They couldn't tell it was david because of the hair color
So how did he dye his hair so fast?
They couldn't tell it was david because of the hair color
So how did he dye his hair so fast?
Plothole thread?
Mother can tell the difference between crew members by scanning them - except for Droids
Can scan for different life forms in the ship - except for embryos
Not just timing your planet excursion for after a storm passes
Goo only affects animals
Everything pops out fully grown
Did you forget the part where David dyes his hair to look like Lawrence?
not exactly a plot hole, just a character acting unbelievably stupid
>neomorph just killed that one chick in the city
>Captain comes across David talking to the neomorph, trying to calm it down over her fucking corpse
>captain shoots the neomorph, and then acts like he doesn't trust David
>follows David into his laboratory to see his "successes" despite everything he just witnessed and threatening to shoot him earlier
>Can scan for different life forms in the ship - except for embryos
Feminists made the government ban scanning for embryos because muh discrimination against womyn.
Hi fans, Ridley Scott here! Do you remember back in 1979 when I first took you down to LV-426? Wasn't it wonderful? Didn't that giant space jockey straddling the cannon fill you with awe and wonder? Wasn't it mysterious to see this alien organism, perfect in every way for murdering humans. What a mysterious history they must have had, evolving over millions of years predating on humans perhaps? Just who exactly was the jockey? Such a great mythos, right guys?
LOL FUCK OFF, An android created all the aliens 10 years before the crew of the Nostromo reaches LV-426. The giant was an engineer and they created humans.
What a fucking hack, he's completely lost his touch and he shouldn't be allowed near any film sets of any classic films ever again.
Cryosleep isn't very advanced yet during the events of Prometheus and Covenant so it's giving the crew bain damage.
David mentions evolution and monkey's common ancestor mutating to humans.
So how does this make sense with Engineers creating humans?
>Turn a a million year old alien fossil into a suit of a greek god infected by a human android created just 20 years before alien
>Mad that old alien fans do't like it
Dude they both have different hair colors in the movie so it would be easy to spot who's who
Thanks - this is what was bothering me so much and couldn't quite put my finger on it until I re-watched Alien again post-Covenant. The first time you see that ship and the fossilized space jockey it builds a much larger mystery in your mind making humans feel vastly insignificant and vulnerable. Also the size difference was greater in Alien, the jockey was much bigger, making the humans feel like little kids. Scott had to fuck that up in Prometheus so we could get face-to face with the humans and engineers in a two-shot.
You forgot
>Predators have been battling Aliens for millions of years
Unless Predators are made uncannon now in the new Prequel timeline
he transferred himself into Walter
relax. the giant space jockey is the 3rd breed of Engineers.
Prometheus Engineers are the second and Covenant Engineers are the most impure hence they look deformed
I hope I am right otherwise Ridley done goofed
AVP was never canon. The comics exist as their own thing.
I mean the giant space jockey is the very first creation hence the Bible says "THERE WAS GIANTS IN THOSE DAYS"
Predator is canon, as is Predator 2.
Why don't these hollywood hacks ever realise that origin stories only ever diminish the classics.
A msytery is infinitely better, scarier and more interesting than some shitty back story you've just pulled out of your ass crack. Let your fucking films have some mythos and mystery and stop fucking your classic films for a quick buck
>AVP was never canon
user I...
tfw no Predator Vs Dinosaur flick
>never acknowledged in Alien franchise at all
AVP was never canon. Let it go.
I feel like I already read this exchange before
about as canon as Prometheus and Covenant
Oram asked David to tell him what was going on. David showed him.
No, Prometheus and Covenant are far more related to the original movies. AVP has always existed as a what if cross universe story. A little easter egg in Predator 2 means fuck all compared to actual storylines that are reinforced in Prometheus and Covenant.
>doesn't think to tell everyone else a crew member just died
>or that the android they met there is acting suspicious
>loses all sense of caution after learning that David was experimenting with and creating the animals that just killed his wife and some of his crew
Yeah, that's not what I was criticizing user.
it's fake hair, he scalped walter and replaced his own with it
>muh avp
no one gives a fuck about avp, it's not even what branches Alien and Predator and no amount of crying will make Prometheus and Covenant any less non-canon.
kek what?
>actually Alien and Predator take place in the same universe but prometheus doesn't. Anyone who disagrees is pleb shill.
We were talking about AVP to begin with. Learn how to follow a conversation user.
