Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?


Supes having a REEEE moment?

The writers.


But Superman has killed people so Superman's talking out of his ass.

Really makes you think

>if you let your enemies kill you, you win

woah dude ankle deep pop politics.

Really worth shoving into a kids show.

Where is that from?

Both, sometimes you have to defend yourself to not end up in a horrible position where the people that do perpetuate violence make the rules.

it promotes open mindedness to kids ya dip

Superman vs the elite


that ain't nothing

the elite was absolutely right, truely sick and terrifying people that are never going to learn should be put the fuck down

but then they had to go all psychopath

superman enjoys lobotomies almost as much as WW enjoys necks

There's nothing good about being open minded.

cucked mindedness more like it

I've only read superman under the red son. Does he lobotomise people in the canon universe?

He didn't actually lobotomise him, he just numbed that area that generates his power or some shit.

You for posting this outside of Sup Forums


Tell that to Zod's snapped neck.

Whoever hired that animation studio.


Loved that film. Was nice to see superman with his limiter off for once


That whole movie is making fun of 90's superheroes for being shallow edgy faggots. You're never really meant to side with those characters.