"At age twelve, Olson was involved in a serious bicycle accident that resulted in a fractured skull...

"At age twelve, Olson was involved in a serious bicycle accident that resulted in a fractured skull, which required reconstructive surgery."

Oh, that explains.

Other urls found in this thread:


explains what?


Explains what user?


Didn't know they did reconstructive surgery on birds.


Is that why all the kids at school called her the aluminum monster?


Five head

Had to wear a back brace after

Irl aluminum monster

id still fuck that bird

Wtf are they married?

charlie is married to the waitress
dennis is married to that chick from th DENNIS system episode.

and she looks completely different in the new seasons
>the gang ignores it

Would still cream all over that flat chest though

**I suction cup my mouth to her bare anus cavity, when suddenly**


**A transfer of her intestinal gas right into my mouth and down my throat**


**I try to pull my head away to gasp for air but she won't let me, she reaches behind her and forces the back of my head between her ass cheeks more**


**This definitely was more than just air being passed, I felt wet chunks blown in the back of my throat as she forcefully made me swallow them with my mouth still glued to her asshole**


>"Oh yea baby you like that, don't you little fuck boi, huh? Whos your mommy? That's right, I'm your mommy, now it's time for baby fuck boi to get his protein in. Open wide"

**She said to me aggressively, as she forced another one out**


**What tasted like a mustard pudding was ejected out of her colon. I threw up in my mouth from the taste, but she kept my head and mouth firmly lodged between her ass cheeks so nothing left my mouth. There was so escaping this one**


**I said with my mouth full of shit**

**She turned around, gave me a look like in pic related. And simply shook her head "NO!"**

**Fearing for my life, I swallowed her bowel movement, and she finally released me from her anus**


>"So hows that for eating ass?"

**She said in a smug and condescending way**

Didn't know Glen was married.


Haven't been on Sup Forums for a while. Braapposting really has gotten out of hand.

yup, has kids too

>This definitely was more than just air being passed, I felt wet chunks blown in the back of my throat

Goddamn, the system works

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?


>Pizza's good
>YOU'RE the one that's good


this is the worst pasta of late. already stale.

This is fucking awful, stop pushing it

Mac has such a weird face. He looks attractive and retarded at the same time.

based rocco

I fapped to him in that episode with Mammario 2 days ago. He's a fucking stud



Man his wife is super fucking cute, Howerton is so based

her nose dude

Women are funny. Get over it.

>with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"
plus she can dump you as soon as anther beta is in sight and she gets bored with your performance. Good things for women that betas are numerous and eager to please.

that face when you know u dun goofd