Traitorous slut

traitorous slut


She's pretty Terrafying

>Dat pic

Any good Slade Teen Titan fics out there?

Too many to count

I want a Robin/Terra apprentice fic tho

It's actually Beast Boy's fault...and Robin's.

Explain how.

Had to talk that he knew about her problems. Terra then freaks out on Beast Boy thinking he cannot keep secrets at all.

At the end of her debut episode Robin was horribly sorry.

This also was probably one of the things that made her vulnerable to be recruited by Deathstroke.

>Beast Boy
Instead of trying to get Terra away from Deathstroke, he friggin chews on her. At that point Terra was somewhat unstable.

He could've said that he was helping her for nefarious reasons. Try to talk her out of it and see that nothing good will happen if she stayed by his side.

OK, he was emotional at this point but still...

Like my ex-girlfriend

Holy fucking shit, how was Robin supposed to know that she's an unstable whore who made a secret pact with Beast Boy?


Shit happens. Can't blame him completely since he accidentally spilled it out without knowing what kind of effects it will have.

This is one of the few times that a betrayal in a cartoon actually got a emotional response out of me as a kid.

He could've checked.

Really, how was he supposed to even know it was a secret that she couldn't control her powers? Did Terra really think nobody was capable of figuring it out on their own? Especially with how many times she came close to blowing her "secret" all on her own?

hes not a mind reader. Robin wasn't wrong, Terra was wrong for making a snap judgement and not hearing them out.

>worst girl is the ugliest with the smallest chest

all is as it should be

She deserved worse than she got.

he should check these

>achingly beautiful but comes with a shitton of baggage and makes your life miserable if you ever try to get close to her but somehow finds a way to make it seem like it's never her fault
Most realistic female cartoon character ever created.

>Tumblr nose

Oh, for fuck's sake. Terra's blushing, and Robin's is just shaded. Calm down.

Found the Tumblr artist

agreed. she totally betrayed Slade.

Slade was a loser. He had a genius intellect and a criminal empire, but all he wanted to do was kidnap and groom children for molestation.

Got a giggle out'a me.


he picked worst girl but he did molest young dick so he's got that going for him

he also molested raven

This, the entire series Skade was a kiddie toucher with a hard on for Dick


This art is fantastic