/dixie/ Southern US & Friends

in remembrance of Him edition

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tried kfc when I was in prague
didn't like it

original recipe or extra crispy?

it wasn't super crispy so I guess it was original?

if your country hasn't been plagued by american imperialism it's not a real country

gotta get extra crispy

KFC is alright

we dont have those options in turkey
figure its the same in urp

that's a shame

he is still working hard


are the sides at least decent?

the mac n cheese and the mashed potatoes?

we dont have those either
you used to only get biscuits, coleslaw or FRENCH fries
they also started making onion rings but they are honetly too expensive

i mean it was enough since KFC and popeyes are the only places where you can get southern biscuits and coleslaw, even though popeyes coleslaw will give you food poisoning

Mcdonalds and burger king makes regional food during ramadan and shit but the fried chicken joints dont

>no mashed potatoes n gravy
>no mac n cheese
>no corn
>no potato wedges
why live

oh wait there is corn i forgot
im just not a big fan of corn with chicken

*procedes to blame the french*

Saw the thumb and now I have to post here since I love KFC. If I had an income, I'd probably eat 'em once a month.

>once a month
jesus christ lad get a job

fried chicken is good for the soul malaybro

maybe turkey isnt 3rd world afterall

>at the gym
>bunch of firemen are there lifting weights
>all of them are like 5'5 or shorter
what the heck

>at the gym
Kys yourself n*rMiE

t. firemanlet

*drinks tea*
*steals your tax money*

they still look like they could kick the shit out of me

Thats right bitch boi sit down

Chad Fireboi
Virgin Taxpayer

I'm a student but I live with my parents since the uni's close by. I can't as of yet, my parents keep borrowing from me or "persuade"me to buy them things and being a "good son" I shouldn't expect them to pay it back. I did a part time job a few weeks back and almost half of my pay I spent on them buying groceries, treat them to dinner/lunch.

It's tearing me apart and it's making me scared to handle money.

Amen to that, Ameribro.

>im a student with no job
>my parents keep stealing my money
What a bunch of useless parents

>delved into the odd spaces of the internet
>emerged with a cache of rare harlands

i will share with /dixie/ for these are truly dank

>colonel sanders and alice cooper

The she-abo in the Let's Dance music video is really cute

>making me scared to handle money
you can still handle money the same way and get into good habits
if you can find a job with a high enough pay (such that it's even worth doing this), i'd work and just tell them upfront "you'll get 30% of my earnings", save 20-25% of it in long term savings, and use the rest as spending money
i know we're not talking about much money at all but it's a good idea to save about 20-30% of your income for long term savings or investments

harland on a camel

harland with a horse

harland sings a song


harland murders a chicken to feed his hungry patrons

Arkansas you are starting to scare me stop

harland is a centaurcorn

i found so much

the grave of harland

I'm glad this picture exists.

the body of harland
>why is there a pic of this

harland is 1/7 of the way to making a wish

harland and his band

harland with his bitches

thanks for the tip, dude

based colonel-posting, i'm saving all these

the phylactery of harland

>ill stop now

only 2 more candles lads

stop by /dixie/ anytime malaybro

do you celebrate both hannukah and christmas since you're half jewish?

yeah but the russian orthodox chrirstmas is different from the catholic one I think
santa claus comes by on new year's eve

>kikes and mudskins killing each other

thanks, man
this general's pretty comfy it seems :)


I do celebrate easter though


>there's actually a curse from a southern fried chicken mogul

they shouldn't have disrespected his image

his power is beyond their reckoning

> In addition, a Colonel Sanders statue was taken from the storefront of aKFCin nearbyKōbe, and its hands were cut off supposedly in imitation ofSharia law.[9]
hwat? why'd the disrespect the man like that?



Probably should have had some food with all that booze.

good mem


Hate normies desu

>tfw finally got around to fixing my baes
my fingers hurt

>fixing my baes

My bass was broken.
I fixed the bitch.

Oh your bass


I like this song

My Little Armalite
Republicanism is Magic

Beidh ár lá linn
>captcha: queen tratar

Did someone said republic????
Make way for the best republic please, oligarcucks and ''''constitutional''' monarshits need not apply

sounds like shit




thanks i live and breathe for confirmation of the superior french peoples

still a couple of days left for that /yearofthefrenchgf/

Cmon jesus

better song than the Marseillaise imo
i like it because everyone sings in it : the deputy, the mother, the old man, the kid, the spouse, the maid, and the warrior

>everyone sings it
i dunno france...
Sounds like communism to me

here's another version then you whiny bitch


they're past their prime, everyone agrees kfc is shit now
any other chicken place is better. I like el pollo loco and popeyes

whats it say

>Drove from Ohio to Tennessee to see my mom for Thanksgiving
>Have to take a leak so I pull over at a rest stop in Cincinnati just a couple miles from the border
>Everyone at rest stop speaks with a basic american accent
>Cross bridge into Kentucky
>need gas
>Everyone in gas station less than ten miles from the border speaks with an outrageous southern accent
I was not expecting the transition to be that fucking quick, I figured that accents would change gradually as I traveled further south instead the second you cross the border it's "WALL CAME TA KENT UCK EEE Y'ALL!"

kentucky is a particularly thickly accented state

Was on a plane from Germany to New Orleans once and the people behind me were from Oklahoma and their accent made me embarrassed to be American, their accent was so fucking bad, and they were all fat and wearing football jerseys, like these people hungout in Germany representing us.

Fuck people like that




got a bottle of this today


i see nothing wrong there

a patriot with a beer and a gun in his hot tub


go away

soon to have a freezer full of deer meat
that's a man that knows how to do it

fukken love deer

>deer stew with potatos and onions and cavenders seasoning

oh shit here the dat boy
in shitty finnish




how's it going boys


Ayyyy how you doin' I'm-a from Texas! We oall toalk like 'dis! How you doin', I'm-a from Texas! A bada bing a bada boom, a gabiche? Cuppa joe! Piece 'a' pizza! A madonna mia santa maria! Capicola!