
Micolash Edition

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Was there any Irish characters in Bloodbourne?

Orphan of Kos was quintessentially Irish

I don't get the appeal of Bloodborne, it's like Dark Souls but with worse combat and less variety in weapons, clothing/armour and level design.


delete this

Found out today that I'm actually big and tough, not smol. Feels bad, lads.

>so white
Bit racist.

White is pure, but black is good too.

Having a bit of difficulty finding torrents for those GuP OVAs.
These nyaa clones are a bit shitty, for old anime anyways it seems.

The /AK/ BD rip has everything. Even all of the Yukari's tank corners that have been translated.

Sup pedos.

>/AK/ BD rip
Alright, I'm downloading that now, thanks.
>Yukari's tank corners
Are they just short episodes of her orgasming over different tank models?

No Irish pedos here, some of the foreigners might be though.

I want to ride that black girl from idolm@ster cinderella girls. She's a foreigner.

>Are they just short episodes of her orgasming over different tank models?
Yeah, although they are about 15 mins long each. They're not even animated for the most part, but they are informative.

Haven't watched it.
>She's a foreigner
Aren't all anime characters foreigners?

God I hate this shitcunt general. Why do you all still come here?

Why do you, angrylad?

>Why do you all still come here?
A better question might be why do you still come here? Considering you seemingly hate /éire/.

>Why do you all still come here
Get to talk with like-minded Irish people. Otherwise I'd be stuck talking to brain-dead Commie or Nazi Yanks who infest the majority of the internet.

>Pokémon Diamond came out 10 years ago

user, your Pokémon a shit.

Anyone up for a game of something?

Munster match soon. Need to find a stream.

just like dark souls 3 :DDDD

Don't ever reply to me again

Y so angry? Tell us about yourself.

If you don't want people replying to you, leave.



It's happening, lads.

>teh brice of fredum

It's alright for discussing things in an Irish context. I used to have Yik Yak for that but it shut down in May

>I used to have Yik Yak for that but it shut down in May
I think you might have explained it here before, but why did Yik Yak shut down? I thought it was popular. Also, I wouldn't have thought that Yik Yak was particularly good for discussion.

>Yik Yak
I remember that, never posted on it though. Remember it being a lot of "upvote for gay marriage and fuck the church". Did anything replace it?
>It's alright
Only alright?

>Tánaiste and Minister for Foreign Affairs Simon Coveney has accepted that the Government's relationship with the Democratic Unionist Party needs to be repaired.
Is there a bigger cuck in politics than Coveney?

To be fair, ostracising the DUP at this point would be unwise. That comes later.

Stream if someone wants it.

>I think you might have explained it here before, but why did Yik Yak shut down? I thought it was popular.
The app wasn't very profitable and they briefly forced handles taking away its anonymous appeal which lost a lot of users. Never really recovered after that and then they sold the app to some company in May who shut it down then

>Also, I wouldn't have thought that Yik Yak was particularly good for discussion.
Well I basically just always trolled on it. But it was anonymous, no registration, quick responses, decent sized userbase (was using it in Dublin) so I was alright with it

>Did anything replace it?
I think there were one or two apps that people migrated to but I didn't bother as they didn't have a desktop interface like Yik Yak. My phone was slow at the time so I never bothered using apps or the internet on it

>Only alright?
Not enough users

I installed YikYak when I would work night shifts in 2016. It was full of literal 15 year olds and they were all flirting and stuff and there was drama with people saying X is a slut and rode Y.
Also some teenager lad killed himself and then there were people making fun of him and others getting so upset arguing back.

Few lads looking for drugs

Then there was this single autistic kid who would obsessively post about wrestling matches. Everyone kept telling him to shut the fuck up since he was only talking to himself and making twice as much posts as everyone else.

I used to just shitpost with the classic "im gay" and "im deadly" statement.

This happened all within a week. I uninstalled it then. Not worth it.

Which kingdom are you from?

user you know it's dangerous to have an opinion these days

Anyone here see the Last Jedi early?

It's fun seeing Sup Forums self-detonate like this

I get the feeling they may have made the Viking areas in Ireland larger than they actually were.

