Any other bernie supporters now for Trump?

I'm absolutely livid. Have lurked . After these past days, I now am doing something i cannot ever believe doing-- I now support Trump.
He may not be a perfect human being, he may be crude, but how can anyone deny that everything he's been saying for the past months about the dnc has been completely correct?
Whether Russia did the hacking or not? I have no idea, but the fact remains, they are there.
If nothing else, trump will clean up the cesspool that is american politics. sanders has turned out to be a fraud too. Like many here I guess, I'm heavily fucked in student debt.

Vote for trump and just throw a wrecking ball at the entire establishment and ensure TPP gets wrecked. any other former bernie supporters agree here?
We got fucked, all of us, for 230,000,000. Ready to see if Trump can change things.

Other urls found in this thread:

I have no idea why you would support No Refunds Bolshevic Sanders to begin with, but at the very least I'm glad you know better than to vote for a traitor.

>lurked for a few days

This is what's going on with this fucking board tonight. This is Germany and now all the goddamn Syrians arrived.

Or what about the things he has said about the current events around the world.
No one else had the balls to say what he was saying

fake and gay and sa and ge.

Sure now get off the board

Welcome aboard the Trump Train brother!

I can not--repeat, CANNOT-- contribute a vote toward looking at that woman's face each day. she's the most dishonest, literally pondscum, who helped get a child rapist off and then after hearing how gahaffi died via a bayonet rammed up his ass said "we came, we saw, he died."

i cannot look her her lying face for 4 (or even 8!) years. IF she gave a goddam about the nation, she'd have just stepped down and let sanders run.
And Sanders was willing to sell us out for what, a fucking plane we paid for to go around campaigning for HER?
fuck this, how long are we going to be used as patsies? Trump has spent less than 5 million to clinton's 67 million and he's in first.
Isn't the efficiency, isn't that how we'd like things to run in this nation? Under Obama, I was told "if you like you doctor and insurance plan, you can keep it.."
And 4 months later, my insurance company dumped me, courtesy of obamacare. ready to give trump a chance to fix all this shit.

>yfw trump is elected fairly but is removed via hillary-led coup-detat to establish a communist dictatorship

Fuck you commie

Thank you for Making America Great Again.

A small loan of $1 million has been deposited into your account* and you've been entered to win a deep dicking my Breitbart tech editor and Twinks for Trump chairtwink Milo Yiannopoulos**.

* To be paid back immediately. Interest rate is 30%.
** BBC only, please.

HEY, STUPID MOTHERFUCKERS-- oNE OF YOU IS AN AUSSIES SO WHAT DOES IT MATTER--- make as many of these as can, at least one an hour tonight, and thereby make it socially acceptable for bernie people to do this now, you stupid motherfuckers. Read a book on social psych, watch Yuri's videos on subversion.

I swear, this board is full of literal retards, have to do all strategy on 4+4 because you mtherfuckers are just literally retarded. watch yuri bezmanev. for people who did actually pay shekels to this little jew, now is the perfect me to recruit.
Aussie, you especially shut your fucking ass, we need to win votes over for trump. 8 years of shillary and the west is done.

Nobody blames you, user. I don't like Bernie's policies, but I'm intellectually honest enough to see that he was treated very poorly by his own party.

The only way to ensure that this won't happen again is to send a message: If you fuck with the process, you very well may cease to be a party.

>Fuck you commie
you spic ass ugly fucking nigger, you border jumper scum. we need to make up a deficit with trump.
Shillary has the entire media on her side, along with thousands of paid shills.
you motherfuckers are trying to be edgy rather than focus on winning over the bernouts NOW when they will be feeling sold out.
you should be gassed.

With what weapons? The anti government militias would activate and proceed to carve out territory in the name of "protection". The military would disintegrate and return to their states. The South and Midwest would immediately mobilize to secure food sources and fuel for the impending civil war and proceed to burn liberal strongholds and prepare to retaliate against federal intervention.

I don't see this as a practical option.

>the west is done
Confirmed for veteran Trump shill.

Dump your frog folder, faggot.

Just playing Devil's Advocate, but Obama could go tyrannical, saying that he isn't letting a dictator into power. They've been painting him as such for so long that he might actually have democrat civilians support him.

Of course, if he did this, there would be civil war. Thank fuck the 2nd Amendment is still as strong as it is.

