kek, Chelsea is being ripped a new one on Fakebook. People are pointing to her six figure salary straight out of college etc. She didn't think this one through.
Liam Ramirez
I wish the media wasn't so blatantly biased against Trump. This would be a 100% sure victory if there was equal reporting on both sides.
Nolan Nguyen
reposting from last thread
>My brother was asking for proof that Hilldawg was responsible for the situation in Libya. I know I've read docs somewhere, but does anyone have a link to help me redpill him?
Juan Scott
Lincoln Howard
Ignore shills, achieve zen.
Xavier Sanders
>Tim Kaine proved you can be boring in two languages
Trump advisers are so based
Nolan Bennett
Tim Kaine proves you can be boring in 2 languages
Brandon Allen
>Trump is a fascist >I'm fucking awesome >vote for Hillary so my legacy doesn't go in the trash where it belongs.
Grayson Allen
Zachary Bell
is the date of the first : Trump vs Hillary debate already decided btw ?
Jonathan Lewis
well Sup Forums?
Sebastian Walker
I'm black She's a she Enough said
Caleb Gonzalez
Threadly reminder
Kevin Smith
trump is now making duo rallies with pence at the same time
what a cool idea
Jaxon Cox
Thanks for always making the threads.
Have the musket version.
Gabriel Bailey
I think only hillbots will be so disappointed. I think Barnus Sandals fans have already realized what just happened.
Camden Brown
Nathan Morales
if you've talked to a liberal in the last couple of months, it was pretty much like that except more eloquent and lasted for 44 minutes
Obama had a really good speech, he's a fantastic orator. The one saving grace is that we're not running against him. You can only hype up someone so much. I doubt that Hillary can give a speech half as good as Obama did.
Nathaniel Walker
For Westconsoon user Am going to add to description of land around house. Big Crepe Myrtles wil grow, along with Red Oaks,sycamores, and magnolias. The town is also being fleshed out as well.
Carson Perez
So how did the DNC go guys? I was busy today.
Logan Green
>mfw I find out I'm russian
Liam Parker
Ivanka is superior to that mutant cunt in every way.
William Diaz
obama 2008 making a re-election speech
Aaron Miller
Julian Reyes
>media >not biased Pick one and only one. You're wishing for water that is not wet or a hot ice cream. Even the outlets that treat Trump favorably/fairer are biased. People have to read across the spectrum and form their own opinion but unfortunately that won't ever happen.
Alexander Phillips
>Literal Red Scare shit Democrats returning to their roots I see
Chase Barnes
>Whenever a speaker says something in the RNC, the camera pans to the audience or the crowd >Whenever a speaker says something in the DNC, the camera pans to individuals
Kayden Lee
You mad nigger?
Ethan Watson
"I'm awesome, and Hillary can be too only if you vote for her"
Gavin Rodriguez
Me too bruh
My neurons have been fully set ajangle by this discovery
Cooper Jackson
so many
David Foster
>Getting Meta with it! >Telling Karen about Mike Pence and how he is being memed with her! >Making Karen jealous of Pence's real wife! >Starting a love triangle with Mike Pence! >Making Karen cuck the other Karen for the love of Mr. Vice President! >Having autistic fantasies like this!
A meta annymay would get really fucking annoying i bet though.
Jordan Gomez
nice double dubs
Noah Howard
Yeah and? Hilary is a greedy bitch. Trump is also a greedy bitch who will undermine our military advantage if it profits him
Brandon Clark
I think we all know what's going to happen
Colton Brooks
does hillary even have rallies? What does Hillary even do all day? Sit in her nourishment pod and wait for orders from soros?
Luke Mitchell
>throw shade
Just when I thought I couldn't respect Geraldo any less
Levi Perry
Michael Thomas
Kevin Butler
Is Trump ever going to do a rally again in California? I feel like a piece of shit for not going. Is he even going to bother campaigning here?
David Peterson
He has to put his new ride to work.
Nicholas Anderson
>the secretary of state is responsible for implementing our foriegn policy
>hillary was the secretary of state during the fall of Libyan government
ergo, hillary was responsible for the policies implemented during the fall of the libyan government
t. Logic
If someone says that hillary is not responsible, they are basically saying that she didn't do her job
Chase Turner
>I've built a business, and I didn't start it with a million-dollar check from my father.
