, and nobody, and I MEAN NOBODY on this board wants anything to do with you or your stupid bullshit. Leave and dont come back.
Tfw been doing nothing but watching TP for the past week and now everything else seems shit in comparison
it's Ethan Hawke
i swear if you look at this thing long enough at let your eyes go out of focus, the thing moves and flickers. really try to look at it
I watched the new episode of Saul this morning and all I could think about was TP
>I don't know what troxler's fading is
sure smells like summer in this thread
Does Hawk have a French Canadian son?
I was tearin up at that. And the first bangbang bar scene, the memories just got too intense
There wasn't nearly enough brooding involved for 'normal' james
continuing my TNG marathon is hard.
This new season is spoiling every other show for me.
>troxler's fading
sorry I'm not a cognitive scientist, now i know about it thanks
>it's a world of truck drivers
What did she mean by this?
yeah now i know what the showtime exec who has seen all the episodes meant by pure uncut heroin lynch.
Maybe you should do a little research and not be a brainlet next time you decide to come on the chan. Get lynchd, fag
don't know, maybe that there's a lot of truck drivers?
>implying I would know what to google and figure this out in the first place
Someone was asking about messages in this building's lights?
>world of truck drivers
everyone is alone driving toward their destination, adrift no real home in the world, in fact alienated from the world and others
He tell her to get someone better to guard the place.
She respond it's a world of truck drivers..meaning all she can find are dumb rednecks.
Why was Jacques in the background of the bar guys?
perhaps you should stop being so condescending and smug. i found it interesting. why are you getting upset?
Why does David Lynch sound like pic related?
Lynch is a good guy and wanted to have Walter in the series for old time's sake.. just David being a genuinely nice guy.
David Lynch actually made the mineycrafta video.
That's not any of your business.
if you found staring at an image until it changes interesting, you should try playing bloody mary, or look up optical illusions on funnyjunk.com where you belong
>i'll pee you again in 25 years
Ah just a cameo thing? I guess that makes sense.
is doppel coop bob? or is he something different?
will we see more ray wise?
i see, you don't play well with others. i hope you don't spread this negative energy around the world. go back to the black lodge where you belong.
he's credited as jean-michael renault, presumably another renault brother (possibly jacques' twin)
requesting a webm of the glass box turning black
I was gonna try that ages ago but the idea spooked me too much and never went through with it.
Fucking CRINGE
all of his brothers are dead heh
>get mom to watch TP
>tell her its a slow start, but really intriguing
>go check out what part its at 15 mins later
>Big bang theory is on tv
>"sorry user, I got bored
Is there a remaster of the original series like the scenes in the new trailers?
Gordon and Albert mentioned getting a woman to talk to Cooper, it's likely Diane, isn't it?