It's ok to beat people up for holding different views than you

>It's ok to beat people up for holding different views than you
Uh, moral priorities much?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Rick and Morty pandering to their liberal reddit audience's violent fantasies
Surprising huh... Really makes you think

Why would Rick even care. He doesn't even believe God exists.

Not even edgy alt-right 14-year-olds care about funeral protesters.

They just reuse the same animation?

That sounds right.

>when liberals meme at me westboro church is just as bad as muslim terrorist who murder people
never going to see rick and cucky beat up one of the 9/11 hijackers I bet

>beat up one of the 9/11 hijackers

they are all dead.

>it's okay to hate extremists
well yeah
like racists, those religious and non-religious nutjobs hold views that are extremists
like holding up a sign in the street saying "eliminate all jews" or "kill all non-muslims"
im not saying physical assault is okay either, but it's fully okay to report those so they can be detained as terrorists

People should get beat up for stating their beliefs.

>this is pandering to a liberal reddit audience

you're all fags to the westboro baptist church. left and right.

To other people around the world what you see as normal is very extreme. The Overton window is relative to culture.

I mean, Rick isn't exactly a moral paragon at any point in the show.
He hurts his family repeatedly, he drinks, he kills regularly and doesn't hold life in high regard.

So I wouldn't say the show is justifying it so much as pointing out the comedy of an old man and a teenage girl getting roided out and wailing on miscellaneous "bad" people.

Also, if you draw your morality from a comedy cartoon - you're fucking lost waaaaay before ever seeing this shit.

why is this part of the pedo/bot spam rotation?

The irony is that gif is how the WBC makes it's money.

Hey Sup Forums quick question: Are you all retarded?
They are beating up people nobody likes and not (only) due to their beliefs, namely
a Nazi
a Westboro Baptist
a person mistreating his dog
a bully

Chances are people who get angered by this scene are fall into one of the above categories. So which is it?

Then why do you complain when Sup Forums wants it?

Free speech should not apply to nazism. National socialists should not be allowed to demonstrate or voice their opinions. I 100% believe this.






I agree.
Also add communists and Stalinist to that list.

>You're lost waaaaaay before this shit

So you're admitting that neo-liberalism and post modernism are cancerous?

I agree. Let's get rid of those fucking capitalists to. Liberalsm is class cuckery.

>All I'm saying is that if it was an option I'd sterilize every race besides mine without their consent and that if it was legal I'd bring back lynchings
>Wait what do you mean you're upset, they're just opinions

Im admitting that anyone who's actually had their morality influenced by a cartoon, would be every bit as depraved or fucked up prior to seeing this particular Neo-liberal cartoon.

Yeah, that's why they're called 3rd worlders
In the first world all countries have basic human rights and we have our own ideals and morals, about what's right and what's wrong. 3rd world countries however are still in the savage ages, it could be not their own fault but at the same time they are still developing, so until they eradicate extremism and accept more progressive values they will just have to remain as outcasts, mocked by normal people for their savage ideals.

How opinionated are you exactly?
I know Sup Forums loves to make a pissing contest out of how dumb and retarded liberals are while there are having regular threads about how the world is still flat and how Bogdanoffs control the lizards control the jews control the world.

>anyone who's actually had their morality influenced by a cartoon

anyone aka reddit, who worship that shitty cartoon

It's okay to kill bigots because they're subhumans

The way I see it if you are going to say fighting words to people, be ready to defend yourself. Don't rely on the police

>Chances are people who get angered by this scene are fall into one of the above categories. So which is it?

The term "3rd world" isn't really used anymore since the Cold War ended. Most countries in this world have basic human rights but their definition and to what degree they're guaranteed differs from country to country.

Progressive values are 3rd world values. They are not modern, they are not intellectual, they are not "progressive". Take your eurocentric capitalistic bullshit and hang yourself for being a moron.

