What are some movies about uncomfortable situations?
What are some movies about uncomfortable situations?
I wish he would have just murdered the pope in front of everybody. It's what I'd do if I was president.
it would be pretty sick watching trump gouge out the popes eyes with his thumbs then throttle him and break his neck
I don't think he looks uncomfortable.
The idea that we're meant to join with the Pope in looking down on him is slightly bizarre, seeing as the Pope is the frontman for a pedophile Mafia, and was specifically chosen to appeal to secular people so the Catholic Church wouldn't have to face the consequences of its actions. (The previous Pope is still living in the back garden of the Vatican Palace like the Julian Assange of child abuse.)
wow that's pretty rude of the pope to wear white to a funeral
>ITT: Sup Forumsjews hard at their work while praising a cuck that bends over saudi kings and schlomos murderers.
That one movie with RDJ and the fat guy from the hangover. Haven't seen it since it first came out but I'm pretty sure it was funny
As long as Trump rushed by Swiss guards who impale him with halberds
>Pope dings Trump’s weight as he asks Melania "what do you give him to eat"?
Ivanka looks like some alien but I can't figure out which one.
>The previous Pope is still living in the back garden of the Vatican Palace
citation needed
>reinforcing the gender stereotype of the wife cooking
tinfoil belongs in /x/
what are some movies where photos are taken out of context to promote an agenda?
YEAH then stick his nuts down his mouth hahahahahaa
Why are they wearing black? Did someone die?
Yeah, Western civilisation
Why would a murderer attend a his victim's funeral?
It's been dead since 1945.
Curious how Melania refused to cover herself during the Saudi visit(and the praise she got for sticking it to the muslims), but decided to cover her hair during this visit with the "modern" pope in this western nation. #Christianvalues
I'd be even sicker watching him now before a saudi king. Oh wait.
Ivanka looks cute here
Melanie is a whore.
Definitely Black Hawk Down. Such a shame that bad guys escaped in the end.
she looks plastic as fuck
It's not tinfoil, in recent years it's become clear that the Catholic Church has been abusing kids internationally and throughout living memory. Pope Benedict was unwilling to convey a sense of repentence, and the church was losing followers and experiencing growing pressure from the secular world - some were even suggesting that the Italian police should raid the Vatican. So they get a nice secular-friendly figure like they had with John Paul II and Mother Teresa.
kek heretic pope BTFO
Not really, no, the Trumps are white Christians.
>It's a leftfag LARPing as a stormfag episode
That was the most fucking latino question someone could ever ask. Whenever you see a big guy, they ask either the mother or the wife what you giving him to eat.
She always looks cute, he's so lucky to have such a beautiful, talented daughter. She's gonna be the first female President too, I think.
Why does the one on the far left look like she's cgi?
I don't get it. What's wrong with that?
>the Trumps are Jews.
American proddies are the biggest joke on the planet.
>The pope standing next to the devil
Melania is a Roman Catholic, this is what they wear.
Both ivanka and melania have botox face.
Why do Sup Forums shills leap at the opportunity to scream that people are Jews because they put on a yarmulka? Are you really that desperate to validate your delusions?
Yeah, it's pretty embarassing how hard they've been trying to push this laughable narrative in recent weeks, thinking there's a single person with an IQ above room temperature who'd actually fall for this.
>"Look how RACIST and edgy we are, Trump isn't racist and antisemitic enough haha, what a loser!"
Look at that,all saints in one picture.
One running the biggest religious money pile,one is the most dangerous man on earth,one is ex high class escort and her pristine saint daughter.
What a world we are living in,all the moral on one picture.
Alinsky 101
Donald Trump is a bad president
>one is ex high class escort
better than being a tranny that looks like she came out of a zoo like that last first """lady"""
Americans are basically animals in human clothing. To them everyone in this picture is an exemplar of human virtue.
What are they doing with an uncover Palantir?
>anti-poltards have to become racist anti-semites to try to chase pol out
Brings a tear to my eye.
