ITT: movies you couldn't finish because they were so boring

ITT: movies you couldn't finish because they were so boring

zero theorem

get some taste

also pic related

Boring is a state of mind, more so a criticism of yourself than any given film.


Would have walked out of this one if I hadn't gone to see it with a friend and taken his car.

Get Out, just watched it and stopped it several times and only finished it cause I rented it. So bad!

Im a nig, Im special cause black, people want to be black wut? Nigger propaganda; is that really how nigs think?

Who knows user, who knows


unironically the second avengers movie. what a boring piece of shit


Tried 3 separate times, fell asleep each time, finally gave up

>all this plebs

sasuga KINO audience, can't stand real cinema

Wow, what the fuck? This movie was visually so stunning that i couldn't look away for a second

not me but my dad coudn't finish new madmax
i just... it's good action movie for goddamn

>visually stunning

linguistic hoops people gonna go through in order not to admit a film is boring is fascinating

The Hunted. Tried 2 times only got about 20 mins in.

I fell asleep 5 time in the theater during alien covenant.

no boredom is a state of mind
boring is something that induces boredom

waste money to take a nap
why did you do that user?

your directorial debut, desu

the loss of sexual innocence

I'm a cracka (lol, cracka, so cool). Im not special cause white, wanna be black like by boy LeBron wut WUT? White priviledge; is that really how cracka's think?

lol got'em

pleb general

>watching capeshit

Literally every Bergman or Tarkovsky I ever tried watching.

"psychological" """horror""" AKA nothing happens

I remember being so excited that they were making a live action transformers movie. I'm pretty sure I rented it at a block buster. Brought it home, put it in and feel alseep maybe twenty minutes in.

>no problem, I must have been more tired than I thought.

Put it on again, go directly to the scene I fell asleep to only to fall asleep again

>either I'm narcoleptic or this movie blows.

Never see more than 20 minutes of that shitheap

This movie aged terribly.

Sounds like it's a problem with you and not the movie.

Blade Runner

Tried watching it like 3 times, they're always muttering and it put me to sleep.

Finished this but it was boring overhyped shit as well, like the other guy said it was probably interesting at the time it came out but it's as tame as a dead tiger now

pirates of the Caribbean 3
that shitty war film about ww2 or something
birth of a nation

honestly fell asleep during all of these films they were that shit

Yeah, did not enjoy it that much. Prefer Repulsion.

That one and a Chinese romcom are the only two movies I only ever fell asleep during.

If the ww2 flick was Mel Gibson's watch it until there deployed user then you'll see it was worth it.

Lliteral retard op

idk wtf that film was, it had something about butterflys and how the yanks in the jungles started looking at them and shit something about the main guy was avoiding the war by living on an island by himself

it was really bad, i fell asleep

I have no idea what people see in this shit. It was probably the most disappointed I've ever been in a super-hyped movie. But I started with the final cut so maybe that was my mistake.

This entrylevel plebshit. Turned it off after 20 minutes and fuck that hack PSH, thank god he is dead.

BvS and couple bottom of the barrel horror movies


It was made by a pedo what did you expect.

I made the mistake of smoking before the movie

>But I started with the final cut so maybe that was my mistake.
No, you just have bad taste.

wich is why watching paint dry is big in artistic communities

It was pretty gud.

It's beyond me how people get through this snooze-fest.


Thanks, Going for DeludedChristian.gif might change/duplicate it to DeludedVult.gif But that would be too deep to ever use in the place where one should use it... Sup Forums

Have a /lit/

whoever says babadook is amazing or great is a fuckin pretentious dull liar

same here, user. I just liked the still shots.

I have literally fallen asleep on Blade Runner like 6 times, never again. What a shit movie

Go watch it again. It's a masterpiece by the genius Kaufman.

Being called a pretentious fag everytime I say babadook was a good movie is inevitable. I liked it because of the genuinely creepy scenes, instead of generic jumpscares most horror movies are flooded with. Couldn't care less about the metaphorical bullshit. The only real plebs are the people who say it was shit because of the autistic kid.

I watched this with a friend and thought it was boring. Viewed it a second time alone and loved it. I don't even understand how this happens, there are certain movies that when I watch alone I absolutely love and the same movie viewed with a friend or a bunch of friends seems boring.

it was good but not as good as many said it was on release. The ending was awful and I wish they never showed the Babadook so blatantly, it would have been much better if you only had to go by how he looked in the book or on the TV (which was the best scene in the film) and imagine the rest instead of seeing a shitty marilyn manson dude. Essential 2010s horror films ranking:
The VVitch>>>>The Babadook>>>>>>>>Shit Follows

oh okay, i get that. The tv news part was especially terrifying.

But other than that, I think it was an okay movie. I just hate it because of all the praise it got.

Well yeah, when you are watching a film with a bunch of friends who have never seen it you're constantly subconsciously worrying about losing their attention because you don't know what they are thinking. Watching a film alone you have no such worry and can just digest the film.
Every new horror film that is any good gets absurdly hyped up to meme status.


this one's lovely

t. reddit

t. brainlet


t. retard