Runs up to bad guy who could be instantly stopped with super speed

>Runs up to bad guy who could be instantly stopped with super speed
>Stops right infront of bad guy to say something pointless
>Bad guy shoots something that could easily be avoided with super speed
>It hits him anyway because he forgot super speed
>Bad guy gets away on foot
>Doesn't chase despite having super speed

Does it ever get better or is it just this over and over?

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Yes it gets better with every white woman - black man couple

No, it is poorly written live action comics for teens

he dies in the end of the current season.

this is an inherent problem with all capeshit, society as we know it wouldnt work if dozens people can simply do magic at anytime and do anything rendering all laws, power structures, security etc etc pointless. this shit is simply crap writers trying to shoehorn in some normality into impossibility

It gets worse.

Some of the shit logic is excusable, because naturally super speed/perception would make almost all problems minor inconveniences, but ever since fucking "time remnants" in S2 the logic has been so fucking bad it's insulting. There's regular logic, and then a few leagues below that is comic logic, and then even further down there's fucking CW logic. It's like an adult brainstorms cool ideas for a season and then a literal fetus works out how it all is supposed to come together.

Look at how Shitty the actor and costume looks, the show is amazingly cheap.
Obviously a shit show, I gave up halfway from the first episode

>fastest man alive
>everybody is faster than him

i thought the wells/thawne arc was cool for about half a season
too bad barry is the very definition of unlikable capeshit

The show is ruined. Season 1 had a good formula and worked very well, season 2 was worse but the scenes with masked Zoom were cool enough to carry me through it.

The whole Savitar season tho... Jesus fuck, I actually started watching season 1 again and you can actually see the actors trying harder. They don't even care anymore.

It gets more tolerable if you pretend that he's just dealing with some unspoken limitations on his powers and that he's actually competent.

Barry I don't think you should be looking at your black sister like that.

Just shut up and ogle Grant Gustin.

>people actually watch capeshit tv shows

Cute. CUTE

Damn. You know what they do to guys like that in prison?

Get them to teach show choir choreography in the rec yard?

That obviously playback

The fight with that gorilla was pretty kino, don't pretend like it wasn't.

Nah, pretty shit like all the fights where barry was involved. He has a shitton of experience now and he's faster than sound, how come he doesn't instakill bitches with the infinite mass punch?

Too busy dancing.

>hey guys let's introduce some character building
>haha jk it's a prank bro
My fault I guess.

Be taught about the moral use of their powers by the speed force that's taken the form of their mother?

Sup Forums is Coprophiliac, they're happy to watch any shit that they shove in them, because it's based on comic books.

Is that the one where he runs straight into the gorilla's shield for no reason and gets BTFO

>people actually watch capeshit tv shows

Say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens.

The 90s Batman cartoon was pretty good.

Is he a fag

>or is it just this over and over
This over and over.
I couldn't take this show seriously because of that.

LOL with all the things you could legitimately criticize, you pick two of the series' strong points. How would you make the suit look better? Metallic armor? Stop posting, Snyder, your daughter's dead.

Some capeshit used to be good (the writing, sfx tv capeshit was always dodgy). The dip in quality happened around Smallville mid-series time.

DC animated cape shit is pretty good. I'm not a fan of live capeshit though, for either company, don't feel like it translates well

No this show is an overrated piece of dog shit. The writing is laughable.

Requesting the frozen lazer beams webm.

Anyone else remember and miss Black Scorpion (the tv series, not just the movies)?

>DC animated cape shit is pretty good
No, Kevin, they're not. They're so sterile that you're better off reading the comics they're based from. Your cameo in Judas Contract was cringeworthy.

Yeah, DC was good (not with their Nu52 animated movies, but WW 2009 was BASED. So was the Jonah Hex and Green Arrow shorts. And Red Hood). Marvel not so much.

Spawn. Hellboy animated. That was great.