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trailer analysis edition
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Put the trailer in the OP you tard

On her way to kill Littlefinger

What the fuck is Brienne doing this season?

1st for dragons

Torgo Nudho

>trailer analysis edition
aka "saying 'S7 gonna be fucking terrible' in 310 different ways".

Might join the rain beyond the Wall to get a wight, where Thoros dies

Euron Gayjoy

Why does Cersei have the best armpits in all the seven kingdoms?

need hair

>You rang?

Queen Cersei

>What the fuck is Brienne doing this season?
Killing Randyll Tarly?
She can't rest as long as there are evil men in Westeros.
And by 'Evil men' I really mean 'Men'.

Well of course that's assuming D&D remember the Brienne/Randyll meeting from the books. If they do of course they'll have her kill him, as just one more Fuck You to the readers. But it might not be on the wiki so maybe he'll just disappear I guess, and Brienne will kill Euron maybe?

Daily reminder that Stannis is still very much alive and will avenge his fallen comrades.

That's like one episode, out of seven.

This season seems completely devoid of content. It sounds like a couple battles and then filler to set up the final epic battle against the White Walkers.

so she's gonna see mel at some point. maybe as a wolf

Why don't they just shoot the dragons?

>That's like one episode, out of seven.

More time than Bran is getting

cersie is WHITE

That looks derpy as fuck. Even more than the normal derpy armour design.

>Why don't they just shoot the dragons?

On the way back, Dany ambushes part of the Lannister army - defeating them despite their possession of anti-dragon artillery, designed by Qyburn.

Qyburn has your back user

James Lannister

Any Op please link
to the leaks:
Script leaks:
Trailer: m.youtube.com/watch?v=giYeaKsXnsI#action=share


arya feeling heavy?

fucking villain sue

>Meeting at the dragonpit with basically everyone. They demonstrate the reality of the white walkers and it terrifies Cersei (apparently the Mountain[or the Hound] chops up the wight and it keeps moving, Jon shows them the only way to kill it is with dragonglass or fire). She tells them she will send forces to help defeat the undead, but admits to Jamie she was lying. She wants the undead to clear out as many of her enemies as possible. Disgusted, Jamie begins to ride North. Likely happens episode 7.



/got/ is the Trump general of Sup Forums

not even a pitfag but these are a true wonder desu

Maisie looks fat and surprisingly Emilia looks back to normal
What a tweest

Hand of the Queen


Why are they even pretending that the Lannisters have power anymore? Its fucking ridiculous, nobody should support her.

>Bron saves Jamie from a dragon, and the two manage to escape.

Based Lord Bron

Dorne governuh and Greyjoy lesbian kiss

>women will literally rather fuck men without penises than your fat ass

best girl

is it one seven episode season
or a two-part fourteen episode season

stannis and monford velaryon


want em

wish she had madonna tufts

who is /our guy/ this season ? who do we root for ?

I'm glad we have consensus fellow patrician

100% this

>Meeting at the dragonpit with basically everyone. They demonstrate the reality of the white walkers and it terrifies Cersei (apparently the Mountain[or the Hound] chops up the wight and it keeps moving, Jon shows them the only way to kill it is with dragonglass or fire). She tells them she will send forces to help defeat the undead, but admits to Jamie she was lying. She wants the undead to clear out as many of her enemies as possible.
kek. Hope they kill a few of these meme characters

> Disgusted, Jamie begins to ride North. Likely happens episode 7.
Oh. RIP jaime.


so like ah... who was castellan at dragonstone all this time?

who is opening the gates for them?

Unsullied attacking Casterly Rock spoiler alert

>Its not doing what he killed Aerys for trying to do
>its not for killing the tyrells and causing their son's suicide
>Its not for killing their uncle Kevan
>Its all because she lied to jonny snu
>after an entire season of him being her bitch and waging war on her behalf
Absolutely disguisting

He's been found and brought back to Melisandra

>Hand of the Queen

I'll take a shot everytime "Hand of the queen" is uttered on the show.

Not as a drinking game or anything. Just to drink away this cringy shit.