There is nothing civilized about living in a totalitarian thought patrol police state , also known as the 1st world. The only difference between the 1st world and 3ed world in that regard is the quality of the prisons. That said most of the "progressive" prisons in Scandinavia are suicide factories even if they give you an Xbox they isolate you from human contact for weeks on end.


You forget how Rick's first instinct when impersonating a plane hijacker is to put a makeshift hijab on Morty and yell "Allah Ackbar" while holding fake bombs?

The unintelligent redditor without an argument? Never knew Rick beat up that one too.

>Too stupid to recognize /x/ leaking into Sup Forums and troll threads

Lurking more isn't going to cut it.

No doubt, but there's a difference between really enjoying a show and literally defining good and evil, right and wrong based off of the fictitious events in the lives of fake characters in a made up cartoon.

That's scary shit.

I don't know anyone who literally does that: and my mum works at a special needs school and some of the autistic kids I've met? Jesus H Christ.

See the problem with that argument is that it doesn't make any sense.

Try again.

What kind of clap trap post is this?

>Wait you mean if I go out of my way to be an asshole people might want to hit me? When did this start?

Christians are the real problem in this world
When I was a kid my mom MADE ME go to church a few different times
no Muslim ever made me do anything

>hatred is a different view

I'm going to kick your ass

OP when you're dead people will protest outside your funeral because of what a huge faggot you were, you'd probably wish someone could make them stop doing that then.

Are you merely pretending to be arguing?
It's obvious you frequent Sup Forums but apparently you take them seriously.
>"Oh boy libruuls sure are dumb huh, watching their cartoons and havin' their gay parades. Fukken dumb libruuls, ruining mah day, those non-nigger hatin', fag promotin', pronoun memorizing, email leakin' libruuls."

>Not wanting international finance to force the world into a corporatists police state through forcing Multiculturalism onto the world

I'm going to kick your ass

Why would Summer even care? She was helping the devil curse people in that very same episode and justified it with some weak excuse about corporate sweatshops

Are you merely pretending to be arguing? Making fun of a speech impediment is hate speech, that'll be 40 quid

Rick is far worse than any of them


>/x/ leaking into Sup Forums
If anything it's the other way around. /x/ hasn't been relevant since what? 8 years? And the OP may be a troll but there are many different IDs posting in those threads. Fucking go into any thread at all, there's at least one person praising kek. I used to think they were ironic but there are too many posters doing the same thing.

>using mental gymnastics to force censorship of conversations that detract from their social agenda
and do you accept muslims and isis? what about USA and enforcing democracy on every country? and police officers using deadly force? are you offended by cops now, and the government leaders like trump?
do you want to hide in your safe space and passive aggressive judge every aspect of society because youre a contrarian little bitch who cant have his delusional PC world that never existed in the first place

Why not have them beat up a large crowd of angry Muslims holding up "Islam will dominate the world signs" "and fuck Democracy all will obey Sharia" as we've seen in London and other European places.

Same shit as the Westbaro fucktards but alot worse and alot more common and of a non-native/foreign religion.
Oh wait... that would NEVER happen...

so some countries are still behind on getting all the human rights that are offered in the first world. They are still developing, that's why there's shit like sharia law and such, its all messy still, but someday hopefully they'll be on the same level as everyone else.
>implying im even eurocentric
i voted for Brexit btw
but i still believe we should have unions that agree on such things so that we may become a more peaceful, unified and friendly society.
As it is right now, the european union is corrupt and it conflicts a lot with democracy that we have.
However, ideally, a worldwide goverment would be nice, with nations and borders being completely abolished, and only remaining as local branches of the goverment, states, with people still being able to vote for local laws, but with the goverment being able to override these at a higher level, and have a fixed more thorough and future proof constitution which no laws in the world can contradict.

