Entire American Family Turns Transgender


>An entire family of four has come out as transgender in Queen Creek, Arizona
>Daniel Harrott, 41, got the courage to come out as a trans man when his daughter, Joshua, 13, wanted to join Girls Scouts one year ago
>Joshua, a transgender girl, was assigned male sex at birth
>Harrott's transgender son, Mason, age 11, was assigned female sex at birth
>Harrott is now engaged to Shirley Austin, 61, a transgender woman who he met at an organization that provides support for parents of trans youth

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I love how progressive my country is. This is a beautiful display freedom that can't be found in many places, especially the middle east where bigotry runs rampant.

Y'know.... I consider myself a pretty open-minded guy.
But this shit right here... This shit's got to stop.

Decency is gone for good.

>t. Deplorable Trump voter
Why don't you take your views to Saudi Arabia where they belong.

>was assigned female sex at birth
This is legal?

they're an ftm you idiot

Needs to be stopped? Why should they stop it? Who's going to stop it? Are you going to stop it?

and they're all fuckugly


>everything's about Trump
Fuck off
>Needs to be stopped?
>Why should they stop it?
Because it's absurd and disgusting, and I don't believe that they're sincere. It's pushing the limits of my society's basically tolerant nature, which is something I cherish. I don't want these attention whores fucking it up for the real freaks and weirdos.
>Who's going to stop it?
The purple themselves, of course.
>Are you going to stop it?
Of course not. There's no good way for me to do so.

And they call me a degenerate because i like japanese animus

I hate this fucking country. Fuck.


Of course.
They wouldn't need transgenderism to get the attention and fulfillment they feel they deserve, if they didn't look just the way they do. :)
Don't get me wrong, I got nothing against this. We all only have one live, and we should all strive to be as happy as possible within the confines of our mortality....
If this makes them happy, I'll fucking cheer for them. Doesn't change much for me.
In fact, I noticed when peeps around me are happier I tend to be happier too.
As long as they don't harm anyone, let them be.

>Because it's absurd and disgusting
I think a lot of things are absurd and disgusting but that's not a valid reason for anything. If people are getting hurt either directly or indirectly then grab a gun and act like a hero, but all it really sounds to me is child A was born hermaphrodite and child B was born with sexual dysmorphia. Shitty luck for A and maybe B depending on your viewpoint but what can you do. Then the father decides to start living as a woman either because of a real need or because he wants to support his children, then he meets and marries a transsexual man who he met in support groups for transgendered.

Thing is medical professionals don't assign genders to children for shits and giggles or to "attentionwhore". They shouldn't be attacked for something they didn't have any control over. The step father and father are a bit more vague when it comes to their motivations, but nothing malicious has been proven to happen. An entire family being transgendered is apparently newsworthy to the daily mail, so if you want to be angry at something be angry at the tabloid rag for taking advantage of the situation.

T:delusional homocuck

what is their endgame?

>They shouldn't be attacked for something they didn't have any control over.
I'm not attacking them, nor am I advocating for anyone else to do so.
>The step father and father are a bit more vague when it comes to their motivations, but nothing malicious has been proven to happen.
Not malicious - selfish and stupid
>be angry at the tabloid rag for taking advantage of the situation
I'm not not doing that too. The whole thing is obnoxious.

Zero nukes weren't enough

The protection of Israel

wtf usa

>As long as they don't harm anyone, let them be
we must exterminate the german race from the face of the earth


Why don't they just nuke themselves already

Im with you, they arent so different from those americans

Sounds like you're a simpleton who lets his emotions take control of him like some kind of a bitch. Reflect on it.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

Or maybe people just think of behavior as disgusting. Think about this for once you egoist. Your egoistic needs that make the world a worse place for everybody around you. But it is just the others that let themselves be controlled by their degenerate lust, right?
>inb4 it’s natural I saw gay penguins
The violence, rape and murder trio is also common in nature.
Uma delicia.

and i think fat people having sex is disgusting, so what? i don't understand why you or me or anyone should care about strange or disgusting people doing strange and disgusting things to themselves, unless they push their agenda on others or on young children. murder and rape involves harming others, thats why they should be illegal and punished, not because they are strange or unnatural.

And children growing up fat is ah okay because muh feelings.

>but nothing malicious has been proven to happen
Because no one checked

>take control of him
I think you're thinking I'm some intolerant, right-wing troglodyte. Re-read what I said about not wanting this kind of thing resulting in the loss of some of the progress we've made in the last few decades. I like having a liberal society, and I think things like this jeopardize it. I'm old enough to not take some of our recent progress for granted.
The obviously political nature of the whole thing disgusts me.
I also think fat people should stop fucking. However, as with OP's freakshow, I'm not suggesting that they be stopped. They should just voluntarily stop.

This is why I want americans off the Internet.

>children growing up fat
The state should intervene, right?

>This is why I want americans off the Internet.
With my facebook/twitter feed being the way it is, I don't think it would be entirely bad thing either...

You’re right.
Progress =/= good.
Hitler was progressive for fucks sake in comparison to the old system.

>why you or me or anyone should care about strange or disgusting people doing strange and disgusting things to themselves

>t. fatty whose kneecaps blow off after climbing stairs
It isn’t fun and it isn’t healthy m8.

Define that word

>everything I don’t like is Sup Forums

Childhood obesity is a medical problem that no one can defend and no one was. Meanwhile you're literally saying you feel that trannies are strange and disgusting. Are you dense? Do you have problems understanding basic concepts like not being a hypocrite?

