Name a better trilogy

Name a better trilogy


toy story

How is high school?


Three Colours
Dollars Trilogy

Yakuza Papers 1-3


This. We're going to keep getting more updates on those 2 characters until the actors or Linklater are dead.

See for yourself next year kiddo

Amour is the finale movie in the series

What now?

this is how it ends for them

How's that head canon treating you?

>relationship simulator

He's probably not wrong
dinkey is definitely going to make his own version of amour for this series

Came here to post this as a joke

yasujiro ozu's noriko trilogy, pasolini's trilogy of life, fritz lang's doctor mabuse trilogy, kobayashi's the human condition trilogy satyajit ray's apu trilogy, akio jissoji's erotico-buddist trilogy, abbas kiarostami koker trilogy


Hasn't aged well. The world has turned too cynical and degenerate to fall for the shit that happens in this flick.

only acceptable answer


now OP gtfo of my board

Watchmen (maybe I'll create some...)
Man of Steel

These + Bergman's Faith Trilogy + Antonioni Isolation Trilogy



this my man