Make America %0 Again

Make America %0 Again

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funnily enough white people and amerindians descend from the same central asian tribe :')

So are asians honorary aryans?

>muh haplogroup

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There are barely any of them left, not really possible.

nothing wrong with tracing population movements with haplogroups

Real Native Americans were black.

No, aryans are honorary asians

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why do turks hate haplogroups so much

They are not ready for the truth

muh human sacrifice

Pretty sure it was only mesoamerican and mississippian tribes that sacrificed desu senpai

Depends how you define sacrifice. The Iroquois, Huron, Algonquins, Mik'Maq, etc all sacrificed prisoners of war for various reasons, usually in ways far more horrible than having your heart cut out.

Not very many canadian tribes practiced human sacrifice in the sense that it’s part of a daily routine/religion like the aztecs.
I cant say much for iroquoisian people, but algonquians, would kill a person and scalp the hair for a trophy. So there werent any ritual stuff regarding killing a man. Usually the victim would be cut up like an animal and the parts would be used for various reasons. It varied from tribe to tribe. Usually we’d leave the body

From Samuel de Champlain, speaking of how his Algonquin and Huron allies treated a captured Iroquois warrior:
>"Meanwhile our Indians kindled a fire and, when it was well lighted, each took a brand and burned tgis poor wretch a little at a time....Sometimes they would leave off, throwing water on his back. Then they tore out his nails and applied fire to the ends of his fingers and to his privy member. Afterward they scalped him and caused a certain kind of gum to drip very hot upon the crown of his head. Then they pierced his arms near the wrists and with sticks pulled and tore out the sinews by main force and, when they saw they could not get them out, they cut them off. This poor wretch uttered strange cries, and I felt pity at seeing him treated in ths way....When they saw that I was not pleased they told me to give him a shot with the arquebus. I did so and with one shot caused him to escape all the tortures he would have suffered."

I didnt exactly completley deny killing people in extravagent ways. I recall hearing stories where if something like that ever happened in the olden days like; capturing a p.o.w from an enemy tribe, they would be slaughtered in contrast to the respect you would handle a freshly hunted animal. In a sense, it was to make sure a mans soul wouldn’t make it into the afterlife.
Keep in mind, it was mostly done during wartime

Make Anatolia white again!

arent we all africans anyways?

That's why I said "depends how you define sacrifice." It probably wasn't an offering to the gods but it was certainly a gruesome ritual with religious connotations.

didnt sapiens originate from africa though? around nile river

I think they are saying in the Baltics now

I see what you mean. Just the word “sacrifice” today has this strong connotation with being a ritual to god.
But yeah, it definitly varied from tribe to tribe

Sorry, it was Greece and Bulgaria, not the Baltics

I have a decent amount of respect for native americans but they are in such a sorry pathetic state now it's hard to think of them as anything more than drunken savages

i meant the homo sapiens, aka the modern human. not the first ones.