The hell are you spooks up to?
The hell are you spooks up to?
You're big niggers
Reminder than Gran Torino is a blue pill disguised as a red pill.
is clint eastwood an egoist in this movie or something?
Elaborate so I can laugh at you
What did he have throat cancer or something?
no one cares about your generic stormfaggot semantic cancer you parasite. its a good film
hes obviously some stormfag nu/pol/ tryhard faggot.
Eastwoods character is very racist in this movie, but in the end he accepts the immigrants to his neighborhood.
He had a parasitic twin that eating him from the inside.
The twin took over his mind halfway through the movie which is why he grew to like the gooks.
disguised? even though it's about teaching toad to be a man, the second message is clear, he even says the gooks know him better than his family
you're letting Click-Clack, Ding-Dong and Charlie Chan just walk out with Miss What's-her-face.
I don't even know how someone can be stupid enough to interpret it as a red pill
No he doesn't
He accepts the folks that he learns are decent humans
He still didn't like the kid's cousins
I bet that gook crashed the gran turino within 6 months
why why did he have to pick that asian kid
as the costar, the worst actor that ruined the movie, there are good asian actors? were they all at work that day what the shit
i like how he was clearly a piece of shit to his own family, they ended up as pieces of shit too
and then he fucks them over again to treat a stranger better than them
Shut up, pussy. What is all this "bro" shit, anyway? Want to be Super Spade or something? These guys don't want to be your bro, and I don't blame 'em. Now get your ofay Paddy ass on down the road.
I thought the grand daughter was a shitty caricature on basically how older people think of all youngins. That was the only part I didn't really care for in the movie.
this, eastwood confirmed it in an interview
They specifically looked for Hmong people. Not that big of a group comparatively so they had slim pickings.
You say that but wait until you get older. Teens are pretty shitty dude. You were too.
Tbh there aren't really asians in Highland Park, it's just super black with a few white people (not unlike Walt). There are a lot of Bangladeshi nearby in Hamtramck though
>black thugs
>asian gang members/rapists
>hispanic gang members
>shitty, entitled white parents and grandkids
The only positive characters in the movie are the old man, the Hmong family, and the barber.
They are the only people who actually work for a living and uphold traditional values of honor, family, and hard work.
Hating on immigrants as an entire category is retarded. Some immigrants, asians especially, are actually beneficial for society and work hard
A derogatory term used in reference to people of Asian descent. It is said to have been coined during the Korean war by frontline troops whom had run over enemy troops in jeeps. The soldiers claimed that the tire tracks from the jeeps left a pattern resembling that of a closed zipper along the corpse.
He just accepted that not all of them are bad people
>are actually beneficial for society and work hard
tell that to canada. chinks inflate property values and price natives out of the housing market
he was fine compared to the girl.
casting call for this movie must have been a nightmare anyway
>asians especially, are actually beneficial for society and work hard
especially when they push out local business and evade taxes yeah, they good boys
another way of saying they outwork lazy locals
I thought the acting was fine, I easily believed the boy and girl as real people.
>actually defending the yellow Jew
>top one percent communist officials jump ship and bring the money they got off literal slave labour
What? Many Vietnamese immigrants were fleeing South Vietnam after it fell to the communists. They were U.S loyalists who would have been executed for assisting America.