Is USA really heaven on earth during 50s-80s?

Is USA really heaven on earth during 50s-80s?

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Only 50s cause no hippies

Is Soviet union really hell on earth during 50s-80s?


60s were the start of the end

No lol only boomers say its good because they're nostalgic

>ywn be this guy

eastern block 1955 through 1985 may honestly be the pinnacle of human developement

they look ugly and gay so probably not


I doubt you look much different

As a white heterosexual maybe, but otherwise no.

No it is now

Always been my dream to be a greaser in he 50s.

>tfw no gf

But everyone else should be shot


cool ride, although 70s had street machine style which was better imo

explain this

They hadn't invented colors yet, so everyone was either white or black.

>explain something that happened past the timeframe we're talking about

American logic

white were a majority and all the culture was driven by and for them so yes.

>tfw you never be american

>modern day texan girls


What's that thing on top of the hood for?

intake for air filters

>tfw you will never be 17 years old in 1990 upper middle class Los Angeles, California
>you will never go skateboard with your friends and do graffitti on some old building
>you will never have cozy summers spent at friend's houses and going to the beach together on your bikes
>you will never have the chance to see some of the best bands ever at your local venue
>you will never go to a house party with 50+ people in it and a pool in the back, the cops come and you get away in time

Why does it have it like that and other cars don't

custom made

>gdp is the pinnacle of human development
I'm not even a liberal and I think you're a fucking idiot.

No. Heaven on Earth was the 90's, and that was basically global.

it was until the economic reforms that followed from the late 70s... the globalization that followed destroyed the labor unions and ultimately led to the current state of the world

1980’s Tokyo vs. 1990’s New York
Which one do you choose and why, Sup Forums?

80s Tokyo
I want to be a bosozoku

No, you're just nostalgic of sucking on your mom's tits in the 90s

I have always thought this, too.

the one that doesn't end with 9/11?

I just want to go back for a charger :O

>No. Heaven on Earth was the 90's, and that was basically global.

You watch too many movies.

Boomers fucked everything up by the turn of the 70's and single handily brought back organized drug crime which hit the fan in the 90's

No, they still had niggers.

Wasnt it also the time during which lead turned people crazy and serial killers were a regular thing ?

>tfw wh*Toid born and raised in Los Angeles
>tfw 17 was 3 years ago and was exactly like this.

Too white
Too conservative

The USA was good during 50's and 60's
That's when Japan was great

unironically this

So this is what Hollywood does to people. Sad

>biohazard symbol

Los Angeles is a shithole that should be nuked, or plain leveled, so that decent people can start over from a foundation of complete crap and vice.

>tfw you will never be 17 years old in 1990 upper middle class Los Angeles, California
it's better to be upper middle class in modern LA than 90s LA

Blame the war on drugs and the CIA. Psychedelics should've been a legal recreational option for the past half-century. Instead of being able to have a fun experience once a week at a grand cost of $2 (Hallucinogens are cheap per trip, especially the longer duration ones), they imported coke and heroin in massive quantities and ruined any sort of responsible drug culture that could've been formed.

Fucking boomers. Fucking hippies and their fucking megalomaniac gurus aka fuck Timothy Leary, fuck Anton Wilson, fuck most of the "intellectuals". But the Shulgins have a special place of tranquility in the stars or heaven.

My uncle worked in the DOJ and my Dad was an ambassador to the USA during the 90's, I'm American working London.
Anyhoo, the 'War on drugs' is meme, literally.

But you try telling the DEA to step down.

robert anton wilson was cool as hell wtf are you talkin about

The DEA work with the cartels too to fund their black ops

And don't get me started on MXE. Fucking European bureaucratic cretins choking the most remarkable recreational drug to pop up in the past 2 decades. Absolute cretins. A drug with a low addiction profile, easy to dose, and much more fun than the "usual". And it helps with Phantom Limb Syndrome.

But nope, fuck that.