>thought police
calm down Sup Forums
you can think that "god" hates "fags" all you want but you can't protest it, hell maybe the paki in my local 24/7 thinks islam is the way of progress and he's gonna get 47 virgins when he dies or some shit, but aslong as he commits and shows no action deemed by others as hateful, insulting or extremist, he can move along just fine. You can have a poster of Hitler in your home and tattoo trump onto your dick or something but if you start going around the streets aggregating hate towards anyone, that's when it becomes a problem. Those westboro church fucks and alt-righters are just as bad as muslim hate preachers.

But nooo, of course it's only bad if it's directed at poor cis hetero whitey
You people are the problem. Change or die.

Stopped reading at 'censorship'. Made me know you were a joke

Now post your address so I can kick your ass

The show is not saying that doing so is okay, just showing the characters doing it.

>You can have a poster of Hitler in your home

Can you?

>le take away guns faec

might as well concede the united states in that case

>But nooo, of course it's only bad if it's directed at poor cis hetero whitey

Gave the game away right at the end

Yes its ok to be violent against people that want and advocate for you to be dead even if they aren't actively trying to kill you at that time.

Or get raped by your well armed criminal element

I disagree, why do you think that?

Agreed to a certain extent, capitalists should be removed forcefully but freedom of speech should apply to them all the same. Liberalists need to be ridiculed and shamed for being naïve little cuckolds.

Then why didn't they beat up any islamic extremists that preach hatred in the street?

The Welcome to Pandora kind?

>capitalists should be removed forcefully

Your life is only comfortable because of consumer capitalism. I'm sorry you don't own a yacht though bro

The whole point was that it was misguided roidhead rage, not that they were doing something significant.

They don't exist in America. And to piss you off.

I'm an anarchist you moron, I hate nationalism, but globalism is an even more retarded sentiment based the same logic as Nationalims just on a international scale. Multiculturalism does not help the worker, lowering mean wages in the name of a global corporatist union where the only identity given to he people is what consumer goods they purchase in the name of "muh consumer price index" is horrible idea.

Multicultural always fails because it's a relationship initiated by force that has short sighted tendencies without any consideration for long term stability. If you think people are happy with the world order they live under then you might want to take your head out of your arse

>I'm an anarchist
>Calling anyone else a moron

Holy frk. That is badas. They destroyed the evil christian nazis. loooool

Why is Sup Forums so autistic over this scene

It's not meant to be serious, they beat up a guy who pulled his dog's leash too hard

It was also released in like, 2014, before Trump and the migrant crisis became a thing

Remember when those faggy SJWs pretended to get triggered by everything to get attention and shekels? Well this is you now only for real.

48 hour work where my only comfort when I get home is a booze and people being blown up on the news is not my kind of comfort.

Maybe if we did something about population control life wouldn't be so shitty.

Conservatism is a 3rd world value.
All those sub saharan niggers are millenia behind because there hasn't been any progress. ISIS tries to reestablish a goverment based on old values ie conservatism. What you're probably thinking about is protestant values like having a family, working hard, having moral integrity. Those are conservative values. Conservatism itself is about the Status Quo. People who promote conservatism are usually old people, people with power or both. Naturally people with power want to preserve the status quo to stay in power. If you have less power and support conservatism you're either an old fart or get played hard by those in power.

You don't even know what anarchism means. It's an ideal to be strived for, I'm not the kind of edgy punk wannabee throwing bricks into shops to "smash fascism" , I just want more local governments instead of these massive sprawling bureaucracies that have no connection with the people they represent.

well yeah, i mean it probably won't look good on you if someone shows up at your home as they may think you know, you might be a nazi supporter, an extremist, a hate preacher, etc
And even so, it's still not really a crime, because you aren't actively saying anything.
And the police certainly won't like it if they pay a visit.
Just don't cry when nobody wants to be your gee eff or some shit.
>its a "Sup Forums thinks everyone who doesn't hold alt-right opinions is baiting/shilling" Episode

Anarchism is against progress, that's why it'll never happen, progress is what kept us alive for so long and that's what keeps humanity moving. And the day we stop moving is the day we die.
>lowering mean wages
wages have been on the rise since the last economic crisis boi
quality of life is generally improving across the world
economies are growing stronk

i never even said "multiculturalism"
abolishment of all of it is what i think is a much better solution. Get rid of Islam, get rid of Christianity, get rid of division between blacks and whites (and not create more as the left and right in america are trying so hard to do right now) and then let the world evolve as one entity

Now if you want to reject that, and actually hate certain people just because, you are retarded.
However, teh police won't pay a visit unless you commit a crime, so don't do that and you're fine.