All are medical conditions.
Your point?

>They should just voluntarily stop.
No one has yet to give a real reason to why they should "stop". Because you FEEL that way? Grow up.

Fuck you bigot. You're on the wrong side of history.

>Being gay is comparable to committing acts that can kill people
I never understood this argument

I'm not fat, and neither are my wife or my kid. Whether or not it's fun or healthy for someone else to be fat is no business of mine or my government's.
They should stop because it's bullshit. They're liars, they're not trans, and they're attention-whoring assholes.
Fuck you, I'm tolerant as fuck. These cunts aren't what that's about.
Die, retard

Eh, trannies are mentally unstable.
Many trannies fall into a depression after their operation which is followed by an heroing.
It’s like telling a schizo that he should “embrace” his condition so I can get mentioned in the newspaper for being an upstanding citizen against the bigots.

It is an answer to the argument that is natural.
Learn to read.
>child abuse is ok

Preach on

Um no sweetie, YOU need to stop. It's 2017 men can become women and women can become men. How about you stop being a transphobic piece of shit and allow these people to be true to themselves okay babydoll?

I have a good reason. Whatever shitty child they have will be brought into this world, told from day one by the public education system how great they are, and when they reach a certain age they'll realize how shit their genetics are and how their parents are garbage people. (I'm thinking of white trash trailer park fatties here) The world does not need more people like that. What happens when they inevitably outnumber smart, respectable people who don't fuck like rabbits and wait for the right time to have children? You're a retard who, when talking about "happiness" only thinks about impulsive, momentary happiness and nothing in the long term.

>It is an answer to the argument that is natural
I'm aware of that, but I don't see how two guys holding hands in public is more damaging to society than Muslims going on their daily rapefest.

Americans are fucking degenerate cattle people

Why not both?

>child abuse
It's not that. Some kids are just fat.
Post something sincere. It feels better.

Because two gay men having a relationship is less likely to cause psychological damage that a Muslim rape hoard would ensure.

What the fuck is transgender man/woman, or assigned at birth?

You're born male, female, or indifferentiated (with different degrees of development), you're not "assigned". Won't they explicitly state what sex they were born as?

>Whatever shitty child they have will be brought into this world, told from day one by the public education system how great they are, and when they reach a certain age they'll realize how shit their genetics are and how their parents are garbage people. (I'm thinking of white trash trailer park fatties here) The world does not need more people like that. What happens when they inevitably outnumber smart, respectable people who don't fuck like rabbits and wait for the right time to have children?

>we can only do one thing
Are you one of the space programm vs world hunger people?

They were exterminated in WW2 mate.
Only genocide was german genocide.

Exactly. It's why I need to leave this place. The sooner the better

>Are you one of the space programm vs world hunger people?
No but I'm willing to bet you're Muslim

Komm heim ins Land.

>he brings xd mooslim germanistan up
>haaha only muslim dont like gays abusing kids xd

The genetic mutations will entitle them to identify as gene-diverse

I'm not going to lie and say that gays don't diddle kids, because they do, and I do believe that they should be punished as much as straight kiddie diddlers. But I also believe that you shouldn't demonize an individual because of the actions of others. Lynching or outright throwing some random homo off the roof will make you no better than the kiddie diddler.
>>haaha only muslim dont like gays abusing kids xd
Yeah, instead they just marry them and chop off their genitals Mehmet

None of that would happen if they just accepted their delusion and worked towards having a fullfilling life not defined by your favorite sexuality tag. Sex is not everything in life.

>Im gonna call him muslim that will show him xdd
>Fucking strawman
Is this the power of the US?

Not German unfortunately. I'm a mutt of five different European countries so I'm not sure where I'd return "home" to

Roll a dice.

>None of that would happen if they just accepted their delusion and worked towards having a fullfilling life not defined by your favorite sexuality tag. Sex is not everything in life.
The flaming faggots you see on tv or in news media or in gay parades aren't indicative of the ones who either keep it on the DL or don't have their life defined by their sexuality, most of them usually just want to or already are live life somewhat normally. Also, what would you define as a fulfilling life?
>inb4 HaViNg ChiLDrEn :D

Nice argument you sure showed me

Why should I reply to a strawman?

So you can enlighten me on my viewpoint instead of throwing around buzzwords

That's either satire or fake, I don't even have to read the article


Daily reminder that this shit isn't the norm and people are disgusted by it. Also, here's a Taylor swift video of her performing a holocaust to wash the taste of tranny out of your eyelids:


>kids of trannies brainwashed into thinking they are trannies too
The fact that this isn't considered child abuse is seriously concerning to me

If only you could read.


There's no way that kid on the right makes it to 18 without killing his parents

>children aged 11 and below are now able to get irreversible surgery that permanently mutilates them for life, if their parents are liberal
>this is a country where you need to be 18 to smoke tobacco and 21 to drink alcohol, but parents can legally have their children mutilated for ideology
>this is somehow a Sup Forums opinion and not a problem in society


Honestly who and where are the people who are praising this, this isnt normal, this isnt ok, its fucking disgusting. How can it not be considered a severe mental illness and treated as such?

>if their parents are liberal
No normal liberal would go in for this. These are extremists and attention-seeking assholes, not your standard Prius-driving safe suburban scum liberals like myself.