like 5 questions in total answered, half of them if not all answered by a staff member considering he had started speaking at the rally while still answering questions on reddit.
what the fuck man total letdown, was looking forward to it all week.
whatever man politicians in AMAs only ever answer the most softball questions possible anyway. they're not going to make any major policy statements or answer any tough questions on fucking reddit after being asked by someone who's not even a journalist
Brayden Torres
Yep, was bullshit. It really makes no sense that he would schedule this an hour before he is supposed to be at a rally and then try to do the entire Reddit thread while he's on a fucking airplane as if the internet is going to be 100% reliable, it's like he said "who gives a fuck it's just an internet interview"
Pretty shitty move tbqh
Still voting for him
Hunter Ramirez
Do not place your faith in reddit, it will only disappoint you
Charles Price
Shit man id upvote ya if i could
Charles Peterson
A total letdown. Sad! Will still shill for the God Emperor. #AlwaysTrump
Cameron Taylor
Reminder that he got censored by Reddit.
Matthew Butler
Kermit's Gaping Asshole, stfu.
Ryder Turner
>mr. trump please do ama it will be great >why should I care about reddit at all >plz mr. trump just do a few questions I'll handle everything >no
Justin Williams
what did you expect?
old man trump to understand how the internet functions and post banter like a Sup Forums regular