>waaahhh I'm very handsome and have a large penis and people like to be around me and beautiful women want to have sex with me all the time
>please feel sympathy for me
D'aww Man With Everything Want HUG!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
Dishonest film
you'd think you'd be able to relate to the torment of being addicted to something easily acceptable since you're wasting your entire life on an anime image board on the internet and probably on porn too
>to a rich and very handsome man
>with a larger than average dong
Weird, I enjoyed this film and felt no sympathy for the main character whatsoever. I believed the point being made was sex addiction, when it's actually real, affects life. It becomes such a need that there is no pleasure, just chasing a dragon at that point.
he really should have fucked his sister
Or, you know, have a go at the dozens of women that wanted his dick daily
Just replace all the scenes of him having sex to him shooting up heroin and it makes more sense.
>make a film about sex addiction
>make the protagonist a handsome man that has no trouble picking up women
>Weird, I enjoyed this film and felt no sympathy for the main character whatsoever
it's not weird, only simpletons need to relate with the main character in order to enjoy a film.
His dad molested him and his sister.
He has incest with his sister and is ashamed of his past.
Is addicted to sex beacuse he is now degenerate like his sister only knowing to fuck people as they don't know any other way to interact
yeah great life
>constantly has sex and everyone is attracted to him
>bad life
>42 threads
>about the same thing
>by the same person
Does shitposting make you more or less angry about how much women hate you?
>i police Sup Forums for threads that go against my normie sensitivities
>42 threads
>neckbeards want a version of a ugly fag who can't get laid having sex addiction
Is this the bitter virgin general?
lol why so mad, kid?
Are you a virgin?
You sure enjoyed that 3 second scene where u can see his dong
90% of threads on most fast boards are spam bot and autistic teen posting now. By autistic teen posting I mean they just post the same thing over and over again until their handler makes them stop.
That, however, would make for a more intense movie.
How is sex addiction from the point of an undesirable person?
>there are people who spend real actual money to spam things on a Taiwanese pottery throwing magazine
who doesn't want to see Fassbender's penis
Here we go
how can you get sex addiction if you can't have sex in the first place dingus.
A movie about a guy successfully raping women and then men
42 threads? Impressive.
>how can you get sex addiction if you can't have sex in the first place dingus.
First, you watch tons of porno. Then, you want to fuck everything that moves. There.
I was more interested in naked carey mulligan but het, its 2017, its ok to be gay
>mfw warned by a mod for posting this
I'm not even mad. I'm genuinely impressed. You guys are doing your job?
I have an addiction, and its interracial porn with big black dicks, how do i stop it anons? I want to stop having thoughts of my gf getting fucked by black dicks behind my back
>How is sex addiction from the point of an undesirable person?
escorts, lots of them
what rule was that post breaking?
Apparently the rule for being "off-topic" - guess jokes about child sexual abuse don't cut it with some of these guys
>implying I feel anything but pure contempt for junkie scum
weird how they're active enough to delete that but this thread is still up
to be fair sex addiction really isn't that bad in the whole scale of things
especially when the person in question is rich and successful and is able to afford it
Sex addiction is not even a real disorder.
Lusting after your own sister is no good friendo.
It is if she's of legal age and attractive.
>Implying that filters aren't used in every movie practically
>Implying that people that have everything can't be depressed.
There's a reason celebrities still commit suicide. I'm sorry you're bitter about being a micro-dicked anti-social NEET though.
The only good celebrity is a dead celebrity.
You're not supposed to feel sympathy for him, he's an asshole that drove his sister to attempted suicide
Isn't this movie about siblings dealing with the trauma of being molested?
>only celebrities and well-adjusted, successful people like me can feel REAL depression
ITT: lots of people thinking having sex is the only thing that matters to have good life.
Actually, it does matter.
Not the only, but one of the most. Proof of that is the amount of bitter virgins in this thread.
If you cant have sex you're probably failing in a bunch of other areas in life.