He had some cool things but just like any other normie, he gets carried away with his megalomania and system of classification.

It's like Pyhrro looking at all these motherfuckers so certain. Especially when the "state" is entered in so rarely.

They should've been more practical with actual "utilities" of the state (increased visual imagination with the exemplar Mescaline effectively allowing one to play infinite legos) and more skeptical towards any sort of pronouncements about "higher" reality.


If you were upper-middle class and milk skinned, yes. Otherwise it was a shithole.

Not in Russia lol

No, it's all a facade. Everyones grandma was hooked on Quaaludes because they'd blow their brains out otherwise.

>tfw you will never get aids

1990s New York was one of the most violent developed in the world. There were like +2000 murders per year. So Tokyo

No, it was still shit for anyone who was middle class or poor, TV'S back then costed thousands of dollars. The whole illusion about going to a joint to eat burgers is not only a fantasy, but a stupid consumerist one at that. I mean, how pathetic does your culture have to be to where eating burgers is your cultural and spiritual highlight? If you're middle class or upper class, it's still good just like it was for them in the 50's.

Looking at photos from past decades really drives home just how bad the obesity epidemic is here. I was helping my dad clean his basement and found one of his high school yearbooks. He graduated class of '78. I was pretty stunned that *most* people in the photos were attractive. And this was a small city in Wyoming, not like it was some beach resort town.

Americans used to be pretty good looking people. But we couldn't put the damn fork down.

White and upper middle class. People talk about factory jobs and shit like that, but it was Parents who would make a call and hire their kids places like GM. People forget the 60s sucked for a lot of people, including whites with no connections.

>>you will never go to a house party with 50+ people in it and a pool in the back, the cops come and you get away in time

I've done this several times. Never follow roads, head into wooded areas ASAP. They're not going to follow too far in.

Read Plato's Republic, specifically the Imperfect Societies chapter that talks about Democracy.
The values we hold are only going to lead to porn and sugar.

To be fair, part of that is normal, seeing as the median age has gone up substantially since the 70's, and older people are always more likely to be overweight.

More like we were told BS information about nutrition. For over half a fucking century. Funny enough, the easiest diet to lose weight on is a high-fat high-protein diet.

There's been an uptick of obesity in all age categories over the past 3-4 decades. There was a smaller uptick since the Industrial Revolution but "Walmart McDonalds Hamurgerlaroid"s only really started post WWII.

Or rather, post widespread societal usage of medicinal doses of meth. The crash nightmare of the 60s was a crash nightmare for millions of Americans.

>mostly white
>no one's fat
>healthy middle class
>big cars, cheap gas
don't see why not. especially in California. i know id be walking around with a boner all day

all the western world was heaven on earth during the 50's - 80's. ok maybe not Germany in the 50's.

Is it just me or do the arms of the guy on the left look very long?

Too racist

I'd say so. You know our country is fucked when all of the youth just want to return to the past.

Why would it be?

are we watching the same shit on youtube?

I've been to 1990s New York
I was actually there when that snowball fight in that football game took place (not in the stadium, just the Metro area).
I had never seen so much snow in my life nor have I ever since.
The best part was the drive from the Airport to my relatives homes at night.
And waking up at dawn because of the jetlag.

looked much more cooler than now:

>my Dad was an ambassador to the USA

how are you american then?

you were fed shit

don't take supply and demand as given forces that exist in nature. You choose from what you are given and the range of choice is determined by the supplier.

Worldwide redistribution is critical right now, as capital is running out of resources.

american chads are unstoppable. wish i were one

man I wish I was john in the first video
the coke seemed so good by the look on his face


lel, what is he saying when the french girl explains their version of 7-11?

"I set onze once and my pants got wet"


1913 was the best year ever for Western Civilization as a whole.

Also, the 1970s sucked in the US, and was actually the peak for Communism worldwide.

>Dad works as diplomat in America
>Meets Yank qt
>Raises family in America