Ahh yes, the killer was trying to show off by leaving his mark, a signature. This isn't random violence, it's a message

>Ahh yes, the killer was trying to show off by leaving his mark, a signature. This isn't random violence, it's a message.

Every. Fucking. Time.

Could they seriously not come up with another reason?

*gets into autism mode where he can see what the killer did*

Because the show is garbage

The show could be so good without this faggot. He's the reason I dropped it.

What show?

problem cannibal 2

Dexter Lite

King of the Cannibal

So Hannibal?

CW's The Pretty Little Hannibal Diaries


CSI Toronto


Include me in le epic reddit screenshot!!1!


*windshield wiper lights intensifies*

*turns into the killer*

This is my design.

>Every. Fucking. Time.
That's because he's not a cop investigating all murders, he's a consultant that only works on murders that appear to be committed by serial killers, since those usually do have a bigger picture or a pattern/message to follow. They won't send him to investigate some armed robbery gone wrong or something generic.

>*windshield wiper lights intensifies*
>*turns into the killer*
>This is my design.

>people not only watched multiple episodes of this shit, no, they also pretended to enjoy it

really how is this explained? paranormal? left unexplained?

Mads almost makes it worth it. But the scenes with him being a superhero, dodging bullets and shit like he's in some Jet Li movie are pretty tiresome.

Yeah man, I don't know.

Ah yes dark, dull and boring with a dash of homosexual undertones.

fair enough, but could the writers really not come up with another gimmick?

No need to post your twitter bio on here buddy ;))

Literally weaponised autism, it's explained that he can get into killers mindset due to his heightened empathy and thats also the reason hes fucked in the head and FBI begins suspecting him. staring into the abbys and shit.

>it's a the serial killer not only commits gruesome violence but has a very classical sense of artistry towards it episode

every fucking time

This show sucked special balls