Except that on Sup Forums it's actual refugees and not any non-white mudslime claiming to be from Syria.

Exactly user, and Kaine is so calculated it's insulting. They are trying to win over When men (where she is HATED), but also hispanic votes because he speaks spanish?
All the money she has taken, all the... my neighbor is a doctor and we were talking about her after he got home...if Assane releases evidence that her network was penetrated by russia, she has another indictable offence.

This is what motherfuckers here don't understand. If Shillary wins, lots of males in the military are simply not going to re-up, take early retirement, whatever.
the military is going to get butted, and if it comes to civil war, guess which side has the guns?

I did like Bernie a lot more than I expected to, but now that he's been thoroughly fucked over, I'm still struggling to find the good in either Clinton or Trump. Both are too much of an embarrassment.

Are there seriously Bernie supporters who are switching over to Trump on this board? Or are they just role playing

has this shilling worked for you on reddit?

Let's infiltrate reddits Bernie boards and slowly convince them to vote for trump

Start replying to people explaining how trump is similar to Bernie but wants to do things in a different way like how he wants to bring jobs for black people by removing illegals that work for quarters

Slowly redpill them. Start creating threads about how they were wrong about Trump and the media tricked them but after you read his policies and ideals they looked great

You're OK by me, OP.

Wait until you hear the leaked DNC voicemails, user.

Fuck you.

I'm voting for Hillary just to make sure Trump loses. It's a bitter pill I have to swallow, but anything is better than a self-described fascist.

Bernie had policies. I didn't like them, but he had them. Hillary has none. All she has is name calling and celebrity endorsements. Most celebrities are lucky to have a high school education, and are rich enough to never have to live with the consequences of the Dems decisions.

Every day voters, however, want shit that effects them in a major way, whether that is help with college, or removing an element that suppresses wages illegally.

Trump and Bernie were the 2 big candidates that offer real changes. Trump was lucky enough to win. Bernie should have, but got butt fucked.

If its any consolation, Trump has stated that he thinks its bull shit that kids can't declare bankruptcy on college loans (I agree). Allowing bankruptcy to be declared would cause tuition rates to plummet. So he's not all bad on that front.

I'm not really into the whole "lets make people feel better," schtick. I'm into "Lets do shit that works." Good example being that prison that beat the Harvard debate team. That prison lets people take liberal arts classes, and the chances of going back in once released is under 2%, where the rest of the state averages 40%. I'm down to do shit that works. I'm not down to waste money to make everyone feel better.

I feel that Trump is the same way.

Yeah....... fuck you commie

better head than red

>self-described fascist
Do you know where you are?

How quickly they sell out




















I wasn't even planning on voting... I moved to California a year ago and am a Libertarian / Republican / Constitutionalist and figured my vote wouldn't matter here since I'm not voting democrat. I've literally met zero Hilary supporters in the one year in CA, but many Bernie supporters.

After learning about the fraud and corruption within the democratic party I have decided to register to vote, and as a big fuck you to Hilary, Bernie, and the mafia like democratic party I will vote for Trump.

Even if they steal the election, which you can bet your bottom dollar they will try, there will be one more vote for their perceived opposite. Knowing that many voted for Trump, even if they steal the election, they may be less likely to try anything else stupid fearing the rage of the populace.

It's funny... I wasn't going to vote just two days ago, but the democrats have convinced me I need to vote for their opposition. You can thank them for my Trump vote. I registered tonight and WILL be voting Trump


>OP'sfw you realize all your fellow bernouts donated their entire financial reserves to the jew and their lives will suck way harder than they normally would

It seems simple to me. Pick anything that you (as a Berner) think is wrong with the country and I guarantee you can find that Hillary is partly responsible for it.

Trump opposes the TPP and wants to bring jobs back that we lost through past bad trade deals. Trump is much less likely to get us involved in foreign wars than Hillary.

>implying anyone on pol buys this shit

>like I would buy any of their shit anyway

Someone should add the blonde lady and the red-haired faggot from Modern Family to that graphic. They are in that gay music video for Hitlery.

Understandable. I feel you.

I was a Bernie supporter, but am voting for Trump as well in protest to the horrifying corruption and cheating by the Clintons, DWS and the DNC.

How the DNC could elect Hillary in the face out the Wikileaks info is beyond me. Bernie should have gotten the nom.

To hell with Hillary. The Dems-in-charge need to go down this time for their treachery.

