Best movie of 2004?
Why yes, yes it was.
Best movie of 2004?
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um, 'no' sweetie
1. "Hana and Alice" (dir. Shunji Iwai)
2. "Before Sunset" (dir. Richard Linklater)
3. "Mind Game" (dir. Masaaki Yuasa)
4. "Clean" (dir. Olivier Assayas)
5. "Vera Drake" (dir. Mike Leigh)
6. "9 Songs" (dir. Michael Winterbottom)
that's not even a good movie you retard
that's just your opinion
fuck off to reddit you estrogen water drinking nu-male blad fuck
GOAT ending
Hella. FUCKING. ep*c.
Why are there so many more tripfags on Sup Forums than on any other board, and why are they so much more obnoxious?
go back to Sup Forums you bait consuming board wrecker
>Spider-man 2 is capekino
>Anchorman and Dodgeball are extremely quotable comedies to this very day
>The Life Aquatic is comedikino
>despite memes, Shrek 2 is better than Shrek at times
will we ever get a year as good as 2004 ever again?
didn't recognize any of them huh :/
Only desperate and revisionist capequeers think Spider-man 2 was kino, Anchorman and Dodgeball are quotable but nowhere near as good as you remember them, The Life Aquatic is just another Wes movie, no one thinks Shrek 2 was better than Shrek.
>(muffled Duran Duran and Irish screams in the distance)
I am a Clintfag and would say it was Million Dollar Baby, but it wasn't, that is Lesser Clint
Is this bait? Oh well.
hated the ending, uncalled for desu
this was kino, I have to admit
Before Sunset (Richard Linklater)
Keane (Lodge Kerrigan)
Mean Girls (Mark Waters)
Primer (Shane Carruth)
Sideways (Alexander Payne)