A masterpiece, overrated piece of shit or somewhere in between?
Seen it yesterday, knew that normies put it to high regard, but I did not know it was this good. This movie is probably talked to death, but it would be nice to see some thoughts.
A masterpiece, overrated piece of shit or somewhere in between?
Seen it yesterday, knew that normies put it to high regard, but I did not know it was this good. This movie is probably talked to death, but it would be nice to see some thoughts.
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I liked it. It had really good characters and a good story. I try not to get to greedy.
It's a masterpiece, pure sub kino, be sure to see it with German voices/subs, because the English dub is fucking awful
Best sub movie ever made.
What's the best version to watch? Director's, uncut, original?
Its important to first know the germanic cultural references first.
The longest one. I can never keep them straight.
I watched with it in German with English subs, I know some German and I noticed that some English subs don't add up with what Germans said, might just be that my English sub was shit
Also was pic related right?
But didn't the ship sink in the port
>I noticed that some English subs don't add up with what Germans said
I used to work for a chinese language tv station, and had to transcribe all the english programming into text, so that could be translated to chinese sub titles I can confirm that its rarely a literal 1:1 translation for various reasons.
I understand that and I was not talking about that, what I mean was something like whole line added when the German did not even say a thing or clearly something else. My German is bad though so I am not certain if I am right.
Masterpiece, never been so gripped by a war movie, also best soundtrack.
Also just watching it gave me claustrophobia, how the fuck did they stand it in real life ?
>My German is bad though so I am not certain if I am right.
Then shut the fuck up?
No need to get upset
The miniseries is superb of its type, never watched any of the other cuts and I'm not sitting down to watch nearly 300 fucking minutes at a clip of downbeat war movie, even if it were by a much more interesting director.
das salt
Please return to reddit and take that meme back to its home.
Yeah and everyone dies in an air-raid
Not everyone, just most of them
Its genuine
Good acting
Good story that is not preachy or overly melodramatic
No agenda pushed and is focused on a story
very exciting at parts
>Das Boot
>not about footwear
Also, I feel pity for those who don't understand german and had to watch this movie with subtitles like the untermenschen they are.
I'm not sure about subtitle accuracy or sub accuracy, I think both are probably a bit off. I prefer the German voice acting because their voices are simply superior to the actors chosen to do the English dub
Right ok....
>I speak in Latin to God, French to Women, English to Men, and German to my Horse. (-Charles V).
Masterpiece IMO. My favorite war film is Apocalypse Now, but Das Boot is almost up there right with it
t. pleb
Languages power-ranking though being what they are though:
(1) Latin.
2) French
3) Russian
4) Italian
5) German
6) English,)
I outrank you as a native French-speaker. At my feet Teuton.
This is true if you ever read Mein Kampf too. You need to at least have a middling understanding of German history.
language isn't just a different way of saying things it also factors in culture, idioms generally dont translate and there are often words which have no correlation in english
Just read Ford translation, they point that shit out so you can understand it
you're just angry english is cucking your gay language