>an easter egg in Predator 2 makes it more canon than Prometheus and Covenant
You're a funny guy.
Of course he done goofed you apologist head cannoning retard
it's not a plothole, they just never explained it
it would seem wheat is something the engineers gave us when they created human life on Earth
Actually, from the time David is able to create the perfected xenomorph, 330 years pass all the way to Resurrection. I would think that's plenty of time for an engineer to investigate what happened to the colony David decimated, get his own dumbass infected and crashes where the nostromo crew finds him and his ship along with facehugger eggs, since we now understand Black goo infection + engineer = facehuggers. This also means that there would probably be enough time for the predators to hear rumors of a planet that is home to an unfathomably resilient and hostile species, and they use it as the ultimate test of their abilities for a couple hundred years. It can still all fit.
>literally nothing in covenant or prometheus can occur in the timeline of Alien and make any sense at all
What matters for something to be canon is if it fits logically into the rest of a series.
The Aliens being created less than 10 years before Alien does not make sense from the simple fact that they flat out say that the ship on LV426 and its occupant were ancient.
An Alien having been hunted by a Predator at some point in the distant past (of Alien) makes more logical sense than Prometheus or Covenant.
Deal w/ it, Scott, you fucked up and fucked up hard.
engineers started the life cycle that would eventually evolve intelligent life starting with the amoeba, they didn't just create humans
You didn't even put a worm on the bait
They hunt them as a rite of passage
which is why the original script was far fucking superior
>shaw finds evidence of actual genetic tampering with the human genome every millenium until very recently.
>takes it to weyland
It's the latest point in the timeline, I don't know
>The Aliens being created less than 10 years before Alien does not make sense
The aliens weren't created by David, they existed already in some form, either as the Deacon species or something else. You can see murals of them in Prometheus.
Typical brainlet, talking about shit you know nothing about.
The only real plothole in the movie is how David has longer hair when he's an android. That literally makes no sense, unless he's been juicing with the black goo.
Then you should have no problem finding a screencap of a deacon or neomorph from the 1979 film, right?
the black goo literally doesn't work on bots
I truly don't understand why people say that the engineer DNA that is sown into our water doesn't make any sense for creating all life on earth.
Every single living organism shares a percentage of genetic material. There are no completely unique bodies on this planet. As we know, a factor in evolution is environmental hazard, and things evolved differently throughout time. How does this not make sense? It's what they fucking teach in elementary. It stands to reason we, being the best thing to rise to the surface throughout all these millenia, would end up following a very similar path of evolution that an engineer would, despite differences in our planet causing us to be shorter, proximity to our sun causing skin differences, etc., but sharing identical genetic properties. Did you know killer whales and walruses are more closely related to wolves than each other? Genetics can be ridiculously volatile, but the way it's presented in prometheus and covenant definitely don't raise objections from me.
Unproven. David holds it on his fingertip, but skin is your first defense against infection. Other times it was transmitted through other means, such ingestion, intercourse, etc.
There's the xeno in the orginal film, which is not contradicted by anything in these prequel movies yet. Now find a screencap of the Predator in these movies mental midget.
If I remember correctly weren't the engineers still giant in prometheus?
Evolution never happened so all that's a misnomer.
The only thing life shares is similar code. Much like, a code that deals with processing water or air or color in the flesh and so on. Imagine a person writing DNA and he's using functions repetitively. No need to reinvent the wheel. You have a DNA class that handles breathing air and growing hair and adding color to your organism. You reuse those.
Of course you'd retort with "weak bait"---you'd say incredulously. And then I'll say, But show me, no, show all of us, the first instantiation of life becoming the last from muck to man; one creature becoming less of what was and more of what it is supposed to be. Of course you can't and have to rely on lies like, allele frequencies that doesn't show us anything at all. You'll cite fruit flies and bacteria and viruses and all kinds of things that isn't at all observable testable Recreate able proof of the first animal becoming its successor species; something anything that's alive today. Then you'll say, there's fossils that proves this and then I'll retort with, No, those are extinct animals. To prove those animals are connected to anything alive today would require you provide both skeletal and genetic proof of one creature evolving into its successor species without any breaks in between. you'll cite more rhetoric care of your fellow liars who themselves relies on endless words instead of actual proof which you and they never had. And that's where we'll end our little tiff. You'll say, Get Educated and I'll Retort with, Show me, Testable Observable Recreate able proof of the first instantiation of life evolving over a billion years into anything alive today. Of which you can never show Because Evolution, is Bullshit. But of course you'll say, "This is bait." Because your ignorance hasn't any thing else to say because you know that I am right. But you'll put on a stiff upper lip and pretend to be the one in the right event though you're horribly wrong.
they were space marine tier huge
They were bigger than humans, but still not nearly as big as the space jockey in Alien.
