Why does Sup Forums hate him? I get why you would hate Bill Nye but at least Neil knows what he's talking about.
Why does Sup Forums hate him? I get why you would hate Bill Nye but at least Neil knows what he's talking about
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I was neutral until he ruined Cosmos.
Also, he "zoned out" while operating a motor vehicle and caused an accident and I don't like having those sorts of people on the roads.
t. Nig deGreasy Chicken
He says nothing interesting.
>a spec
>on a spec
>on a spec
The people that don't like him are the tryhard pretend racists. I have been called an alt-right neo nazi on many occasions but I really enjoy him.
I think when it comes to Neil it's more mockery than actual dislike. Sorta like AVGN
I dislike him because he ruined Cosmos. I don't care about the fact that he's 40% black.
meme scientist
science is for fedoras
popular things are for reddit
and black people=bad
I think thats why
Just like Nye, he acts like he has knowledge and authority over all branches of science, when he's specialized in exactly ONE branch. Which is a more advanced branch than Nye's, but still.
>Neil knows what he's talking about
Not really, he has the same personality quirks as Bill Nye. If you ask him to explain simple science like say.. why the world isn't flat, he'll flip out and rant about science deniers.
Its not about explaining science, he has a huge ego.
He turned cosmos into a fucking SJW show.
He's another asshole that thinks his expertise in one field means expertise in any field, and talks completely out of his ass.
He's a moneygrubbing piece of garbage that whores himself out to lectures for money and to push his books and leftist agenda.
Fuck that guy.....but he's not as bad as Bill Nye the schill guy.
This. Sup Forums is simply full of spergs with a contrarian snowflake complex
Do you have anything that isn't a scenario you made up in your head? How the fuck did you think that was compelling evidence?
That's my problem with him, his ego.
He takes 10 minutes to explain simple concepts because he doesn't want to explain them, he wants to show off.
His twitter account. The shit he says drives people crazy. He says like very basic shit that he thinks sounds deep.
As a kid I loved his mentor. Listening to the man speak was profound. Carl Sagan was like a prophet and a visionary.
Black science guy is a smug, arrogant fraud who detracts from the cause of science.
Associating himself with non science frauds like Bill Nye is even more disgraceful.
Christians, like all other religions except maybe Buddhists and Hindus have extremely thin skin and feel deeply threatened by any other world view other than their own. Hence Le Internet hat boogeyman meme
he's profound
I'm a devout Christian and I loved Carl Sagan. Deal with it. Sagan knew more about religion than most people who go to church every Sunday
You are an extremely smug and ignorant person who knows very little about the world around him.
>tips fedora
Thanks for proving the thickness of your skin. Kek.
I think hes copying the "four horsemen" who were really hostile and smug towards the christians except his enemy isnt some creationists who almost everyone disagrees with.
Thanks for proving your childish and ignorant nature.
How did he ruin it?
>call most religious people thin skinned
>gets angery and harshly rebukes it
Like pottery.
Careful going outside. You might brush up against something by accident and bleed to death.
He means this only about leftist things however.
That's not eve true.
Most armed conflicts in history came about because opposing sides agreed that the resources and/or land that one side had were pretty great and worth fighting to have.
well is he lying?
you have to go back
le reddit
he is a very smart and profound man only beings of lesser cognitive abilities would dislike him
>imagine a world where we are enlightened by our own intelligence
He has a point. Borders definitely are artificially conceived, even if necessary. Land doesn't suddenly change at a border.
No, but he's counting suicide and justified shootings with those numbers.
It'd be nice to know how many were murders, suicides, accidents, or self defense, but he's doing is using weasel tactics by lumping a random figure together. Further, what he's saying is propaganda since he's a celebrity and his statement will thusly reach a large audience who will blindly repeat it.
Science was, for Carl Sagan, humbling and sublime. Cosmos was a very poetic sort of love letter to the universe, in all its wonder and glory. It was subtitled "a personal voyage" for a reason. You could feel the awe of the whole thing. At least I could, I don't know about you exactly. Sagan revered thinking and understanding, and rejected superstition.
NDT's Cosmos clownishly uses similar effects from the 70s series (which were top tier at the time), invoking a feeling of ironic detachment. It cavalierly inserts politicized "science" and asks the audience to accept it as if it were proven fact.
NDT's Cosmos felt like the burning of a church. I don't understand how anyone who truly appreciated the original series could even tolerate it, much less defend it.
>spacefaring civilizations would have no concept of nations or borders
unlike you of course. *tips icecube*
Real aliens "from space" would also probably have methods for determining who belongs where.
>He has a point
No he doesn't. He's just pissy he had to wait in line
Because he's a nigger.
>Being this angry and immature
That reply is just embarrassing.
he's not telling you how to think. He is just saying something thats true. You make your own conclusion out of it.
This post is a perfect example.
He too often comes off like that one guy at the party trying soooo hard to convince everyone of just how brilliant he is. It's pompous and overblown, and frankly it reeks of compensation.
I'm not angry, but what's immature about it?
