How do we fix Sup Forums?
What is there to fix?
let me make threads again
Sup Forums is a place for shitposting
it is unfixable
ban generals
ban killkid the crossdressing queer.
( ._.)
Containment boards for capeshit and spaceshit.
how will that help to stem the tide of porn and pedos?
Fuck off wannabe janny hotpocket
get better writers
* Use Sup Forums gold money to hire hitmen to kill all the pedos
* Baneposting gets you permabanned
* Talking about politics gets you permabanned
i didn't even do anything some shitbird teenager keeps getting me rangeblocked
gee, who do you think is interested in opening meta threads?
the pedos were here before you and they'll be here long after you.
>shitbird teenager
maybe you should just stay on reddit
Get rid of general threads. They killed Sup Forums they will do the same to Sup Forums. They're not even Reddit tier, they ARE Reddit.
Sound webms
Ban all cartoonfags like Simpsons, family guy, Rick and Morty.
Notice how none of them have actual discussion.
>The Simpsons
Seed and feed spam
>Family Guy
Fucking the baby spam
>Rick and Morty
Pickle Rick spam
Ban them all
are you one of the shitbird
remove Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums
We don't. Join the phone posting and proxy users and say goodbye to bans forever
Shit post as much as humanly possible
Removing generals
This. If you disagree, well you are probably from Reddit. Sup Forums was the best board until moot and the jannies turned into faggots.
Whenever I see these threads and I read people's suggestions for how to fix this place I automatically start doing the stuff they don't like.
Sup Forums is the board about dying legacy media.
With each passing year movies and tv shows are becoming worse and so is the board studying them. It's inevitable.
You should just enjoy the decline and shitpost about it like most of Sup Forums does.
Unban waifuposting
Rangeban 8ch pedos
t. reddit
why are people so mad at the two generals on this board?
1:range ban Americans
this will stop politic posting and the Sup Forumsliberal defence force getting upset at minor jokes or bumping shit post threads with huge essays
They're hotpockets in training
10/10 board, would mod
the jews
I'm not American and I post politics threads on Sup Forums just to shit up the board
1. Whitelist American posters to prevent all foreigner Neanderthals from shitting up the board.
>* Baneposting gets you permabanned
Delete Sup Forums
>I post politics threads on Sup Forums just to shit up the board
>I'm not American
you don't say
Ban American IPs until they fix their joke of a flick industry.
we see you, leaf
Permaban all who participates in /who/ and /got/ and bring back cunny
Europoors can't even afford to make flicks, there would be nothing to watch
Deport the entire userbase of Sup Forums and substitute them with users from a politically acceptable site like reddit.
Make posting about RLM or any other youtube bullshit a bannable offence
Ruin every topic because it's far more fun than having a "serious" discussion with autismo who eventually winds up sperging out because you don't agree with their opinion
Sup Forums is for memes and shit posting. If you don't like it, leave
there is literally nothing wrong with Sup Forums
politics and media are intertwined, theres no getting around it
>Sup Forums is for memes and shit posting.
reddit the opinion
stop posting, you're not entertaining, redditor
He's right though.
I think it's fine. Plenty of threads for good discussion. No one is making you click those cunny threads.
Use memes as much as possible
Post the same shit over and over again
Post religion and politics threads just to puss people off
Post tired old memes that everyone hates as much as you can
Learn to ban evade
Use @ to reply to people
Don't ever report anything. Ever.
Post thread stretching shits like AHAHAHAHA.....
Deliberately respond to the wrong posts to cause confusion and ruin threads
Post links to unrelated topic in assorted threads
Start threads and then immediately abandon them
memes have their place but pathetic fucks like you ruined them and Sup Forums
>Use @ to reply to people
love that
Sup Forums is just for memes and shit posting.
t. magapede
It needs to start at the top. The moderators are awful and delete legitimate threads while they allow shit like BLACKED threads to stay up. A perfect example is a few weeks ago when My 600 Pound Life became a meme on here and the mods banned every thread until it's no longer talked about, but they allow 20 black dick and steven colbert threads to be up at the same time.