>Thoros dies
But will Beric Dondarrion atleast survive?

Mel in Dragonstone

So I heard the original costume designer left. Guess that's why everything is so underwhelming

Seriously they could have cast her as a Northern warrior like Dacey Mormont

I post in both ยจ^)

Nothing leaked to say he dies, but without Thoros he's obviously on his last life.

How did Melisandre travel back to Dragonstone anyways?

Arya camping

she'll be killed or maybe dany will have magical ability to see through her disguise?

why do I feel like this season is gonna be NOTHING HAPPENS: THE SEASON. the trailer was extremely underwhelming, gotta add some filler before the great finale I guess.

Lord Tyrion of House Lannister, the lord of Casterly Rock

Thats a nice ship ya got there. Be a shame if someone was to bring along a dragon and burn the fook outta it.

Wouldn't mind her using my war maul desu

It's one series, split into two parts and then each half padded. Like the last Harry Potter film

It's a single three act structure, spread over a long intermission. This one ends at the heroes lowest point, with the Wall being destroyed by the Night King and his undead Dragon


Jon, Jorah, Tormund, Gendry, Hound & Co. surrounded by Night King's army spoiler alert

I hope they don't all die this is so stressful not to know if they'll make it alive, the show is killing so many good guys right?

Then Beric should be a little bit careful, don't ya think user?

Beric Dondarrion better keep care of his soul.

do you think she poisons her? I just thought of that.

CIA about to die :(

Only Thoros dies, gets slowly eaten by a zombie polar bear

i would have to guess she rode on a fucking horse and then she used her pussy to secure a boat crossing to dragonstone

>hurr muh teleport

i know you spergs have difficulty with time passing off screen but it could be months between when she was banished in the north to arriving in dragonstone

Davos in Dragonstone talking to Dany and Tyrion

It's really humiliating as well. He tries to use the letter Sansa wrote from five years ago to split Arya and Sansa apart. Not only does it not make sense, it's a plot ripped from Hollyoaks.

Is that badpoosi?

Reminder that the FINAL SCENE OF THE SERIES will be

>Euron on the Iron Throne
>Jon Snow's head on a spike to his left
>Daenerys' head on a spike to his right
>Tyrion's skull used as a footstool

>wow thoros died, it could've been tormund or jon too! was a close one!


Fucking how

Dany and Tyrion in Dragonstone talking to Davos

Jaqen H'ghar will appear through the forrest, meet Arya again for 3th time and together they will perform "Morghullis" to Arya's enemies.

>it's a plot ripped from Hollyoaks

Same way Theon got to Iron Islands. By their holes for transportation.

>tfw no qt nature loving gf to go camping with who gets frustrated with you for not collecting dry firewood making you go back in the woods to get more in the near dark before finally lighting the fire just as the sun sets then later says sorry for getting mad while snuggling up to your warmth smelling like pine resin, smoke and rotten leaves

Jaime is no longer in the kingsguard so Tyrion is usurping his brother's position. Will Dany give Jaime back his job on the kingsguard?

YES!!! Please!!! Let the normies rage

and then you woke up and D&D were in charge of the show.

Dothraki attacking Lannisters

He rowed back to Kings Landing and is back working as a blacksmith

Davos leaves Winterfell with Jon, but does a detour through KL and finds Gendry. Makes a quip about him "still rowing", then drags Gendry along to Dany's meeting.

Jon takes him along Walker hunting, since he's there.

And what will Beric Dondarrion do about that? How would Beric react? His best friend getting mauled and eaten by a fucking icebear.

this place is fucking beautiful irl

>implying they would miss out on a chance to amp up the edgelord factor by a trillion

Don't do this to me user... you know it will end with Jon and Khaleesi getting married while everyone sings that fucking song

Bronn and Jaimie avoiding Drogon's breath spoiler alert

Ser Goomba "The Mountain" Clegane


Nice. But switch Trump with my girl Dany.

>I'm glad you came, rightfull queen, our las lord was Stannis Baratheon, and no men was more evil than him