Do you want to find love in Japan?

Do you want to find love in Japan?

Other urls found in this thread:

Do you love Japan

Do you love Japan

Do you love Japan


I dont find non-whites attractive but im really getting desperate lads.

Do you love Japan ?

I want to find KANCHO in Japan.

this girl looks like korean though - her make up, hair, clothing. i’m not saying she’s specifically cuter than japanese

She looks like a generic east Asian with cosmetic surgery.

which is easiest to learn on your own chinese, japanese or korean?

easy japanese>korean>chinese hard

it’s because of her weird contacts and stupid under eye liners


I don't know if my screen has problems but I can't read the characters after 是


Do love in Japan want to love me?

After all, this picture is the best. :3


Dark eyes like that scare me.

how do I get japan gf?

be like this guy

but im short
whats the point
time to kms

just be yourself

Kind of

Stop make japan thread you fucking dejima.

Do you love? Japan don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no kamikaze.

its shit JUST LIKE THIS that I cant stand life without a japanese gf.

Literally me

This thread is posted everyday.
Although I don't know why they do so,
they seems to want to have this thread at all times.

Let's leave them alone. :3



Does japan love me back? (>~