
Lusitano edition

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Oi uma, o que é um Lusitano?



Ah, obrigado
Você já esteva na igreja hoje?

Ainda não.
Sabe português ou está usando tradutor?

Não esqueça isso, amigo
E entendo pt


I was out last night and one of my friends is a practicing joo that happened to shag a christian girl, as we spoke he told us that she broke up with him because she couldn't stand confessing to her priest about it. I was shocked as who would expect a 21 year old girl to go to church and do the whole thing, at this time the other two friends I was with looked serenely at me and said, "Pedro, we go to church every week" Fuggen blown out of my mind

Amigos, what is some great christmas music?


>tfw non-baptised heretic
Feels good >:)

Here some based Kenny G.


maybe it's a good thing though

I can not name a single person I know irl who actually goes to church or is even religious at all in any significant way, not even my grandparents

did ya'll niggas went to church today?

Did you guys know that KKK persecuted Italians?


Vai para o caralho brasuca.
arraçados do crl, sempre a nos cheirarem o cu

Somos todos amigo aqui.

kara a boga pretu
anda la a tua igreja evangelista ou ao teu kamdomble ou sei la o caralho


Eu sou branco.
Você está bem?

>2 weeks left until 2018
>still being ch*stian (jewish middle eastern religion)

May the Pachamama pity on you all.

t.fedora atheist

>t.fedora atheist

you wish

brazilian scum.

brazilians are obsessed with us, feels good to know our slaves still love us
we couldn't care less about you doe

>brazilians are obsessed with us

Not even you truly believe this.

hello yes


just check every single video on youtube or thread about us everywhere, there always a brazilain there, always. It's even ridiculous.
For me,or for the majority of us portuguese, we just want distance from you.

This, so obsessed with their masters they can't let it go

Or Portuguese facebook pages, it's quite pathetic, they seem like a bunch of dogs begging for their owner's attention

It's true, not even memeing

I used to think Catholics were the biggest hypocrites on earth, but nothing compares to American protestants. Truly disgusting "people".

block uhuehue IP's is the solution and also, close the borders and expell eveyr single one of them out of europe.
One day ive listen to a brazilan immigrant ( mixed obviously), saying he was portuguese, LMAO man, they will never ever be one of us. Blood and soil is everything

I have blocked a lot of them on youtube and facebook they are so fucking annoying
Everytime I come on Sup Forums there's always 5 or so threads about us made by hues don't know what's their deal

Catholicism was cool until pope francis
good going south americans, you fags ruined it

I'm still waiting for him to get hit in the head in a suicide attack on hin and declare a crusade for Jerusalem or somthing stupid like that.

I just hopes he dies before Benedict XVI