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My God, the election's going to rape them

Is any party more stupid in the world than the Democrat party in USA? Like.. can't they pass five seconds without humiliating themself

It's like the dems are in a race to the bottom.. WOW..

r selection, the video

Eva Longoria mrs. (texas used to be mexico) "CANT YOU HAIR MA VAICE THIS TAIM"

What a meltdown..

pretty sure i saw all these posts during the 2012 election year

unless assange actually has a bombshell trumps fucked

im now a #hillshill

Ok satan.. but i never posted this before now.

>relating to the youth with shitty pop music


Sounds like the cheesy, brainless soaps and comedy series, playing in hipster urban settings.
Now limp-wristed nu-males and feminists can clap #withHer.

someone call child protective services

The song is pretty catchy though, but it's so fucking obvious propaganda it's not even funny.

i'm now #mentallyhill


Is this song like a parody of something? It sounds kind of familiar.

Also who the fuck is this guy? He looks so familiar.


it's just a cover of an existing pop song from earlier this year. I don't know who the dude is but he does look really fucking familiar

He looks like Bill Whittle's cuck brother

They're trying to appeal to the (((FROZEN))) fans, obviously.

Liberals fucking love musicals, it gives them validation to sing kumbaya while holding hands and suffocating inside their blue-pilled communist bubble.

So who are the "celebrities" in this shit?

Oh right, must have heard it in a show or something at some point.

Saw this comment on the vid of the original song kek

Do these fucking idiots refuse to address the fact that Hilary is a pathological liar? This has been proven time and time again. That fact that she is a woman is more important though, right? Good job liberals.

Holy fuck this is sad.

They even have the "it takes a village to raise your child" put into it.. that's a communistic mindset btw. if anyone has any doubt.

youtube.com/watch?v=-x9UGEHhc8U Here's msnbc's host peddling the same commie propaganda. "we've always had this private notion of children". "children belong to whole community not just the parents."

I really fucking am maplebro.

It's the guy from anchorman I think.


John Michael Higgins (yes man)
Elizabeth Banks (hunger games)
Eva longoria "Cant yau haeir ma vaice das taim" (desperate housewives) who also said "texas was part of mexico, so illegals didn't cross the border, the border crossed us" at the DNC 1st day
and sia at the end, those are the retards i immediately recognize.

Either way it's a bunch of virtue signalling morons with a few either paid off or clueless celebs thrown in.

You know women will gobble this shit up.

>(((Rob Reiner)))

Great job Ron.

He's a pro that's all I know

"prove we are alright song"

kek, If you have to prove it you are most definitely not alright,

He was also in Best in Show and A Mighty Wind. Great movies.

>and I don't really care if nobody believes
They do realise that if more people believe in Trump than Hillary, Trump will win the election, right?
>the left
>acknowledging reality
What was I thinking.

Well it is kind of sad but regardless if they are just paid a lot of money behind the scenes for participating in this or if they really want to stand for hillary, it's sad either way because it kind of ruins your perception of them with regards to things they might have been part of that might have been fun or great and people have good memories of..

This is why i think the best decision for actors is to keep their oppinions to themselves.. so they don't ruin their careers by saying what they really mean. But they think the opposite and think they can use their clout to sway groups of people.. just ends up biting them in the arse when they sell out this way.. It's funny

They forget that they're basically paid their entire life for saying lines written by others in movies which storyline they had nothing to do with.. And so for them to go full political shill and thinking they're helping legitimize anything by simply being present, is funny.

Unless they can articulate actual political sound reasons for them supporting something thus not using their celebrity status but simply speaking as any other citizen, they should just keep their mouth shut if they knew what was good for them.

A prime example of this is eva longoria (but also elizabeth banks) but especially eva longoria during the DNC.. that basically stood in front of all america and said that "texas used to be part of mexico, so illegals didn't cross the border, the border crossed them". Proving to the US that she's a complete airhead.. ruining the perception of her in front of all american citizens and any foreigners watching..

If you are a celebrity and you happen to be a complete airhead.. don't fucking tell the entire world you idiot, just keep your mouth shut for the sake of your career :D Apparently she didn't think so..

Oh god, it gets better:
>idina menzel
>coalburner btw
>voice of Elsa
>the girl that keeps a secret that could (and eventually did) threaten the security of the people of her kingdom
>the girl that literally ran away from her obligations to her people
>Idina said she loved Elsa
Oh sweet Jesus...

No, wait, it gets even better
>pic related


And she made an ass of herself in this song aswell by singing basically massively false, eventhough she's supposed to kickstart the chorus.. see this


Your guys's fatal flaw may be underestimating your enemy. I think you are severely underestimating just how vapid, shallow, and downright stupid an exceptionally large percentage of the population is.

It's hard to imagine if you're someone who attempts to put any effort at all into their political thoughts and leanings, but a whole lot of people eat this sort of shit right up.

Oh we know the naive deluded leftist echo chamber is very real, but we can still comment on it regardless.


It appears there are some really bad things that could potentially come to light. They know there is evidence of some very serious shennanigans, they're just not sure if wikileaks has it.

I hope they do, and I hope they save it fr the end of October.

The background vocal sounds like

Do you think this shit won over any straight males that were having doubts? That's literally the demographic where Hillary is struggling the most and she rolls out this underage girl, middle aged mother horse shit

This has to be fake

I fear people may look at this sort of absolute rubbish and think the DNC/Hillary campaign is just sinking itself and then get complacent is all.

I like how they have a dollar store Milo in there as well.

Point well taken. She's certainly not going to get votes from a large percentage of white males. The DNC is going all out with their identity politics and aiming it directly at white men, straight white men most especially.

>Why are these bars here? I want to die.


I hate to break it to you but Romney lost by 5 million votes and the demographics have only been sliding farther downward into the pit of bullshit.

Show me a realistic electoral map that has Trump winning. The best we can hope for is a crazy long shot where hillary wins only one swing state.

Well it IS sinking itself with relation to dems who still have some critical thought left, but ofcourse people who have very little of the aforementioned are going to think this sort of thing is great..

It's not that we expect deluded brainwashed morons to just stop being so by snapping our fingers.. nobody here honestly believes that.

RNC theme:youtube.com/watch?v=Xk04-C_92ME
Let's make the World 90's again!

This is why Muslims want to bomb us

cuckiest video i have ever seen it made me squint at it

This song convinced me to be a cuck again.


RNC fight song.
Because life isn't about being dumb and happy and so excited to be seen as attractive, "fun" and nothing more.

Trump is not Romney and Hillary is not Obama, get over it. Last time around it was the republicans who had buttdevastated Paultards in their ranks.

listen to that

then listen to THIS

Half of them look like trannies.


Sammyboy redpilled him

>the people that thought this was a powerful message might rule the country next year


Hilary's playing defense pham, she's been playing it safe with identity politics, BLM shilling, pandering to establishment democrats etc. since day one because she thought this election was gonna be a cakewalk.

Problem is, even though the DNC is starting to see how badly they fucked up by cucking the Berniebros instead of making a few nominal concessions here and there to bring them into the fold, Trump has such a solid hold on the middle class white vote that a catch-22 arises:

>go after Trump for being white and successful and thereby attack the white middle class belief system
>try to pander to white middle-class voters and lose their case with a shitton of minorities that the DNC has brainwashed into thinking they're oppressed and threatened 24/7.

Trump has Hillary by the balls she took from Bill at the turn of the century. Glorious