Can we get a good ole Christian thread up in here?
Here we come together to discuss current events in the religious world and how they effect politics, our branches of faith, and casually talk about things regarding our religion.
Atheists are more than welcome to partake in the thread, I just ask that you try to be constructive.
Thread theme:
/ChG/ - Christian General
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Calvin or bust,
I've been very interested in Eastern Catholics lately. Anyone have experience with them and have ways of finding their parishes?
Fucking Christians go to your containment board
I wonder why the Pope (western catholic church) won't declare a crusade. How many churches need to be bombed before he uncucks us?
>Eastern Catholics
Those guys are like die hard pope fans.
silly newfag
why do you worship a jewsicle?
Christ is a symbol for pacifism and purity and benevolence and everything that we as men should stand for. He exists in all of us, meaning we all have the capacity to do good.
Have there been any current events in the religious world?
Last I checked Jebus died 2 thousand years ago and God's been to busy to prove he's real since modern science came into existence
Christianity is pretty awesome. It makes me feel good inside.