So you're saying you can't find a mural of a deacon or neomorph in the 1979 film?
I like this pasta.
So you're saying that's not at all relevant to the discussion?
Hey user what scene is that mural in?
>The aliens weren't created by David, they existed already either as the Deacon species or something else.
So you can't find anything that shows this in the first film..?
So I personally liked the movie but I'm trying to figure out how David was able to get clearance on the ship using his own name and code, earlier he used walters, but at the very end of the movie he uses his own. Is the ship a weyland yutani ship or might this have been a fuck up?
I'll need to research the first film this weekend. I figured theyve also been space marines size, which is what the other user mentioned right above your response.
While standing they would be at least 4 meters tall with the suit on.
An atheist is a liar. A Contradiction, if you will. He believes that all things came about by chance and yet to even begin to study the truth of the hidden places of life he has to spend sometimes decades studying and retooling his craft, endlessly. He has to employ or ask for the assistance of fellow scientist, and all of them along with endless devices and all their collective knowledge, spends thousands of hours year after year trying to crack the code and recreate life. And yet these very people in the same breath will tell you that nothing for no reason created life perfectly on its first try. They managed to craft synthetic DNA from baser elements but to create said Synthetic purposeless DNA required knowledge and technologies that an every day plebian who are themselves a highly intellectual complicated being cannot just go there and recreate. And yet, Atheist will tell you and I that the random bumping of molecules created life. They with their atom smashers and their molecular building apparatuses cannot, with knowledge of functionary systems, make life. Yet random bumping, that was without a mind, or a thought or a will or direction or a doctorate or eyes or comprehension or any of the modern proclivities we rely on and are spoiled with some how created life. So this random bumping made DNA and a trillion variations of it and a built in function to self improve depending upon environmental conditions. And they'll have us believe all that. All without as it happened proof that is both skeletal and genetic of one creature evolving into its successor species. If all atheist died tomorrow, the world would be a better place.
Thanks buddy!
When the crew first enters the chamber the black goo urns are, there's a very clear mural of an alien queen on one of the walls, I think David is looking at it for while.
>Mother can tell the difference between crew members by scanning them - except for Droids
Androids are just machines, why would Mother care?
Well we all know that your Mother didn't care if someone she knew or a stranger entered her.
He was a shitty leader not equipped to handle pressure and make smart decisions, it's part of his character. Plus he was armed, so he had false sense of security when he was with David. He thought he was in control of the situation.
You ask a big banger proof of the big bang and they'll say, Observe the back ground radiation. But the back ground radiation is not proof that a singularity self created from nowhere for no reason only to expand perfectly on its first try trillions of times faster than the speed of light or retconningly just fast enough to overcome its own gravitation well only to slow down by self created black matter so as not to fly apart and then after forming particles it engages in mutual assured destruction as particles and anti particles battles for supremacy with the survivng particles risk becoming several black holes instead of one big dimensional sized one like previously so these particles create dark energy which compels all this stuff to return to its previous several trillions of times faster than light expansion speed. You ask a big banger to prove this and they'll say, "Well I know there's no God so piss off." You know how you can stomp a big banger, Ask them to provide Observable. Recreate Able proof as to why another singularity hasn't happened yet. If the first happened without reason and unexpectedly, what's preventing another one, and another one, and another one, and another one, and another one, and another one, and another one?
I just hope for your sake that you don't really believe this. We have inactive virus dna in our own dna, on multiple spots that monkeys have them too. The closer two species are related, the more of these spots (statistically) coincide. This can be combined with other proofs such as fossil record and mutations that are similar in closely related species (humans and monkeys not able to synthesize vitamin c for example).
Evolution is the best explanation, it's pretty much unthinkable it didn't happen.
stop replying to pasta you idiot
Ive been replying to pasta for 10 yrs whar u gonna do about it?
Again, The only way to show proof that men evolved would be for you to show as it happened genetic and skeletal proof of each creature evolving into its successor species. DNA is computer code. No, it's not code the way we'd do it, it's code the way God would do it. And who is God, whoever made us. I know God exist but that's another post.
