Sup Forums, I'm losing faith in Trump...

Sup Forums, I'm losing faith in Trump. The whole Putin thing and all these other little things are turning me off from him. Convince me to stay with or leave Trump pls.

Make your own decision you faggot. You're an Adult, get informed and see who you support the most

trump is commie faggot because of his slav waifu confirmed

Hillary is our best bet, but like user above said: get informed and see who you support the most

Absolutely disgusting.

We don't even have to mention that this is a shill thread right?
It's obvious to everyone right?

What Putin thing? You mean Manafort, a guy that has advised Republican campaigns since the 1970s?

What are you? A
Mexican Intellectual?

You're a fucking leaf....

Do you like people disappearing and randomly dying of natural causes?

Do you like saying racist shit and building a wall?

If yes to the first, go hang out with the Hillary crowd on Sup Forums. If yes to the second, welcome to Sup Forums.