When the fuck are they getting their own show?

About damn time.

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Unfunny kikes.

back to Sup Forums

tv would be a step down

They (he) stopped being funny when they started interviewing celebrities and acting like a friend simulator instead of roasting youtubers.

Ethan seems incapable of ambition and pushing shit forward.

He's a funny guy that has completely settled into doing what any other youtuber would in his position. His content is so stale and unimaginative, there's such low effort put into writing funny material that I can't even watch the channel anymore.

You know this schtick where you faggots call anyone who uses a mean word Sup Forums is really telling of how new you are here

Your post is neither television nor film. To make matters worse, your subject is reddit tier humor for little kids.

aren't they up to there necks in legal troubles and court and lawyer fees

Fuck off

>anyone who uses a mean word

You mean neo-nazis shilling their usual tired bullshit? Go eat yourself to death tubby.

Absolute state of this site with you people on it

go back to your safe space

You do realize words like nigger and kike are a perfect newfag filter because sensitive little faggots from redd*t get their fee fees hurt when people use them

they're ok, youtube is more than enough for them.


They're probably corporate shills who need Sup Forums to be kosher, so they can farm it for memes.

too many white people 5/10. oh wait mary jane is a nigger now so 7/10

They are lying kikes and need to be gassed. That story about how they had to deal drugs to not be homeless is such obvious lies. Ethan's parents are clearly not poor, they could easily have given him financial help if he needed it.

What about Albert Fish?

He looks like spagett. I can't unsee it.

This isn't Sup Forums related.

are they still begging for money? Get a real job lmao


i guess Sam Hyde's slot is now free, and hey it's the same content but without Sam's edginess and originality, also what AS exactly needs