Trumpsters were all bragging about da first lady not wearing a scarf in Saudi Arabia but look at her in the Vatican. I didn't know it was a burial. Are they all crypto jews or what? Remember, they think Jesus was an imposter who rots in Hell
The previous Pope tried to take a stand against homosexuals and pedophiles in the church, which is why they replaced him with this one.
I just find it funny how just two days ago the president made the biggest arms deal in history,sold weapons of destruction worth billions to the arabs and is allowed to step in the house of god.
What a time to be alive.
All presidents are jewish shills, trump is no different
I like emo Ivanka desu
She's Catholic and eastern european women wear veils to church events
She's a Catholic who asked the Pope to bless her rosary
This was probably the best day she's had in the last 18 months
>when the OP posts a controversial photo so their actual question gets ignored and the whole thread is about politics.
I doubt any Trump voter has a problem with Melania, a catholic, honoring roman catholic tradition when visiting the pope.
I know you THINK there's some really juicy hypocrisy and a pro hijab narrative here, but there really isn't.
Americans are hypocrites to the core.
melania and ivanka need to lay off the botox. Isn't it ironic that after the first black president we chose the "family" that encapsulates every stereotype about American greed and vanity?
>When you force the pope to apologize publicly
all me btw
You think the pope wants to hang out with a zionist?
Why wouldn't he be? The pope has met with Obama and the Bushes as well.
Pope Frank is a nice guy, he gets on with everyone regardless of religion
Except those fucking Sikh cunts
>I find it funny that the President is doing things that Presidents do
Its just the short time span and the open selling of weapons to the enemy of the catholic church thats all.
Literally every president in the last 50 years.
What he does is anything but pro-christian.
Why dont we all kill eachother in the name of god and call it a day?
Oh wait muslim are doing that and its called Jihad and war on terrorism.
funny how the progressive left is now seriously turning into full blown antisemitic stormfag conspiracy theorists just to continue their crusade against Trump.
>Implying Trump could choke anyone with those tiny hands.
Why are Christian Trumptards so afraid of the truth?
The enemy of the catholic church? Have you ever heard a single speech about Islam by this pope? Spoiler: He loves the religion of peace.
You are working really hard to push a narrative there bud. Criticizing Trump is now racist I guess.
What are some films where everyday people become their own worst enemy?
We are getting lost in translation here so nvm.
The fuck are those bitches wearing? Did someone die?
>Did someone die?
Why would they be afraid of the Truth? Normal people aren't antisemites, so I doubt they are bothered with Trump not being an antisemite either.
why did all of them except the pope wear full black?
Looks like American Horror Story: President
Catholic Heads of State can wear white
>Normal people aren't antisemites
>Criticizing Trump is now racist I guess.
No, only when your criticism consists of being a racist stormweenie.
>Normal people aren't antisemites
Only the ones that have no clue.
Trump strikes me as the type of person who says he wants to do great things for domestic policy but screws that up but gets remembered for things like having a high tier foreign policy that he never cared about.
I wonder if he will be able to pull off a peace deal with Israel and the palestinians.
>I wonder if he will be able to pull off a peace deal with Israel and the palestinians.
The only people that don't hate Jews and Niggers are people that are too stupid to know better.
At some point in their lives they trust the wrong Shekelmonger or relax around a darkie and they learn the truth, assuming they survive it.
Meet the Parents
You can't achieve peace between twoconflicting parties when you give unlimited support to one party and barely recognize the other's voice. The West don't want peace over there, otherwise they wouldn't support ISrael no matter what. Palestinians wasted a lot of time with the fake peace process that was breached unilaterally by Israel. They should go full terror against the occupyers
>this faggot is so far into the trump meme he's made himself like jews now
meant for
>Sup Forumstards' brains have become so eroded they think the whole world thinks like their satire board
top chuckle
Theyre mocking pol and that is literally only happening on Sup Forums you mongoloid
No, he clearly just said there are plenty retards who don't know any better.
Whatever you say faggot.