>implying the military would side with Obama or Clinton
With their complete failure in the world of military affairs and foreign policy I highly doubt they will follow any true move for authoritarianism from either of them due to sheer incompetence.

>self-described fascist.

source me baby

It would splinter, to be sure. Even without it, though, there is no way they could win over "flyover country." They'll get the coasts, and little else, which will be trouble for them, as their military will need food.

We've been telling you bernouts (i think it's safe to say that now legitimately) that bernie is a socialist/communist that would betray you in the end..

Why.. it's simple, he can't deliver what he promised you, socialist/communists don't know how to create jobs and stabilize the economy they just have empty rethoric and appeal to minorities and virtue signalling.. whilst riding the gravy train and run up the deficit with reckless spending that conservatives try to bring down so that there's something left to pilfer..

I said this months ago.. he literally ran his campaign on "giving free stuff to everybody" (at taxpayers expense whilst the deficit is close to point of no return) acting as if it was the 90's or something where the US had little deficits compared to now.

And he ran the campaign to give you free stuff, and asked you to give him free stuff, you paid for his fucking retirement and he's laughing his ass off.. And then he gives it all to hillary as expected.. Even if he had managed to be president he still couldn't deliver on his promises but when the shit would hit the fan he would just blame it on capitalism or similar as they tend to do. (see venezuela for a recent example).

I hope you realize the truth now and stick around you'll learn a thing or two :)

pol is not hivemind leftist echochamber devoid of facts, we're individual thinkers who routinely scold eachother and correct eachother with fact based analysis, in a politically incorrect fashion.. in an actual free speech fashion.. freedom of speech as a right exists precisely because of the necessity to say things that the establishment or others do not necessarily agree with, which is why it's a major tenant of any free society since its antithetical to censorship by government or other actors. So that the citizens don't end up in trouble unaware of the facts.

So i hope you learned your lesson finally because you sure learned it the hard way.. And sometimes that's what it takes.

The good news is both parties are forever changed, the Republicans tried to prevent Trump but couldn't, the Dems tried and did prevent Bernie but lost their members confidence.

No matter who wins this election, it has shaken up both parties, and they know we are not happy with the status quo they have tried to maintain.

Things will never be the same for US politics, I think that's great.

It's the corruption and fraud that convinced me to vote for Trump, I should've already been planning on voting, this environment spurred me into action.

Funny how Trump wasn't "racist" or "xenophobic" until he started running for office... Dem propaganda

Eisenhower had Patton killed fuck him

The truth is not afraid of investigation, remember that.

This is the literal definition of populist politics. If you don't give a shit about ideology or actual policies, and are primarily attracted to an "outsider' why vote?

>1 post by this ID

What a surprise

lets talk about hacking. The US and the jews created stuxnet and set everything in motion, if the US can do it why can't anyone else and that's where we're at.
We're in the next war and it's cyber

I like the quote.

Looks to me like the Dems used the Bernie archetype to bring over the more intelligent Dem voters who didn't like Hilary. They had to find a way to keep the Occupation movement in their circle, yet have Hilary for president. Once they had them on the Bernie wagon they could just get Bernie to tell them to support Hillary once she cemented the nomination, and call Trump a scary hateful racist.

They may still control some Bernie people, but the revelations lately have weakened that control. A good amount of Berners may switch to Trump because they are utterly disgusted by the whole "bait and switch" they are victims of.

Thank god for whistle blowers / hackers

bernouts are either gonna go Trump or Jill stein.

Cyberr wars. Ahahaha
Nigga just turn off your pc.


ok CNN

it is the only way

Same, I made up my mind to vote for trump after new york, fuck clinton


Good points.

I fully agree the system is massively corrupt -- particularly obvious in light of the Wikileaks exposure of the collusion and rigging of the DNC primaries.

I pray Hillary isn't rewarded for this thievery by winning in Nov.

Her loss, and the fires lit in the ranks of Bernie supporters, would then I think radically shake up the DNC and lead to a better party overall.

Good you vote your conscience

Maybe because people are tired of getting fucked by this pantomime and just want to throw a wrecking ball at the entire establishment. This is what happened in Britain and our political class is still in anarchy. You're not getting reform by playing along like a good goy.

Yeah he is crude but then again so is South Park.

Ask yourself if he is a bad person and if you are honest you will say he is not.