I click on pol and the first ten threads are "Obama just won hillary the presidency" and gay porn and other shill threads.We are getting hit hard right now
Is pol currently getting brigaded?
they are out in force everywhere tonight.
>control the narrative
Yes, obama emboldens the libcuck, they crawl out of every orifice of the internet in unison singing praise for their god
Sup Forums is so tired now, I wish Trump never went forward with his candidacy. It's ruined this board.
Just the JIDF. It will pass.
Fuck off, Trump wins.
It's funny because they refuse to realize they already lost the narrative.
Mass media trust is at an all time low. And anybody that has been here for more than a week can spot DNC shill threads.
One can surmise that, behind the scenes, they are very concerned.
I don't care if he wins, the point is that the constant stream of Trump threads made this part of Sup Forums incredibly boring. It's just a huge echo chamber now.
I wish it was January.
Found the lebbitfag.