She should get her own tv show
She should get her own tv show
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Tomi Lahren > Lauren Southern
on yes
How can one man be this much of an absolute pleb?
shit feet/10
Lauren (((Southern)))
should you get your own fuck off show?
Her feet belong in my mouth
shit taste famalam
post the anime leggings
you know the ones
Is it me or Sup Forums...has different heroes lately?
>dat thicc
>dat gap
jesus christ how has no one put a baby inside that breeding aperatus
shes a fucking 21 yr old canadian college dropout
>this is a 10 on Sup Forums
No way, she looks at least 28-29.
So who has bought her book?
She is not Jewish. You're misinterpreting that tweet.
>that title
reeks of entitlement
>dropping out of college means you are automatically dumb
She reminds me of Barbara Bouchet. Maybe we could persuade her to act in some Italian exploitation kino.
fuck off grandpa
In her case it was an exceedingly smart move. She was studying political science or some stupid shit that leads nowhere. Instead she just went straight into politics and is famous at 21.
t. college dropout
Another priveledged white person complaining about not having enouogh.
Shes not Canadian.
>refusing to ntj
She probably didnt want to continue being told to hate her race when she's meant to be learning instead
She is.
A fucking leaf.
Imagine having to pander to greasy neets who like to pretend they're white.
>when she's meant to be learning instead
that's where you're wrong kiddo, the only thing you're supposed to learn in (((modern universities))) is to hate the white race
>I'm going to fight refugees in another country that isn't my own.
Why do people cheer her again?
It doesn't help.
Fighting refugees anywhere is a good thing
>lmao who cares if niggers overrun the lands where Western civilization was built
I name you Ultracuck.
She likes in CA you mong. She wants nothing to do with your pathetic exuse for a country
Does she wear a pushup bra or just has really nice perky tits?
Post the picture you fucks
Kill yourself my man
>be moderately attractive
>pander to cuckservatives
>get money
She spends all her time in the US talking about US politics. Are you pretending to be dumb?
>She likes in CA you mong
so what? She's still a fucking leaf
> She wants nothing to do with your pathetic exuse for a country
no shit, I don't want anything to do with it either. Even Canada seems better than my meme country.
>people actually fell for the dude weed lmao meme and voted a guy who legalized it so now we have problems because of its financial ramifications
this stupid country could disappear and no one would miss it except maybe for the argies
Cuckservatives don't like ethnonationalist movements.
>21 years old
I'd like her a lot more if she wasn't a straigt up closeted white supremacist, even tough a lot of what she says is legit, it falls apart for me when I remember she's racist as fuck
Mods alreadydeleted it
>Shes not Canadian.
>clearly is Canadian
You're the only dumb one here buddy
Which pictures?
ThatguyT is the best libertarian eceleb at the moment senpai.
I'd like her a lot more if what you just said was true.
Christ, you're a little bitch. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you.
You can't fight immigrants if you are an immigrants.
You right I don't care. I'm not racist.
He's not your buddy, friend
It's pretty clear she's holding stuff back. Pic related.
Kill yourself.
I love how Stacies started to apply their high school cunning to bleed now the dregs of society.
Keep giving moneys to these 'redpiled' ''''''''beauties''''''' gents, keep the system working.
>>Sup Forums
and don't come back ever
I want to make white babies with her
Tomi Lahren is that obnoxious attention whore in 9th grade deciding to become a conservative figure
If that's the most damning evidence of her being a "straight up closeted white supremacist", your statement doesn't hold any weight.
Surely if it's as obvious as you make it seem, you can find some statements that are actually supremacist in nature?
Agree with you, but in my case they'd be caramel babies.
>sheltered privileged white girl spouting meme politics
Yeah, no.
She's good for reaching out to normies tho
Well, her leaving The Rebel due to disagreements with Ezra and immediately leaving to Europe to hang with actual white nationalists is the more significant evidence.
>she is 21 year old
>looks like 30+
>i'm 22 year old
>look like 16 years old
She's what "gamer girls" were 10 years ago. Failed Stacy 7/10s who aren't attractive enough to get attention from alphas but just cute enough to be worshiped by betas. So they infiltrate male-dominated nerdy subcultures and thrive off of the attention. You'd think the betas would have caught onto this pattern and would have learned to avoid it but nope, it works every single time.
That's just because you're morbidly skinny and lack vital amounts of sex hormones.
Except she has been conservative since she was a kid because her conservative dad made her question what she was learning in school. How does that fit into your theory?
>at group meeting for Uni
>mention it's my birthday so I don't feel like doing shit on that day and want to leave the meeting as soon as possible
>"Oh it's your birthday user, how old are you??"
Every time
Women, especially young uneducated and somewhat good looking ones, are legit incapable of caring about politics. She's just pretending to care so she can access to the untapped social circles of angry virginal loser young men. They literally feed on MASCULINE ENERGY. FUCK WOMEN
Best way to forward your movements is getting betas to pump in their money and labor. Using low rank stacies to that end works well enough.
All movements are carried on the backs of beta men and what beta men love are approachable cute girls. Leftists and rightists both caught onto this.
back to your subleddit faggot
not an argument.
>because her conservative dad made her question what she was learning in school
Damn, she #woke as fuck.
>ummmm no sweetie i'm not one of those FAKE gamer girls 'kay i had older brothers and i've been playing video games since i was 4 years old :)
It's remarkable, you people fall for the same old tricks your beta progenitors fell for back in the cake is a lie days.
you bet your ass my ancestors are proud of me
Fuck off MGTOW
She scares away normies in equal amounts
its shitty genetic
You literally did the same thing he did in your post you dumb piece of shit
>make shit up
>get snarky when someone calls you out on your flimsy bullshit
About what I expected.
>hurrr no women are ACTUALLY right wing even though millions of them vote for the republican candidate in every election hurrr
Dude, its hilarious seeing this from an outsider pov.
Its literally how women approach anything, if they see any gain for them they can become anything and change their almost non-existent views to pander their target.
oh i'll fuck her alright
Shitty genetics and shitty diet. You parents didn't tell you not to mouth breathe and now you have negative chin.
t. angry virginal loser young man
She needs to change her hairstyle, it really doesn't suit her face.
>n-n-no my beautiful alt right princess couldn't POSSIBLY only be in it for the fame and attention!
I almost envy you being this naive.
please go back to your containment area
>every woman is disingenuous
You pretend to understand human behavioral biology, but you don't really. You shouldn't develop your understanding of these things from reading a few Sup Forums infographics, because that's what you sound like right now.
The only containment area I have is your mothers dirty cunt
I recommend Robert Sapolsky's Stanford lecture on evolutionary biology, it's free on Youtube. Maybe you kids can learn something for real.
wow so insightful. white people surely are the voice of reason