Paul W. S...

Paul W. S. Anderson’s Resident Evil: The Final Chapter shares with The Great Wall a gifted filmmaker’s signature sense of spectacle. Anderson’s set pieces get increasingly faster and imaginative, and his video-game-based franchise about the social effects of scientific hubris also employs political allegory. The apocalypse is Expressionistic symbolism for modern enmity. Milla Jovovich’s fierce Alice acts out the antagonisms of a world off its axis. She outruns zombies and fights off clones who desecrate what religion and capitalism used to mean. Extra fun: Anderson critiques his familiar paroxysms of violence when Alice dodges laser beams aimed by the Umbrella Corporation (best mock logo since Nashville’s “The Replacement Party”). It’s an organic genre-movie thrill like silent cinema’s Little Nell tied to railroad tracks.

He's still a nigger

based armond

Almond bless


nice word salad

Fuck off Sup Forums

fpbp (I'm not him btw)

You know this movie could have been perfectly serviceable shitkino if not for schizophrenic editing. It gave me a headache.

Based Armond. Only critic around worth a damn.

Fuck off Sup Forums

Agreed, even when I disagree with him I greatly enjoy his perspective.

This nigga continues to have shit taste...

The last resident evil movie is comedy gold
"Trinity of bitches"

This 2bh. He's being Based!

The editor should be blacklisted

Kermode is better

Based Arnold

I too enjoyed that quip

HOW can someone be SO contrarian o___o

I've honestly enjoyed most of P W.S. Anderson's movies.

Fuck off reddit

t. been here since 2015

how can someone be so reddit :o xd

>le armond is contrarian meme