Trump btfo by an even bigger billionaire.
When did you realize that Bloomberg was a superior businessman to Trump who probably isn't even a real billionaire? Why else would he refuse to release his tax returns?
Ayden Nelson
I'd love to see Chelsea and Ivanka get into an online catfight. People would side with Ivanka purely because she's hot, it's science
Zachary Cox
>heaping scorn on Hillary >only mentions Benghazi >that's the anti hillary resume LMAO Holy fucking shit.
Owen Bell
Why so specific though?
Isaiah Barnes
Is this woman a Saudi spy?
Levi Cruz
You know if anybody visits Sup Forums it's big Dan Scavino.
Hudson Hill
Obama's speech was so inspirational and moving that I immediately burned all my Trump merch, erased him from my mind, picked up the meat cleaver and cut my dick off in support.
Now #Iamher!
Landon Diaz
Adrian Wilson
Obama blew Hillary out of the water for tomorrow
She can't measure up
Trump will triumph
Xavier Allen
Trump is so high energy i dont know how he does it.
Angel Rogers
don't forget to upboat my comment lol XDDD
Brody Ortiz
>FOUR MORE YEARS i think a few people in the audience actually yelled this
Lincoln Lewis
Holy shit. go to Sup Forumscatalog/ Shills are out in full force. Saying Trump will lose ... yet he is in the LEAD!
Anthony Sanders
So that when he releases them, and they're clean, it makes the media look like fools.
Gavin Hernandez
He'll probably do one or two more there, but just like my state, we're pretty much lost causes.
Jace Nguyen
Elijah Brown
September 26th.
Cameron Collins
She has a sort of rally. You have to be super vetted to go in them, and usually you have to pay a ton to get in them. And if you act up, you are taken out quietly. Usually they're a few hours of waiting for a 20 minute speech, if you are lucky.
Evan Long
Something completely irrelevant. With Trump in Putin's pocket he'll be giving out territory and military secrets like candy
Connor Lewis
He'll never release them because it will show he's been over-exaggerating his net worth
Jackson Morgan
An unabashed cavalcade of cuckoldry.
David Morgan
he actually thinks it's fun and enjoys doing it, he even says it himself
the absolute mad man
Hunter Walker
Fresh maga off the meme press
Blake Hall
>Big Crepe Myrtles wil grow, along with Red Oaks,sycamores, and magnolias. I
Tyler Young
Grayson Turner
I was astounded to hear her husband sends dick pics to people online
Why does Hillary surround herself with all these perverts?
Jack Anderson
Putin doesn't need access to military secrets. He just needs the US to stop arming ISIS and buying oil from ISIS.
Kayden Cooper
That and "karma is a bitch" are their favorite phrases. Right up there with "Can you not?"
Logan Adams
>please clap
what if we all respond to this ad so they think they have enough people and then nobody shows up
Alexander Foster
You do realize the seriousness of shilling for money and not disclosing your employer? Do do realize it is commercial fraud and you are personally liable?
Daniel Baker
i am just said that his 3 iowa stops are all hours away and on in smallish towns. is he gonna come to des moines?
Blake Morales
Net worth doesn't appear on taxes. Have you ever filed them?
Alexander Jones
link faggot
Julian Watson
noting this in my agenda , i just cant miss that shit , its gonna be magical
Austin Bennett
>he thinks tax returns say anything about net worth Actual retard detected
Elijah Bennett
>Live in San Francisco >Take off work to see Trump in CA >Get hat signed >Drive home, realize he might not come back to CA unless he wins and campaigns in 2020 >Tear up at the chance to MAGA >THE DON MUST COME AGAIN >THE DON MUST WIN
No different than her mother The difference being that mommy didn't have millions of people with the largest source of information the world has ever assembled at their fingertips and a soapbox to stand on The 60's were simple as fuck to cheat people in
Michael Brown
>super vetted
What's the purpose of rallies if all of the audience are her supporters?
Leo Morales
yea but he has done more events in 1 day than hillary does in 200