>preaident says/does something ridiculous daily
>gets mocked mercilessly by all late night shows
>brainlets get triggered
It's a vicious cycle you guys are gonna be dealing with for the next 4/8 years
>s-stop making fun of my tv host, you alt right bullies!!!1!1!!
>s-stop making fun of my god emperor, you nu-male cucks!!!1!1!!
The funniest part is that you guys act like colbert is angry, when hes actually smug af while you're all furious about his ratings lol #firecolbert amirite?
Are you fucking kidding me Gruncy? Two scoops? Has anyone else heard of this?
Why doesn't Teump just become a better president?
>>preaident says/does something ridiculous daily
Implying Trump isn't anticipating the results of is actions.
Why can't Colbert write jokes? It doesn't take much to make fun of trump when he writes everything but the punchline for you.
>you guys act like colbert is angry, when hes actually smug af
he is angry
He's already better than Bush or Obama. Though I suppose that isn't saying much. Liberals aren't killing themselves en masse yet, so I'm starting to worry.
>>Implying trump has any sense of consequence.
how many of his fans are of voting age
>h-he's n-not a-angry y-you a-are
>when hes actually smug af
lol what does he have to be smug about exactly? Trump is president and is already doing a great job and the only reason Colbert's ratings went up is because of his eternal hissy fit over President Trump.
A brainlet needs a bunch of retards to regurgitate the day's events with no jokes while claiming to be a comedian. You can just read news articles to get the same info and lose nothing.
>he's not angry
>goes on visibly upset rant because Trump was rude to some hack journalist friend of his
>muh ratings
means nothing anymore and the backlash that's coming for people when advertisers wake up to the fact they are losing money because half the "viewers" on shows they are advertising are chinese viewbots is already beginning
>while you're all furious
first year in /tv?
I doubt he's ever actually said that, but if he did he'd probably be right. Americans are disgusting.
Some youtubers get more views than this.
>already doing a great job
>already doing a great job
What's his current scoring on Muslim bans? Zero for two? Oh, that's actually pretty bad, dude.
>try to get colbert fired
>both fail AND improve his ratings
Tnx for the laugh man
Got any more jokes?
You mean the judges that are illegally stopping him from implementing travel bans that Obama, Bush, Clinton and Reagan all implemented WITHOUT being stopped? Luckily it's within Trump's power to remove these bullshit activist circuits; not even mentioning how the Supreme Court will shut these fuckers down instantly when it goes to them.
>wages on the rise
>illegals already streaming back to mexico even without the wall
>thousands of jobs already being created
>going to fire leakers when he comes back thus draining the swamp
Who here hyped for the series finale of America?
Well that's a hot perspective. Nice fake news. The ironic thing is if he hadn't explicitly told everyone he intended to ban Muslims, he would have gotten away with it. Drumpf'd again.
>Trump is president and is already doing a great job
Dude has a 35% approval rating. He's spent his first 4 months fucking over the working class, most of which voted for him. The only thing he's accomplished is repealing ACA, and the replacement bill is much, much worse. Yeah, ACA had issues, but you fix the issues; you don't place it with a plan forecasted to tank within 5 years.
The economy trending upward is because of legislation put in place by the Obama Administration. Trump has yet to touch the economy.
Saying Trump is responsible for the economy is like a person building a house, then a second person coming along saying, "Look at this great house I built!"
Vages on the rise is because Obama.
But Trump will make the poor pay for the rich.
Trump supporters have never been a group that comes to logical conclusions user.