Tfw no gf

>tfw no gf


I moved to uk 3 years ago

no gf since

"remember user, this is the prime of your life!!"

my friends have already got married
my favorite girls have already got married
but I have never got even gf
I failed even to get girl's Japanese SNS account

I feel I'm useless filthy animal
fuck you my life

And you thought going to Japan would help you get a gf, how pathetic of you

>female coworker keeps staring at me
>sometimes we even make eye contact
>i pussy out every time and look to any other side
>we don't even talk to each other but we just look at each other


we see each other every day, if i fuck up it will be extremely awkward

It's ok satoshi most of your countrymen are the same.

Yeah, I was in the same situation as you, found courage to speak to her. We ended up fucking. Too bad it ruined my relationship with gf of 4 years and left me in depression for 2 more. But shit was cash, so all is good.

>jap nip gook - Google search

what happened to the coworker? why didnt you date her instead?

el haitiANO got a Mexican proxy? This used to be his thread, aside from the gore and CP shit

tfw no gf ;_;

no, i'm mexican

She had SO too, and he forgave her for fuckin me 3 months straight, and they are happy now it seems.

what country do you daydream about meeting a qt from, and moving there to be happy with her Sup Forums?
for me its New Zealand.

Are you serious? My ex-Mexican gf said that in Mexico a girl can be easily found. They are looking for you. She break up with me a month ago, she was the only girl for my 27 years old life, we didn't even have sex. Now I suffer without her

well we're both single (i stalked her on fb), so i think in my case it can work out better

is her name Patricia?

being a social retard in mexico is suffering

he sounds genuine

Yeah, my point was, don't be afraid to initiate conversation, I trust in you, Mexibro

No, but she used to live in Russia

you didn't cap the key part:
>Japan's lack of interest in sex is blamed on everything from a stagnant economy to Japanese manga fans favoring fantasy over reality.

No it isn't

Why is the US so obsessed with sex?

yes it is, this is one the most normie countries, if you're not social you're pretty much fucked

Western Degeneracy since 60s


I'm doing fairly well tbqh

>tfw you'll never find a gf that wants to live her life and achieve her dreams at your side thanks to the sex meme you dumb mutts couldn't stop

then you're not as bad as me

tomorrow I'll ask a classmate to ice skating. Im crazy about her but im a coward desu, all of you guys here have told me to go for it. So I will

where is obsession?

isn't it like that everywhere give or take.

Don't blame the mutts It were the europoors who first legalized birth control and started the sexual degeneracy stuff.

I want to move to Mexico to live with her, but I don't know what to expect from she and I'm a little worried about my future there (I don't speak Spanish, no work permit, I'm fucking introvert and etc).

I remember she told me that my look in Mexico is very popular even though you a social retard (my height is 180 centimeters, light long hair, green eyes, beautiful figure).

user, maybe you look as a Hollywood star

sexual degeneracy is the desire to get laid before you get too old?

No become a roastie or a "chad". Even old people sexpats especially do this.

>Getting laid is the goal of my whole life!

Of all the shitty threads, these are the worst. Fucking mods, hope you start deleting these non-international virgin gibberish threads already.



Because a lot of us dont get it. 80/20 is real as fuck.

this board is /r9k/ with flags and without Sup Forums, like it or not

But unironically that is the whole point of life just to spread your seed and then die..... there is no deeper meaning, just stories we tell ourselves to fight the existential angst of our everyday reality.

it doesn't matter what we tell ourselves. we feel what we feel. bliss and ecstasy may be illusions, but you won't care when you're experiencing them. do what you think will bring you the most joy throughout the entirety of your life.

t. physicist

my life is fuck

i dont want gf i want pussy

If that's true, then the best possible thing for humanity to do is to stop reproducing because it's just a waste of matter and energy.

We are a small spec of dust on an intergalactic scale, but for what we are, we sure do shift around a lot of matter and energy and leave a huge footprint on the universe for our size, contributing towards it's entropy which, as much as we know, might be destroying it slowly.

For that reason, I think that every human should have an explanation of what his purpose is for doing so. Making babies and claiming that your reproduction is your purpose of life is just a lazy way of forwarding that difficult question to the next generation.

haha nerd i bet you like fucking thinking about things

I know that feel

>tfw something that is universal to all cultures, countries, times and almost all people is wholly alien to you.

At 26 I cant physically even imagine a romantic situation involving myself. Its just as extreeme as normies who at this age cant physically imagine never having had sex and gfs/

A quote of my fellow anons

>It’s been hopeless for a long time, from the very beginning. You will never represent, Raphael, a young girl’s erotic dream. You have to resign yourself to the inevitable; such things are not for you. It’s already too late, in any case. The sexual failure you’ve known since your adolescence, Raphael, the frustration that has followed you since the age of thirteen, will leave their indelible mark. Even supposing that you might have women in the future - which in all frankness I doubt - this will not be enough; nothing will ever be enough. You will always be an orphan to those adolescent loves you never knew. In you the wound is already deep; it will get deeper and deeper. An atrocious, unremitting bitterness will end up gripping your heart. For you there will be neither redemption nor deliverance. That’s how it is.

>tfw no bf

> Japanese men finally figure out that 2D is superior
> this is somehow wrong
Fuck modern journalism.

>tfw gf
>tfw she annoying

Exactly, it's like there's a secret society where people go to get into relationships that remains hidden from you.

Yeah thats the feeling