Quebec vs France

Who speak the best French?

Are they using inclusive grammar?

Britain vs USA

Who speaks a better English ?

Accents are much easier to understand (barring some in the deep rural south). For most people it's difficult to understand British accents the further they move from London.

The Swiss.

Burgers and Bongs shouldn't be answering that question, because obviously both sides are going to say "WE DO IT BEST"

we do, fdp



France, évidemment


Well, il y a differencment even dans France, so yeah, mais after tout, je pence que Franca parle bien

Beau franglais

Poir moi, c'est chiac pêh

Not true though, English accents are generally more understandable for me, when an American speak I just hear " rarararararururarurra"


I can't tell the difference

Americans speak like a deaf Irish talk show host

most people here think it's ridiculous

Québec. It's sad how little respect the French have for their own language, inserting Anglicism into their speech.

french is a living language, you're using it as it was latin and should be untouched forever, it's dumb and inaccurate.

Anglos used to fawn over French culture and emulate their ways, now it's the other way around.

wait, so french aren't deluded arrogant prick and are aware to live in an anglo world ? who would have known.

The world is what you make it.

>please seed my language

kek, you're still and idealist, how cute.

Quebec is not a country though.

C'est nous.

>C'est nous une fois.

C'ti pas moi ou bien vous autres zêtes assez niaiseux quand vous parlez français lo, tabarnak (??)
Stacose de quoi qu'vous êtes incapables de parler correct?

Exact ami

Swiss..... are..... talking...... so.......fucking.......slowly......

Développer son propre dialecte régional est une chose, parler une autre langue est une autre.


>tfw you realize that part of the reason the lake meech accord failed is because they didn't even want to consider us to be a nation