His character is literally named Bill

>His character is literally named Bill.

You cannot make this shit up. Meme magic is real. I can't deny it anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why does he wield the bow?

He's a hired gun.

Father Pavel i'm Long Bow infantry

Or perhaps he's wondering why you would shoot a man, before kicking him off of a carriage

is it kino?

Are you sure he isn't figuratively Bill and literally William?

It's fucking fun as hell. It's like getting Jason Statham to tell you a bedtime story about King Arthur. Nothing's accurate and it's not even trying to be.

It's got some legitimately cool scenes in it, too.

Goosefat Bill is MVP.
>tfw you didn't miss

The ending from giant snake to final boss fight, including slo-mo omnislash was fucking terrible tho.

Also: 11/10 soundtrack.

Bullshit, that part was kino. Especially the music.

I envy you user if you can legitimately enjoy garbage like that.

shit actor

>William Wilson


He's not alone. I enjoyed it, too. I'm not claiming this movie's a masterpiece or anything, but I was entertained throughout.

This soundtrack is fucking fantastic.

>Dr Vortigern, I'm KRT

Because it's so ingrained into the Flight Plan that it's like not noticing the sound of your own heartbeat.

the gift that keeps on giving

I loved the movie but thought the ending was videogame cutscene garbo (kind of like the parts where his eyes & the sword glows).

The youtube link you posted has a distorted sound.

Serious question: Is it good enough to watch the low quality cam currently in circulation?

Visuals & sounds carry the movie more than the story does.
Not worth watching a cam version at all imo.

Try this one. I didn't have my headphones on when I ran across the first one.


Fucking A.

cam version is pretty much never worth it, unless the movie sucks and isn't action or horror based

but his name was seeaiyay

that's a long bow

For England.


The name's Wilson. "Goosefat" Bill Wilson.

What the fuck kind of nickname is "Goosefat"?

I don't get how you can manage to set aside pretentiousness and have fun with a movie like this only to turn snob mode back on right at the end.

It's a reference to how he's too slippery to keep in gaol. He's an escape artist, basically.

I kept noticing I was smiling the whole time I was watching it because of how much fun I was having, which has gotten to be rare.

Of course, I stopped smiling when I saw that it bombed and that film series they planned on making probably isn't going to happen. Kinda expected that, but it sucks. I would have loved to see this become a recurring role for Aiden Gillen.

It's not even entertaining in a bad way, it's just shit. Fuck off nigger.

Because it's a whole other level of bad. There's nothing snob about not liking the terrible CGI battle.

The slo-mo omnislash was fucking neat-o. Didn't last long enough

>Fuck off nigger.
Ah yes, the words of an expert in film.

At least now I know I can safely discard your opinion.

>uses the word kino
>gets triggered by the use of nigger
It's always funny when newfags out themselves.

Fuck man, me too. It felt like old-school give-no-fucks 80s fantasy and I loved it for it. I enjoyed this more than any movie I've seen in theaters yet this year.


Fuck lads, kind of want to see this movie now

I'm not even memeing. It's great if you don't autistically insist it be Excalibur 2: The Boormanning. That's not what it's trying to be, and it lets you know that from the first scene.

This is sort of like Lord of the Rings turned inside out and given a good dose of Guy Ritchie fuck-off. Even Excalibur itself is like the One Ring inverted in all ways except power. Imagine if it was only any good in the hands of the rightful King, didn't corrupt but sort of forced you to be the man you're meant to be, and when mastered, gave you the power to lay fucking waste to whole hordes of enemies.

The irony of you calling anyone a newfag is palpable.

>An actor played two characters that share an extremely common name

This is truly an epic win, just like when I read my horoscope in the morning and it's ALWAYS right!

That song with the breaths is honestly the best movie song since Wonder Woman's Theme, its amazing.