>at least Neil knows what he's talking about
>Beloved by millions
>Inspiration for curious minds around the globe
>Smug arrogant prick
>Limits his material to political agenda rather than promoting pure science and knowledge
>Smug and off putting, he alienates millions from the cause of science
>Constantly pushes a personal agenda
>All this fighting and arguing over who is the best science show host
>No one even considers they would still come in second to Beakman
Except he's presenting information by tossing out the comparisons in order for the reader to draw the conclusion:
>guns iz bad
Also as a leftist he forgot about the (((6 million))).
So go fuck yourself.
That's how interested I am in engaging in a gun-control debate with you.
>politicized "science"
lol, I haven't watched Cosmos but did you get butthurt over a global warming episode?
So does rape feel good? Ask Neil
so fucking based
well he's not wrong doe
No debate here, boss.
I'm just saying there is no need to be angry at facts :^)
He obviously has never heard/seen cats screw.
>We must all be objective, rational beings.
>Dude, let's get rid of borders ,lmao
Based science nigger
>members of my own species
what kind of fucking faggot speaks this way? i get he's trying to describe it in a way that trivializes it and makes you go "oh when i think of it that way, it IS silly!"
but he just sounds willingly ignorant and pompous.
I don't like the entire series based on its tone and presentation as well as content. It isn't funny, btw.
He just threw out some numbers. Do with em what you will.
I didnt get gunz is bad out of it.
I just got a pretty interesting statistic I can walk away with to ponder on.
Still think guns are okay though.
>but at least Neil knows what he's talking about.
Not when it comes to anything that isn't science. He as smug and ignorant as creationists whenever literature, philosophy, religion, or history comes up.
his fucking blinking killed cosmos. acts way too hot for having such stinky shit.
Hes not saying "Boarders are dumb we should get rid of em."
He is saying "Boarders are weird, it's strange that we have them."
He is a kinda guy that thinks we should all get along but understands that we dont.
Isaac Newton was white.
The sickening irony here is that first, Newton was a devout Christian whose scientific discoveries were motivated by his spiritual belief. Something he wrote about at length.
Second, Sagan would have never been so smug and disrespectful. Sagan knew every word of the Bible but believed none of it. That didn't stop him from wanting to acquire knowledge, even if it was only to help him understand how various religions shaped the world around him
His Twitter looks like if Jayden Smith pursued STEM.
Naw sorry. You're either a leftist or stupid if you don't think that's the conclusion. Either way don't care.
the ooooooole bait and switch. thought you were getting a snapback but you walked home wearing a fedora.
>He just threw out some numbers. Do with em what you will.
You're being obtuse if you think he's not presenting the information in a way to lead you to a desired conclusion. And I do not see the point other than to be contrary and act like a faggot.
hows is that irony?
how is that disrespectful?
are you really butthurt that he said happy birthday to newton instead of jesus?
I like his constant smugness toward Christians then turning around and defending muslims and jews.
all that can be said about guns too though
You literally can't stop sucking dicks, can you?
QUESTION: What do Muslims call an Ariana Grande concert?
Wow what a fucking cunt. Does he ever tweet shit like this about muslim or jew holidays?
It's ironic because he's trying to pay respect to Isaac Newton but his gesture is presented to spite on of the pillars of the very man's entire life. Thus is actually disrespectful to Newton inadvertently through his passive slight.
lmao epic dude people died xDDDD
to the top of /r/Sup Forums
A blast!
Newton was a massive cunt too though
Don't ever reddit space a post in my direction ever again
*tips fedora*
No, I don't care if he says happy birthday Satan. It's his attitude that's wrong. And the fact that he's inspired such ignorance in people like you. So shameful. Car Sagan would be truly sad
Being disrespectful of newtons personal believes is disgraceful
He's just an ugly man who wants to incite hateful dialogue at a very peaceful time of year
Of course not.
He stays away from mudslime holidays because he's a coward. He stays away from Jewish holidays because he wants to be on television.
This is the kind of shot why I don't like him very much. He's the propagator of the stupid "Science is an infallible constitution that is always right" shit that idiots are so fond of. Because Le facts and proof and shit. Meanwhile actual science is just a group of bumbling idiots trying to get as close as possible to the truth, but never getting there because everything is really fucking complex. Everything is held together by chance calculation, assumptions and approximating things as best as possible.
And then you get these meme science fucks that pretend Science with a capital S is some kind of infallible superhero that is always right. But only when it suits their opinion.
He's just Black Facts Man.
Mathematics is the only field in which things can actually be proven, and that is because it's a system we designed ourselves. The rest is just really advanced observation.
>Ted Nugget
lmao, Black science man triggering Sup Forums and /pol so much
Go take a timeout
Yeah and he would have lost his mind that some negro was making such a cheap passive aggressive take at the church in his name.
t. hasn't read Newton's correspondence
Isaac Newton was a fucking cunt.
Affirmative Action Science Man!
Thank the God he doesn't believe in for that bell curve!
It didn't invoke a sense of the numinous for natrual phenomena that people get a feel for.
It lost me at the fedora tipping of Jan Oort. NDT's Cosmos felt like self-congratulatory soapboxing.