>48 hour work where my only comfort when I get home is a booze

It's your own fault you're a failure

>Implying anyone advocating in public for ISIS in the US exist and is protesting in the streets

They would all be jailed before the first rally

I do endorse people fighting the nazis/alt-right in the street since they are radical Christian terrorist

remember that picture with an sjw in a mask pretending to be a regular user? that's literally you.

>Conservative is about status quo

I'm an anarchist and even I know that's not fucking true. That's called conformity, there are many kinds of conservatives of different variants and the notion that old = bad would basically mean that democracy , something that dates back to ancient Rome, Greece, and was even practiced in Germanic pagan cultures, is status quo and 3rd world.

What works works, what doesn't work, doesn't work.

>since they are radical Christian terrorist

You actually have to commit a terrorist act to be a terrorist

Sooner or later you'll realize you are exactly the same only they were cunty and cunning enough to off it. You are a janny.

Killing people in mass based on their race is an act of terrorism, it just doesn't terrorize you because you're white

true so we should beat them up

not the original guy you replied to first

You mean the post 9/11 definition of terrorism, meaning to blow shit up?

Or the actual definition, which is any act of violence or aggression for political gain through creating and spreading fear?

>wages have been on the rise since the last economic crisis boi
>quality of life is generally improving across the world
>economies are growing stronk

Nominal value =/= real value and wages can go up while prices so go up meaning your receive no real benefit.

>The world will evolve as one entity

Worked so well for the Hellenes Yugoslavians, Austria Hungarians, Roman Empire etc... Oh wait...

>Anarchims just sets people back

Anarchism is basically just a more localized form of government so you actually have a relaxing connection with the people who represent you. Anarchism is not just a 100% stateless society.

The Nazis aren't actually back user. I've yet to see a mass rally of people screaming "gas the kikes!"

>never mind the definition of conservatism because some conservatives are cool and shit. Conservatism means you preserve the old. I did not say anything about old things being bad, it's just taken to a logical extreme while it is well known that a balance between right leaning views and left leaning views works best.

Yeah or maybe it has to do with the shit tier economic plans people keep voting for which puts whole groups of people with no similarities whatsoever against each in a a competitive market that's going to self destruct naturally.

I don't really give a mother fuck. You get triggered by a TV show how the fuck is that any better?

No it's because you're a loser. Now crawl back into a bottle

They would be if they had any balls. As it stands that Spencer fag got punched by a random fucko and ran away like a bitch.

The last sentence shouldn't be in greentext. Again, right extremism doesn't work, left extremism doesnt work.

>redditor is unable to comprehend a site without identifiers and spergs out

like clockwork

>entire joke is how they're getting increasingly violent and targetting people for increasingly arbitrary reasons
>this passes over the entirety of Sup Forums's heads

It's not the most subtle thing in the world, either, but you people are just dumb

It isn't acceptable, but it's satisfying to consider. That's why it's funny to watch. Let me know if I can explain anything else for you.

There is no balance between left wing and right wing views , they are different or they are not and people ought to have the right to pursue what ends they want to in a free society with limited exceptions.

>Conservatives are cool n shit

When did I say that? Liberals are worse than conservatives because at least conservatives only want nationalism and not internationalism which is doomed to fail and usher in massive amounts of violence that only Brave New World tier levels of crowd control could subdue

He's gonna call you a centrist fag and then wonder why his movement is hated by everyone.