This is a film where most characters have names like "Vortigern." The one normal-named character being named Bill is indeed notable so you can take your sarcasm and blow it out your ass.

i couldnt help but laugh every time the camera panned to him or he said anything, it was so ridiculous

So you're not trolling? You're actually so dumb that you think there's something remarkable about Aiden Gillen playing two characters named Bill? How would you explain to a person that wasn't a meme-spouting inbred moron how this was remarkable or special in any way?

Wow, you sure just typed a lot of retarded bullshit.

I appreciated that they made a point of making him look like CIA in this movie. I think it was intentional.

It really is. I've been carrying it around with me in my head for the past two weeks. Haven't regretted a single second of it, either.

How would you explain to a person who doesn't browse this shit board why it's amazing that Aiden Gillen played two characters named Bill?


I would just point at your posts and we'd both laugh at how retarded you are.

>associating with normies
wtf is wrong with you?

Me too, but in the very best of spirits. It was a bit like watching meme magic unfold before my eyes.

Goosefat Bill - advisor to the King survives the masked man crashing this Kingdom. If only we could have gotten the Big Guy to play Vortigern. Not that I'm complaining about Jude Law - he was fucking great.


I was worried people would be complaining about the breath music being annoying, glad to see I'm not the only one who really liked it.

Definitely gotta watch this composer's other movies, see how his other soundtracks are.

>My mind is blown by someone playing two characters named Bill, but I'll call someone else retarded

Hello triggered newfag

A third person just joined me in laughing at your retardation.

What movie is this?

I can't read Moon Runes.

Because he has no loyalty for a hired gun.

>Hello triggered newfag
t. Reddit

The omnislash was probably the best part of the action.

I did enjoy that Jude Law literally turned into a big guy.

reminder there is an Egyptian god called Banebdjedet, with blue plane wings and everything, he has FOUR EWES for a head, and the horns look like 4Us too

I was delighted to find that there's actually at least two of those.


Because it isn't terrible. Downvoted.

They love us. They really love us.

It just fits so well with what's being shown on-screen. I liked the whole aesthetic of Londinium, too - this sprawling proto-London built on Roman ruins. It's anachronistic as all hell, but it's fucking fantastic.

How far does this shit go?

The King Arthur movie.

>redditor calling others reddit
Typical reddit

Don't have a heart attack, but Aiden Gillen has played characters named Dan twice, holy shit. And Robert twice. He's even played a character named Aiden!!!!!!!!! I can't even, this is such an epic f*cking win

Keep digging yourself deeper, retard.

>close up of the scrape up the scythe's blade

Pure fucking kino. I can't speak for how the action looks in 2D, but those CG scenes were mesmerizing in 3D.

t. triggered newfag redditor

King Arthur general?

Was anybody else pleasantly surprised by this?
>went into this movie thinking this was going to be a boring grimdark CGIfest
>ended up watching movie that turned out to be well edited and paced, mildly decent acting, and a small dash of comedy

Too bad it didn't do too well.

I'm still holding out hope that China will save it just like they saved Pacific Rim.

Keep going reddit. Upvoted

When we first saw Final Form Jude Law in the flashback, my idiot buddy leaned over and whispered, "Alpha to Agency. We have eyes on Big Guy. Repeat: Big Guy confirmed."

I snorted soda up my nose.

Heh, tricked you into upvoting me. I win.

The chase scene was fucking awesome, too. It's nice to see 3D used in a way that pulls you into the screen instead of just using it for meaningless razzledazzle. When they're jumping from rooftop to rooftop and the cameras are tracking from overhead, it really adds a sense of depth to what's happening.

The shoulder-mounted gopros in the alleyways were a bit much for my friend, but I liked them. I thought they pulled you in and made it feel claustrophobic and frantic, exactly how it should have felt in the circumstances.

Not so fast, you've been stealth downvoted by a mod. My victory is absolute :^)

>Impersonating a Sup Forums administrator, moderator, or janitor is strictly forbidden.


wooo wooooo

This is just mean as fuck.