>Not enough users
Fair enough, we could really do with a few more.

>Anyone here see the Last Jedi early?

Do you really speak Irish?

During education usually 1-2 hours a day

For everyday usage, we use English.

What did you make of it?

Personally thought it was meh

>What did you make of it?
It was a bit all over the place, but I enjoyed quite a few of the individual scenes. I'd rate it above the Force Awakens to be honest, although I might need to rewatch TFA to be sure.


C-can i join?

Someone post the Fermanagh GAA girl.

>can i join
Sure, why not. What religion?



Catholic obviously. Only prod in my tree was my granda's granny and she was a Mcgee

Ah cool!

>Poi is a Nordie
This explains a lot.

Nothing wrong with Nordies, Ulster is a great province.
Besides I asked Lux to give me Fermanagh. Who can forget them making a mockery of Dublin and Cluxton in the QF a few years back.

Is Fermanagh the rarest county? Everyone says Leitrim which makes it not rare now

On this General, board or site? Or IRL?
If not IRL then i couldn't tell ye

We sure tried. We got away with that cheap goal too because no one likes Dublin that much. Dublin would never had got the same goal past.

And Graf is not in Ireland at all, maybe she's with the London or Berlin GAA.

With climate change and the collapse of civilsation how do you think Ireland will fair out?

>all of cities destroyed by rising water
>Portlaoise becomes the capital and largest city
>increased incidences of storms and flooding
>mass exile of knackers from dublin
>drug addiction and mental illness a huge problem for country
>soaring rents and lack of accomodation forces many to live in large houses and slums
>rural village community revived a bit
>lots of people turn to farming and manual labour
>HSE overwhelmed and we have a Brazil tier healthcare system
>no more dole
>spike in people turning to catholicism again
>large war but Ireland mostly unharmed
>heavy rationing of food and supplies
>potato famine.bmp
>on the plus side the UK has crumbled and is a shell of its former self
>get to laugh at cunt brits for getting what they deserve

>all of cities destroyed by rising water
About 50% of Cork will survive.

>>Portlaoise becomes the capital and largest city
I didn't think there was a worse place to be the capital yet here we are.


A portion of every city will survive. But 50% is enough to cripple its infrastructure and everything about it. Portlaoise will be the new pristine capital with undamaged accessibility and facilities.

Let's not get carried away.

Rare group photo of DUP representatives

Arlene (the greatest Irish nationalist) is looking well.


>The Wii is 11 years old

>Pokémon is 21 years old

>There are people legally fuckable younger than Pokémon


>Homosexuality is an abomination
About the only thing them clowns got right.

What are you smokin son?

Please stop making jokes like this. I-it was just a couple years ago, right?

>2000 was 27 years ago

We are currently closer to the year 2035 than we are to 2000.

>George Hook died 13 years ago

>Irish education

Still holds up well to be fair. Good for emulators and I still play Mario Kart Wii

Those were imperial years, for your convenience.

How will they recover from this?

>american joke comprehension

I only use Kelvin, number of seconds since 1 January 1970, stone, and liters.

>playing the worst Mario Kart

Are they any good mods for Wii games besides Mario Kart and Smash Bros Memes

I know this is weirdly specific, but do any of you play dragons dogma? If so I'll rent your pawnfu

I was just thinking about asking if anyone played a game too but not that one.
I did play the game and enjoyed most of it, but I uninstalled which probably got rid of my pawn.

It's my favourite to play, bikes were a great addition. I know they brought them back with MK8 which I briefly played on my friend's Switch but they don't drift as well as before. Even the sports bike that was inward drifting was still nothing compared to the MKWii Mach Bike

Not that I can think of. When it came to the Wii, I never really played any game mods

The Wii was a strange console. There were a lot of games on it and most of them were trash but there were a few truly great ones like Punch Out and No More Heroes.

Super Smash Bros Brawl was nice too

Ag smaoineamh.

The day communism take precedence in Ireland will be a great day.

...for the UK.

Lad, it'd be like 1845 all over again except it'd be our own people making us starve this time.

I'd Mc her Donalds.

That would only happen if foreign capitalists didn't infiltrate and try destroy our glorious system.

That's fucking shit.