As I was saying. You'll have to provide observable proof of one creature evolving into its successor species. Our code writer reused code like any good programmer would. He used libraries and other functions that pertained to a certain action or value. And yes, some of our DNA are inactive and that's because we lost perfection. Once perfection is restored, Our code that's deactivated will be reinstated. Foolish atheist claims that's dead or useless lizard code but in actuality, it's what we were when we were perfect. We were made to live forever. Of course you'll disagree but to disagree would require you showing us proof of the first creature becoming anything alive today.
>Mother can tell the difference between crew members by scanning them - except for Droids
MUTHUR colluding with David
>Can scan for different life forms in the ship - except for embryos
MUTHUR colluding with David
>Not just timing your planet excursion for after a storm passes
David mentioned that the storms could last for months at a time, and it's a very minor detail
Engis brought us agriculture maybe
>Goo only affects animals
Goo was only 'used' on animals
>Everything pops out fully grown
Not so
I had so many unanswered questions after Covenant
It's the autistic fans fault for asking explanation about everything. Same reason why Lucas invented midi-chlorians.
So in Prometheus when the engineer DNA matches Humans, wouldn't all DNA on earth be identical?
LV-426 has nothing to do with Prometheus/Covenant/David
You do realize mankind has exterminated the inferior species they come from?
he told the goo to act like hair dye and it did.
So instead of hiring some of science fictions most brilliant minds, Ridley half asses a picture and he's absolved because its the fans fault for having asked in the first place?
The Warchowski brothers had an idea but they were not altogether sure where to go with it so they consulted, scientist, and philosophers and futurist. And it shows. Ridley's just lazy.
For any of it to be real would require forensic levels of proof. That is you'll have to provide both genetic and skeletal evidence that bridges species or there is no correlation.
Jewish Hollywood trope magic
White blonde blue-eyed people are evil, even androids.
He is evil, so he most be blonde and blue-eyed, same with Vickers in Prometheus.
Ethnic stereotyping is fine as long as it's against white people.
>the only way to prove a plant grew from seed to flower is to literally see every moment of the process.
You think you smart but you brainlet
>The Warchowski brothers had an idea but they were not altogether sure where to go with it so they consulted, scientist, and philosophers and futurist. And it shows.
What movie are you talking about? Because if you're talking about Matrix they ripped off Total Recall and Tetsuo the iron man
Excuse me?
So did the Space Donkeys create black goo or did they just find it somewhere?
The zenomorph there it's just an easter egg.
Heck as far as I know it could be a fucking Hydralisk.
>find the specific alien species, that they now say David created, on LV-426
>nothing to do with it
>Mother can tell the difference between crew members by scanning them - except for Droids
David is literally the first ever fully functioning humonoid intelligent android Weyland made, and the only one Weyland considered his "son", it's pretty obvious he had certain rights that newer models didn't get, hence the super sekrit backdoor password into Mother.
>Engis brought us agriculture maybe
No, Wheat has a pretty well traced origin and has changed substantially since the middle ages alone, if they introduced wheat to Earth, then they shouldn't have modern wheat on this new planet.
Not at all. You are a bed of contradictions.
That's hearsay.
Brothers. As in, born a male die a male.
>Brothers. As in, born a male die a male.
Uhm, no, sweetie. You can stop trying to deadname people any time now.
I think it must have been a poor attempt to hint at that as a possibility though. It seems so out of place otherwise.
That's the only thing that made sense to me too.
Both of you are kissless virgins.
I bet you're real fun at parties - if you ever got invited to any
You look at their dna and clone them, you will have a baby boy. Dressing like a girl and cutting off your powers does in no way a girl make you. it makes you a sad mentally diseased individual but it does in no way make you a woman. Their stink would smell manly. They were fooled. They have irreparably destroyed themselves. What a sad existence they now suffer.
the matrix is just a bunch of dumb anime shit redressed as a live action flick and with some admittedly "cool" (at the time at least) action filmmaking gimmicks.
And "people" like you are why we #RESIST.
Droids don't have wifi?
Mother could just see the different MAC address from David
Ridley pls
You can resist all you want. You can dress up and run about and do with all your powers the shout shout shout. It will not change a thing. You are what you were born as, that, will never change. And you cannot force anyone to change their values.