At some point you realize that this entire board is nothing but a cancer and it's best to just not come on here anymore.
Post using your computer and your phone at the same time. This way you can same fag the hell out of any topic
Play both sides of an argument for maximum shit posting
>At some point you realize that this entire board is nothing but a cancer and it's best to just not come on here anymore.
and yet you're still here.
Ban the fucking generals.
They subreddit imitations and they attract the redditors.
Then they get mad because not everything else is like their site of origin.
And then they start retarded meta threads to complain about it.
reddit loves black cock
Baneposting is dead.
Not even the newfags post it anymore
more goreposting
you forgot one thing
go on a block post rant about the history of Sup Forums and say you have been here from 2007-2010 and tha its now different from your own personnel prospective you had at the time
make it fit your argument
Piss off back to /qa/, reddit trash.
You cannot stop this.
The memes will conquer all.
Satan knows what's up.
Wordfilter reddit
I like this one.
The got one isn't so bad because Sup Forums doesn't like got anymore since its "rëddit"
But that dr. who shit is fucking stupid---it's like 3 ip's posting 300 posts a day, fucking sad.
This is also good
Fuck that stupid numale shit
/got/ is basically a never-ending D&D and GRRM hate thread at this point
People who complain about reddit are worse than redditors themselves. At least Reddit keeps a nice clean organized catalog.
Some men just want to watch the world burn.
no u
If you faggots, kikes and roasties didn't throw a hissy fit about any mention of jews in holywood or obvious agenda centered content, and stopped making shitty bait threads about Trump, 90% of the political shitposting would be instantly gone. But you won't, because sadly shareblue is going to do it regardless like literally everywhere else - and thus an apolitical board is impossible.
get rid of all "fuck off Sup Forums" people when obvious shilling of awful hollywood beliefs is pointed out as destroying a tv or movie
range block all india mobile posters
Checkmate, atheists.
Nobody appreciates your cancerous echo chamber safe spaces besides reddit
sup redditor
You can't, literally every corner of the internet is crawling with shills nowadays.
Every major board on Sup Forums has a bunch of dedicated shitposters from /leftypol/, anti trump subreddit discords and the blanket covering of actual paid shareblue pajeets.
The majority of people don't want to see child porn and black dicks while looking at movies. You're a dumb faggot who needs to go outside.
Ban people who say "/leftypol/".
>people don't want to see child porn
oh you redditors crack me up
It's still more entertaining that the insufferable self righteous drivel you call generals
General threads are terrible and must be stopped. On every board they are complete dogshit and attract Reddit. All these pussies butt hurt because someone said kike or nigger need to go too. I say this as a Latino whose been on Sup Forums on and off since 08, you guys are thin skinned and don't belong here. I'll bet the majority of "AGHHH ban Sup Forums" have never been on Sup Forums and have been on Sup Forums for less than a year.
You might as well have a black dick general thread since they're made 50 times a day. Go post in that on you gay redditor faggot.
>Waah why do these terrible people force such beliefs as "kindness", "respect" and "tolerance" on us, we just want to be autistic shitheads in peace
Let's start by banning meta spam, I don't care what the gook figurehead thinks about them.
We don't care about your opinion either faggot
we need a janitor who is not a cuck and is familiar with the board culture
Don't forget govs. JTRIG has at least 1500 faggots.
>General threads are terrible and must be stopped. On every board they are complete dogshit and attract Reddit.
Does the Syria general on Sup Forums attract reddit?
We need to go back to discussing movies. What are some God bless America kinos?
We don't. It's not broken.
People who insist that Sup Forums must be "fixed" are autists who only want to see threads they're personally interested in, which would be mindnumbingly boring for everyone else, and people who's only aspiration in life is to have power (lel) on an image board.