
Rainių žudynės – vienas iš Raudonosios armijos nusikaltimų Lietuvos teritorijoje.
Rainių miškelyje netoli Telšių 1941 m. naktį iš birželio 24 d. į 25 d. įvykdytos kalinių žudynės, kurių metu buvo nukankinti 73 intelektualai, teisininkai, politikai ir kitokie „liaudies priešai“, tarp kurių buvo Vladas Petronaitis.
Nužudymas pasižymėjo išskirtiniu žiaurumu – vyrams nupjauti liežuviai, jų pilvai badyti durtuvais, išspardyti lyties organai ir sukišti į burnas, sutraiškyti kaulai, išdurtos akys, išmaišytos smegenys, nukapotos galūnės. Taip buvo daryta siekiant išgąsdinti kitus lietuvius karo pradžioje.
Užkastas aukas po keleto dienų rado praeivis. Vienas kaltinamųjų baudžiamojoje byloje Nr. 09-2-024-88 – Petras Raslanas po 1990 m. kovo 11 d. pasislėpė Rusijoje, kuri jį dangsto.

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I didn't know what to write so I just copy pasted that desu


do you think you could've been more brutal?

If I tried yeah for sure
I would take their eyes and pour some acid in those wholes and wait till that acid would reach the brain


they probably would day before the acid reaches the brain?


I don't know need to experiment to see if that is true

would be pretty hard to get a test subject

I don't think that kidnapping is that hard

talking from experience ?

Nope I'm just imagining it in my mind

how would you go about kidnapping someone?

You can't stop time :( youtube.com/watch?v=tpc6QR1li_g

Weird collab

Well first of all I would get a cellphone jammer so nobody could call the police or anywhere else.
I would probably just drive to some more remote place at night and just wait in car for some lonely victims. And when I would see one I would try to sneak up pull out cloth with some chloroform and put it all over this persons mouth and wait till he would lose consciousness. Tho that person would have to be physically weaker to pull this off. Then just drag this person in my car and drive away.

This seems highly planned out, seems like you have been planing this for a long time, do you want to torture someone that much? What would you do to that person after capturing him?

>a cellphone jammer
Are these illegal and/or expensive?

Sometimes I like to thing about these situations
Well for now I don't have a reason to do this I would only do this for maybe some person that I really hate that have done some terrible things to me, but such person doesn't exist

>Well for now I don't have a reason to do this I would only do this for maybe some person that I really hate that have done some terrible things to me, but such person doesn't exist
So you have zero ( 0 ) enemies? Sounds very pacifistic

>Sounds very pacifistic
Do you have many enemies?

The world is my enemy! But no not really probably not even a single one I was just asking him

hmm I don't know they might illegal and they can cost like >100$
There are jammers that can block all these signals: 3G, GSM, 4G LTE, WiFi, Bluetooth

feeling hungry now
going to a store

Apparently you can get 750 – 1 450 euro fine for using or distributing those jammers

>So you have zero ( 0 ) enemies? Sounds very pacifistic
Well yeah I don't really have any enemies there are some people(a lot of people) that I don't like, but I don't consider them my enemies I just consider them like filthy bugs

Do baltic prussians look like this?


thread theme song

Nice taste
t. supreme gentleman

enjoying a cup of coffee...

*spill your coffee*

*kicks your face in*

a bit of overreaction there mate
*stab you in the face*

*activates cell phone jammer*

no... not the jammer!

>when people don't flush the toilet

nice now nobody will be able to call the police while I'm gonna stab him in the face


hmm a hour passed already maybe he got hit by a car?

Rest in piece lithweeb\
I will never forget you

where are ya cunts

the store that I go to is very far away
just got back and ate

I'm here, but not a cunt.

What did you eat?

oh I see, do you go it by bus or on feet?

a sandwich and currently there is kibinas in the oven warming up for me to eat
feet of course, better for health

good point

Look quite tasty.

yeah and the buses are usually full of people which is very annoying
yeah its alright, when done with good chicken
have you eaten anything yourself today?

Yeah and don't you want to get car license?

maybe in the future, for now the legs serve me well enough

>eaten anything yourself today
Had lamb earlier with the usual mixture of vegetables.

Very difficult to survive in Ireland without a licence, unless you live in an large urban area with good transport. Is it similar in Lithuania?

Oh that sounds nice, I don't think that I ever eaten lamb what does it taste like?
>Is it similar in Lithuania?
Well everywhere that I go isn't that far and Vilnius isn't that big so you can survive just by using a bus

revolveru vietā šaujam bonīti un šaibas

>tfw you realized that Slavs evolved from Balts

why even live

Slavs descend from the Baltides

hello, my ancestor

>Didn't visit Sup Forums for 2 days

oh my thats a long time

For a few years I have been here almost every day




What anime?

learn to search for source newfag

Muh ancestor Atlantis :3

šlovė seniem dievam




Mate I've been here for four years, only new people call peopl newfags.

I stopped using Sup Forums X as for some reason greasemonkey was freezing firefox, might be better now idk

>reddit spacing
>4 years
>not a newfag

>be Latvia
>have alien passports

>I've been here for four years

we are kinda dicks desu


but now that I think about it not really desu

Don't go to reddit desu. How long have you tosspots been coming here for then?

Which boards are you usually browsing?


NOT a fan


>Dzimšanas Vieta: Krievija


>How long have you tosspots been coming here for then?
You want to know too much senpai, longer than 4 years though I actually don't remember myself, probably either since 2010 or 2009 don't remember it clearly
That was a joke see This game was boring as fuck didn't even finish it, Kaz was one of the better parts of the game though



>probably either since 2010 or 2009
thats pretty long time longer than me at least



yeah but most of that time was just me spending my time in /h/ or /c/ and Sup Forums

I see
You still go to all of those boards right?

Wait a minute if you started like in 09 or 10 you were like 10-11 years old weeew a total kid

only /c/ and Sup Forums
/h/ is shit in general
yeah but I very rarely used to browse those boards actually maybe like few hours a month at most

oh I see, did you understood everything that was written at the time?

no I was just looking at images that I thought were nice and that's it

This happened to me last time in 2015. I guess we don't count in the days I went to 8ch instead.


no not really

